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Everything posted by Royohboy

  1. Snoopy's exit bugged me so much that I had to experiment a bit: While Snoopy is no longer part of random generated CAS missions post Oct08-patch he can still be used in user-made mission (e.g. created with Le Missioner). Here are the results of my experiments: If in a user-made mission you set Snoopy's mission to FAC (and see to it he's over the target on time) he'll circle somewhere near, and you'll get the radio messages (troops in contact, reporting his position, promising smoke markers). Snoopy won't mark anything, though, and though circling he doesn't neccessarily circle above your target (he was several mile off in my tests). If you set Snoopy's mission to CAS instead of FAC (same target as the player's), and see to it that in his loadout.ini he has enough smoke-rockets to last him for some time, you'll get your target marked, but you won't get any radio messages except for the troops-in-contact-bit. I have found this to work incredibly well: See to it that Snoopy reaches the objective point at the same time or slightly ahead of you. He'll keep your target well-marked as he'll make pass after pass until he'll run out of ammo. In the mission-file you should set his ammunition to 0% to prevent him from strafing the target after he has run out of rockets. Using a combination of the above will give you a bit of both worlds, though probably not in a very realistic fashion: If you use a 'true' FAC, and a 'CAS-FAC' with nearly identical flightpaths you'll get the circling, all the radio messages, the smoke. This does effectively give you two FAC's who - for obvious reasons - can't share the same callsign. It looks like merging some of the old FAC code with some of the CAS code might yield nicely woorking Snoopies, but then I'm no programmer. Here are some screenies of my experiments: Snoopy (CAS-flavour) marking my target Target is clearly marked BTW, Snoopy's callsign was hand-edited in the mission-file - the voice-messages still call him Cowboy 1.
  2. Well, I liked him for just being there. Apart from adding to the atmosphere he at least gave me a *rough* idea of where the target was by circling it. I'd love to have him back
  3. I have made a 3D-model of the twin-.30Cal gunpod that seems to have been fairly common on French T-6Gs, and which seems to have been used on other nations' T-6s as well: I made these in Blender, and now the big question is: can anybody help me get these into the game by importing them into 3DS Max and exporting them to .lod? I think these would also come in handy for Korean War T-6Gs and LT-6Gs. Cheers, Peter
  4. Aaah, sweet All very nice, hard to pick favourites... the Mirage IV maybe... or the C-5, or the Short Sunderland, or...
  5. Sorry to hear that, Veltro; that's a situation I know all too well.
  6. Making high-end, player-flyable aircraft must be easy as Veltro is knocking them out by the dozen Don't you ever sleep? Keep up the great work
  7. Woohoo! I installed it using option #3 (seasons as subfolder of main terrain folder), and it works like a charm :yes: Having working seasons in one and the same terrain is nothing short of spectacular!
  8. Well, that would be a no-brainer, wouldn't it, as long you have both programs (in which case I'd have modelled the gunpod in Max to begin with). The thing is I'm looking for someone who'd be so kind as to import my .3ds file into Max and export it as a .lod (or someone who could ask someone else if they'd be willing to do it).
  9. BTW, I ca export it as a .3DS, or several other file-formats, just not .lod.
  10. Those two pretty much sum it up, and they should be grey instead of brown. I think the two defining features about autobahns, especially when seen from above, are the strip of greenery in the middle, and the markings seperating the individual lanes (and the breakdown lane to the right). BTW, most German highways featured two lanes + breakdown lane in each direction until the about the 1990s, when three lanes started to become very common. Here are two photos I found on the web which should give a bit of a clue about what I'm after: http://www.vohwinkel.net/pics/ortsteile/da...47-autobahn.jpg http://www.welt.de/multimedia/archive/0059...tsc_597839g.jpg http://www.schulbilder.org/phpThumb/cache/...1189087166.jpeg The lane-markings would pretty much make up for the lack of features, I think. Highway airstrips would usually consist of a straight stretch of highway without any bridges crossing, and with the greenery-strip in the middle replaced by a removeable metal fence of sorts.
  11. I expected to see an autumnized version of the stock terrain, but WOW! terrain that actually looks alive, with cities, settlements, and trees that don't seem to be placed in a totally haphazard fashion 15 out of 10 possible points :yes: My only beef with the Germany terrain now is that the Autobahn still doesn't look like the real thing. I suppose there's a limit to the detail imposed by the size of the tiles, though, right?
  12. Hack or not, this is incredibly cool
  13. What I miss might be minor points to most, but I'd love proper active radar homing anti-shipping missiles and respective avionics/radar locking ability working transport, air assault, AWACS, etc. missions we don't yet have AWACS and datalink Apart from that I'm very happy - hey, a game author who is releasing substantial periodic patches *years* after the game was released... Three cheers for TK!
  14. I did a little experimentation a while ago; numbered decals (e.g. "CV_Number003.tga") didn't work, but unnumbered ones did (e.g. "CV_Number.tga").
  15. Looking *very* nice - that must make you feel a bit like God, Wrench Aleutians?
  16. I noticed some other post-patch decal issue: Level 0 decals (national insignia) from the .cat-file seem to *always* override local ones, even if the Fileformat-value points to a local decal, e.g. Fileformat=AT-6 Harvard Mk4\AdA\D\INSIGNIA doesn't use insignia009.tga from that directory, but the version from objects.cat.
  17. I've had another look at the 1695 speech-files. While the sheer number is enough to strike terror even in the stoutest of souls things start to look much less threatening after breaking down that number to the different speakers. Looking at the "speech" folder you'll notice .wav-files like "D1appr001.wav". The first part of the filename denotes the speaker. Thus the number of speech-files breaks down to voice # of files ---------------------------------------- A1 Pilot 2 279 A2 Pilot 3 279 A3 Pilot 4 279 D1 Approach 167 F1 FAC/Snoopy 116 G1 Grd. Troops 40 T1 Red Crown 337 W1 Tower 198 Keep in mind that a) these speech clips are all very short, and b) an estimated third to half of them is redundant and could be skipped at first (i.e. three versions of "Bandits!", three versions of "Got him!", etc.). Looks much more doable now IMHO. Should sparviero12 manage to find eight hebrew speakers willing to participate I guess this could be pulled off in a manner of weeks (only couple of speech files per day to keep it fun). The free and open-source programme Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) seems to be up to the job. Export your recorded speech files as "GSM 6.10 WAV (mobile)", and they should work. Not something to be done 'off the cuff', but neither is an aircraft carrier or aircraft. The thing is, you don't have to know anything about ini-hacking, or 3D modelling to do it.
  18. HMS Eagle

