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Everything posted by ext

  1. F-4 EX?

    Wow!!! That is really sharp looking
  2. I really like this one !!!! Hopefully you upload. Well done.
  3. New Faces for First Eagles 2

    Very Nice! Great work
  4. WM113-APSV Armored Port Security Vehicle

    Now that is nice! Somebody is thinking outside the box
  5. Still fire up FE2 and I use Flanders most of the time!
  6. Yep have all of Raven's Tomahawks. Thought the skin would make a great what if. Thanks for the reminder you never know what i could have missed!
  7. Now that is nice! Hope you release the Tomahawk Mk IA
  8. The Corona Virus Thread

    1977Frenchie Talking about our city Thunder Bay. One of our kids is on the front lines in medical field. As of this morning no positives.
  9. The Corona Virus Thread

    Northern Ontario Canada No cases yet. Everyday more things are closed and restricted It is brutal to watch people panic buying. Hopefully everybody comes out of this with no issues.
  10. Now that is nice work !!!
  11. View File CF-121Redhawk In 1959 Canada bought 30 Soviet Mig-21F Fishbeds. With the failure of the Avro Arrow Canada needed some high speed interceptors but this project only lasted over 2 years before selling them off. The F-101B Voodoo was Canadas main interceptor purchased from the USAF to fill the needs. Submitter ext Submitted 08/15/2018 Category What If Hangar  
  12. CF-121Redhawk

    Version 1.0.0


    In 1959 Canada bought 30 Soviet Mig-21F Fishbeds. With the failure of the Avro Arrow Canada needed some high speed interceptors but this project only lasted over 2 years before selling them off. The F-101B Voodoo was Canadas main interceptor purchased from the USAF to fill the needs.
  13. RNoAF Starfighter in air again.

    Nice video! When that afterburner kicks in it does not take long to motor on down the runway.
  14. Do I ever like those skins!! Still a big fan of your work.

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