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Everything posted by Royohboy

  1. Bitmap

    The Irfanview-programme suggested by Gocad is a very handy image viewer that can handle most image formats. If converting images and resizing them is what you'd like to do Irfanview is for you (get it anyway, you'll love it). Free for personal use. www.irfanview.com If you want to do more than just resizing and converting get the Gimp, too.
  2. I do most heartily second that :yes: Download the Gimp, give it a try, and you'll be amazed at how good you are at (computer-) painting. MS Paint is really no good for anything and can be a really frustrating experience.
  3. I'm currently playing around with T-6 Texans/Harvards, and there is Bunyap's Israeli Harvard MkII with two underwing gunpods in the loadout-file. However, I don't seem to have the proper gunpods installed althought I have Bunyap's latest (2006) weapons pack. Does anyone know where to get the gunpod named "30CalGunPkg"? Is there maybe a special WWII weapons pack that has it? Is it a Dev-A Team exclusive release? I know that Bunyap's weapons pack has a T-6_30CalGunPkg, but I don't think that's it.
  4. You're right, Wrench, they're part of the weapons pack as T-6_30CalGunPkg, and I got them to work I was hoping they were the same type as in this pic (click me); I guess I'll have to try my hand at 3D-modelling now.
  5. Is there a standalone proggie for viewing WO* aircraft/pilots/objects complete with skins and decals? It would speed up skinning, and especially decalling tremendously. I know that you can leave WO* running and ALT+TAB back and forth between the sim, your text-, and graphics editors, and refly the mission, but it's a bit awkward. Or, alternatively, is there some bare-bones terrain that has been made especially for minimal loading times? BTW, here's something I'm working on. Wrench's lovely Libya must be my favourite backdrop for aircraft lately I still need to find most of the serial numbers and corresponding fuselage codes for the French 13/72 EALA.
  6. Thanks for pointing me to the viewer, Silverbolt It does have its issues - that is, it's mostly unsuitable for skinning aircraft, but it'll be *very* handy for viewing simpler things like pilots and weapon-lods. Wrench, thanks for the step-by-step on minimizing some terrain. Making a bare-bones terrain seems a little more involved than I thought, so I'll reserve that for my next major skinning project. Let's say it owes heavily to the German Airforce skins Soulfreak did for the Havard MkIV (this was the closest to the T-6G I could find). I have patched the panel lines where the national insignia were, and started making a set of decals. Somehow obsolete aircraft in French service hold a strange fascination for me, especially when they sport nice colour-schemes.
  7. It might have something to do with the available runways not being long enough. This is probably not so much of a problem for mainland Argentina, but possibly for any of the little mud-strips on the islands themselves.
  8. I'm working on a skin for French Skyraiders, i.e. it's one bare-metal skin for which I'd like to use for several different French squadrons. The basic idea of WO* seems to be that you name your squadron-specific insignia (tail-codes, badges, etc) corresponding to the squadron's number in SQUADRONLIST.INI. However, this number would seem to depend heavily on the user's installation. Is there a canonic list of squadrons, or some other way of doing it 'the proper way'? I hope I don't have to split the skin into several just because they differ in the colour of wing-tips and squadron-badges. On a somewhat related note: Does anyone have a photo/drawing/illustration/description of the badge of the French Escadron de marche 2/21 that operated Skyraiders in Madagascar? That would be a diamond-shaped badge as painted onto the cowlings of their Spads. BTW, here are some in-progress shots taken on my graphically challenged laptop:
  9. Nope, I used MontyCZ's bird that Wrench INI-modded to an AD4N and which is freely available in the download section. Is the Razbam-bird that much better?
  10. File Name: Cambodian Airforce Skyraider File Submitter: Royohboy File Submitted: 2 Aug 2008 File Category: A-1 This skin is for AD-4N the French supplied to Cambodia against massive US protest. There are decals for ten aircraft, which is about the number used operationally (a couple were kept for spares). Click here to download this file
  11. It was actually the similarity of all the ex-French Skyraiders that made me do it, and the excellent reference supplied by sites like http://skyraider.org/. I think that especially the the Cambodian Skyraiders might make for interesting niche-missions involving a lot of mission-editing trickery. Cambodia seems to have been neither here nor there in the 60's, but rather trying hard to keep out of the war. There seem to have been clashes with US and South Vietnamese aircraft about the intrusion into Cambodian airspace, and the legend behind the fuselage band on Cambodian Skyraiders is that Cambodian AAA mistook their own Spads for South Vietnamese. BTW, this site http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/waf/aa-eastasi...f1-aircraft.htm has a pretty extensive listing of Cambodian aircraft (including serials), and some of those aircraft are available for WO*.
