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Posts posted by Liberty24

  1. You can put just the "cloud.tga" into WoV if you like. I've tried it and it works.


    But...I'm certain the environmentsystem.ini will not work. I have a new environmentsystem.ini file I worked on this weekend that I like very much. It's pretty easy on the framerate, makes puffy clouds, and puts them on various levels. Would you like to try it?


    Hi folks,

    I downloaded some cloudscape mod around two years ago. That one even gets the sun glare right. And it doesn't bleed the frame rate at all. Don't recall the author but it is not up on the download section anymore.


    I have FE 1 also and all the Wo* as well as SFP1. Upon comparison, WoI has puffy clouds by default. After reading this thread, I also tried out FE 1 just a couple of hours ago. PadFoot is right, the clouds looks vibrant. A bit like CFS2. Unlike Wo* and SFp1, puffy clouds are distributed at different altitudes.


    Shrikehawk, can you share with us your environmentsystem.ini tweak? Thanks!

  2. Just put together a new system, Q6600, 2X2GB RAM and a Sapphire 4870 video board. So dig out the FE disc from my disc library and put it back to the hard drive. Updated the original version with WWI_patch_021907, FE_Apr2008_Update, FE_Update_Oct2008b and FE_Update_Nov2008 patches.


    It is quite impressive in terms of FPS measurement. I've got 53 to 59 FPS most of the time inside the pit as well as external views. As these numbers exceed my original expectation I am very much excited considering graphics are set to high as below




    All the actions are smooth like silk.


    But I have a few questions and hope some one would shed some lights on them for me. Never played any WWI games before not even the famous Red Baron which I have came across the title from time to time. As such my knowledge about WWI aircraft is extremely inadequate. Which aircraft is the best in the Great War?


    Also is stalling rendered in FE1 or not? In IL-2, you can easily run into that worst situation...


    Last but not least, I am really interested in knowing how old you folks are? I would be impressed if some of you are veteran WWI pilots:rofl:


    Would someone also help me to configure my Saitek Cyborg X hatswitch? They don't map to the various views of the control file??:idea:

  3. currently one of the advantage of lomac is the representation of the ground, which still one of the best in any military sims.


    and some features like spo15 modelization


    that's why i really appreciate the work of ca stary and some other "ground modders", they really improve the stock terrain.


    for the rest it's up to tk to give us some more features down the road


    but he already give us some very good improvement with this patch, thanks to him.

    Talkin about the terrain, LOMAC has excellent hilly terrain, because they are less blocky than that of TW games. But for plain terrain, IL-2 series are the very best amongst all!

  4. Dave, correct me if I am wrong. Is that the WeaponData.dat file?


    This is what I did:

    1)Install a clean copy of WoE.

    2)Patch it up with Sep 2008 patch (no need for patches prior to Sep 2008).

    By now, you have a up to date version of WoE which is compatible with WoI since the game engines are the same.

    3)Install Bunyap's weapon pack.

    4)Download this weapon editor from Third Wire Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08 (199 KB) located on this page http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm.

    5)Now go to the C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Wings over Europe\Objects\Weapons and delete the file weapondata.dat

    6)Copy the weapon editor obtained in 4) into C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Wings over Europe\Objects\Weapons

    7)Run the Weapon editor and open up one of the weapons whichever it is, click OK and then close the Weapon editor


    Now you should have all the weapons applicable to your selected aircraft. Good hunting!

  5. I don't like WOI very much not as much as I do to the other 3 titles actually. Main reason being the lack of weapons. Bunyap's weapon pack is by far the greatest but unfortunately it cannot be applied to WOI. The September patch for WOV/WOE took away 10 fps after it was applied, so I am giving it up. SFP1 remains the most efficient so far.


    I think this tool is useful for a merge of aircrafts available from WOV/WOE/WOI.

  6. Been reconstructing the New Hard Drive, old one died.


    Purchased W.O.I. again from Third Wire.


    Patched to August 2008 level.




    Edward's Korean Terrains


    Mirage Factory New Weapons Pack, Imported Fuel Tanks for the F-86 and MiG15.


    Enhanced Explosion Packs 1, 2, 3 by C A Stary.


    World War 2 Effects Pack by C A Stary.


    Green Camouflaged Wooden Hangers by C A Stary.


    Wide Sky V1.0 by Cellinsky.


    Quicker Takeoffs_ WOI by CSB and Baffmeister.


    Damage Tga Pack 2 by Wrench.


    And of corse the Sabre/ Mig package by "The Crew".


    First Comment on combat is Oh My God!!!!!!!!


    This Sim is IMPROVING!!!!!!!


    Friendly A.I. is deffinately better.


    Flying with all settings on ""HARD" will deffinately give you a workout.


    The ACMs by the A.I. are so much better. And even a little more believable.


    My hats off to T.K. and crew for this New Installment!!!!!



    Are all the above mods available in the download section of CA here?

  7. It is a slightly complicated issue. You have to work on the aircraft's *_DATA.INI file as well as the WEAPONDATA.INI file.


    If you want to hack, and to include all kind of weapons possible, replace the AllowedWeaponClass= in your aircraft's *_DATA.INI file by the following:



    At the same time, you need to modify your weapondata.ini file. Every weapon has a startyear and attachment type, you have to make sure that the startyear is well before the startyear of your aircraft, you can find the information in the aircraft's _DATA.INI file. In the weapondata.ini file, you also need to make sure that the BaseQuantity is not 0, change it to 10 that's what I do always.


    With all those done as above, you still have to make provision that some weapons dont appear because some weapon's diameter and length parameters might not match with your aircraft's _DATA.INI file.  If you really need those weapon, you have to change these parameters to the same value as that in the weapondata.ini file.





  8. Brain32,

    Don't mean to be offensive. WoI is for slightly high end machines. It is pretty much the same situation with FE actually.

    If I were to play WoI with 60 fps which is what I reckon as "playable" fram rates, I would upgrade my system to an entire new rig.

    My next upgrade would be Core 2 Duo E8500, 2x2GB DDR3 RAM, ATi 4870 X2(due to be out soon), Intel X38 based Motherboard, a 850W PSU, Western Digital SATA-1 12,000rpm 120GB Drive. I am sure with such a configuration, not only I can revive the performance of WoI but all other DX10 games too.


    Playing PC game is luxurious one of these days. But TW series worth the money specially one of the weather mods just came out a short while ago. It is a beautiful game.

  9. Fubar512


    Funny that it takes you so much effort to calculate the %increase and %decrease don't you think it's much easier for you just to tell us the actual frame rates?  I am really interested to know because I am putting together a system as well.


    I see you are deploying GeForce. I intend to go for ATi. In fact I am also thinking about E8000 series for the CPU. Why not E8500 but E8400, is it because of budget concern?


    I am using ATi X1950 Pro 512MB AGP which is kinda low level card one of these days. Used nVidia before ATi. Found ATi displays images more colourfully beautiful. I know nVidia has the fatest card in the world - GTX 280 which is a bit expensive. But I prefer more on Raedon HD4870 and I am waiting for the 1GB version to come out I believe its code name at the moment is R700 also known as 4870 X2. Do you find nVidia's image quality good apart from being the fastest?


    I really need to know the actually frame rate you are getting with your new CPU E8400. I probably get the E8500 too, please provide me with the information if you could many thanks!


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