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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Not yet........................ :/
  2. F-4E TuAF pack

    You are amazing!!!
  3. I know !!!!, but I think that the original version of this bird slightly modified , can still contribute a lot to the sim. I have 3D Max 2011 version ,and the lastest plug in I could find in the TK site for exporting LOD files is for 3D max 2009. It should work with my version?
  4. Mirage F-1

    Le Mirage F-1!!!!!! http://combatace.com/topic/79910-mirage-f-1-family/
  5. More pics in this case it is a F-1EE
  6. Cooming soon, this ones are from a "beta version" of a CR , in fact it lacks the front camera and the skin is not correct.
  7. My friend Cocas has done a superb refueling probe for the F-1 for which I made a Skin , and then, I Place it in the correct position with this result: I really really like the result, although the quality of my project is far from the other one being developed represents an amazing improvement over the original TMF F-1.
  8. Hi guys I have this in my hands: http://combatace.com/topic/79910-mirage-f-1-family/ I think we could help each other. Cangas
  9. Their project has much better quality than mine.................... However their project is being developed from Scratch and they only cover the C-200 series. Cocas is developing for me a refueling probe that I'll use to create also the C-200's from the TMF F-1C and specially the CR's which I need for my big projects that are the operation Oddisey Dawn and the operation Serval. Anyway it is nice to see two parallel projects dealing with the same aircraft...
  10. Hi guys, I'd like to know if it exits any 3D model of this probe or other similar to this one , because I'll need it in orther to improve the French Mirage F-1 CT/CR that I'm developing for the operation Oddysey Dawn and the Operation Serval. Thank you very much. Cangas
  11. I'm using the TMF F1C , I Know that the F1C-200 has the probe but it is not accurate and I don't like how it shows in the aircraft. However I've talked with Cocas who has a 3D model of the probe and he will colaborate with my in order to complete the aircraft.
  12. Hello I'm here again!!! Does any of you know where I can find the refuelinf probe of the Mirage F-1? Because I'm working on the Models CT/CR for this campaign. Thank you. http://combatace.com/topic/79895-refueling-probe-mirage-f-1/
  13. Here some pics of the cockpit of my Mirages, they are based in the SUE cockpit by Foxmonter, High resolution textures by Stary and modified by me , as well as the avionics which are 100% mine.
  14. Banidos-Team Mirage IIIEA Fuerza Aérea Argentina

    No funciona , deja de cargar cuando se llega al 100%
  15. After I don't really know how many months wihtout posting anything I decided to do it.... I have to say that the project is 100% alive and in progress but as you know, all that kind of things go slowly , so please be patient. I will try to have it ready for this spring, if I have time... As you can see in the video I posted some months ago , the level of progress is really good but more planes and let's say "things" are needed, at least in my opinion. Bonsoir à tout le monde!!!
  16. Italian navy planes coming soon.......
  17. New qatari air force Mirage 2000-9 added to the Mod. Did yo like the video?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mr5BJsrgis&list=HL1338477197&feature=mh_lolz I've made a video about all the things I did about the operation Odyssey Dawn....The only problem is that the guys from the US won't be able to listen the music of the video due to f***!!!!! copyrigth rules in youtube, all is legal, I did the video, I bought the music, I'm the guy who played with the planes but for them is wrong....I it ridiculous..... I've realized that I've called the video Operation "oddisey" instead of Odyssey..
  19. A reference which says that the US president is John Mcain............. But it has all the units and countries involved in the operation.
  20. Yes Wrench, that map would be the perfect one. It includes de black square where most of the operation was developed: But if it is a lot work....as I said, the libyan terrain we have in our hand is very good for what i'm doing.
  21. That's a silly question that I would like to ask you. I've download the superb operation Desert Storm...I've installed it but none of the pictures and the textures worked because.....all the textures were in jpg format not bmp. Any idea about that?
  22. The only problem is that the map that Wrench is rebuilding does not include Italy.....So, for my purposes, right now, your Lybian terrain is better....although we don't have corsica and Sicily...but anyway the map is superb.

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