  12. Cool I know you terrain guys probably work with digital elevation models and the like, but I can't help imagining you with picks, spades, and a lot of sweating and swearing
  13. They often carried mechanics and spares to forward bases AFAIR, and apart from that an empty space with neither radar equipment nor an airbrake mechanism meant saved weight, and thus more payload. Having seen a photo of what that compartment looked like I'd say it would have made for perfect onion storage, though
  14. Note: If you are using Mike Riddell's New Nation Pack (and you really should), you don't need to add anything to NATIONS.INI, but you'll have to rename INSIGNIA086.TGA in the D subdirectory to INSIGNIA090.TGA. Of course I noticed the existence of Mike's nations pack only a couple of minutes *after* I uploaded this skin :blush2: Three cheers to Mike for his Nations Pack
  15. File Name: Gabon Group Airforce Skyraider File Submitter: Royohboy File Submitted: 2 Aug 2008 File Category: A-1 This is a skin for ex-French AD-4N Skyraiders that were given to Gabon in the 1970's, and flown by French mercenary pilots. Gabon had eight Skyraiders; the decals are for those five I was able to find reference on. Click here to download this file
  16. Note: If you are using Mike Riddell's New Nation Pack (and you really should), you don't need to add anything to NATIONS.INI, but you'll have to rename INSIGNIA087.TGA in the D subdirectory to INSIGNIA119.TGA. Of course I noticed the existence of Mike's nations pack only a couple of minutes *after* I uploaded this skin :blush2: Three cheers to Mike for his Nations Pack
  17. File Name: French Skyraider Skinpack + Templates File Submitter: Royohboy File Submitted: 1 Aug 2008 File Category: A-1 This is a skin for the AD-4N Skyraider in French service. This is basically a bare metal skin with decals for several French squadrons that used the Skyraider in Algeria, Madagascar, and Chad. I have also included the .PSD-files (made with the Gimp, though) in case you'd love to dirty up your aircraft some more, or play with bare-metal skyraider skins. Comments welcome! Click here to download this file
  18. Dear all, as far as I understand a more or less common NATIONS.INI has to be maintained in order to have a common basis, and for many add-ons to work as expected. I'm not sure if there is any official maintainer / keeper of the list to whom to apply, but if there is please let me know. I'm proposing to include Gabon and Cambodia in NATIONS.INI in the following form: [Nation076] Name=Gabon DisplayName=Gabon Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesFrench.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 [Nation077] Name=Cambodia DisplayName=Aviation Royale Khmere Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesVietnamese.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 Any objections, issues, suggestions? E.g. I'm not too sure about Alignment=FRIENDLY for Cambodia as apparently they were neither pro US nor pro North-Vietnamese. The reason for my proposal is that I have made skins for these respective countries, and both also used other aircraft available for WO* which might make for interesting missions / campaigns. I thought it might be a good idea to bring up this issue before I upload the skins.
  19. Cheers, Allen Both Cambodia and Gabon are there!
  20. Version


    This skin is for AD-4N the French supplied to Cambodia against massive US protest. There are decals for ten aircraft, which is about the number used operationally (a couple were kept for spares).
  21. File Name: Chad Airforce Skyraider File Submitter: Royohboy File Submitted: 2 Aug 2008 File Category: A-1 This skin is for the six ex-French AD-4N Skyraiders the French gave to Chad in the 1970's. They were flown by French mercenaries in the civil war and against Lybian forces. Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    This skin is for the six ex-French AD-4N Skyraiders the French gave to Chad in the 1970's. They were flown by French mercenaries in the civil war and against Lybian forces.
  23. Version


    This is a skin for ex-French AD-4N Skyraiders that were given to Gabon in the 1970's, and flown by French mercenary pilots. Gabon had eight Skyraiders; the decals are for those five I was able to find reference on.
  24. Version


    This is a skin for the AD-4N Skyraider in French service. This is basically a bare metal skin with decals for several French squadrons that used the Skyraider in Algeria, Madagascar, and Chad. I have also included the .PSD-files (made with the Gimp, though) in case you'd love to dirty up your aircraft some more, or play with bare-metal skyraider skins. Comments welcome!

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