    This is so great, I'm simply lost for words Except maybe... Three Cheers for Hinchinbrooke!
  19. I thought somebody must have made a French seech-pack until I had another look at the speech-folder: It's just 1695speech-files to re-record.
  20. As for some reason I seem to fly French (or French-skinned) aircraft most of the time I've been asking myself if there is a French speech-pack available. Do the WO*- or SF-versions for the French market come with French speech by any chance? I know the callsigns etc. would probably have to be fairly different from the default ones for proper French radio procedure, but anyway...
  21. If they used English it would certainly sound very French most of the time But all cheesy jokes aside, I found a list of callsigns used during the Algerian War, and if these are any indication radio traffic was French at least in the 1950s and 1960s. OK, as this is the modding forum, I just had a look at the Speech-Folder: That would be only 1695 .WAV-files to record. They could be split into packages for different speakers, but it would still be a huge task. So much for a great idea. :blush2:
  22. While knowing next to nothing about terrain I, too, think it has to do something with lighting/shader effects and transparency being rendered differently in the latest patch. I can't really put a finger to it, but I _think_ that the prop-textures (which heavily rely on transparency) are now rendered overly pale. BTW, cheers Canadair, adding those lines to the terrain data inis fixed my main issue
  23. BTW, that's what it looks like in Greece terrain: It doesn't matter what water-detail settings I use, it's always the same.
  24. I've experienced the same effect, though much heavier, with WOE + new patch and the Greece terrain. The effect doesn't seem to affect the stock GermanyCE terrain much (very little, in fact). I also tested the Lybia-terrain, but there the sea looks OK.

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