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Everything posted by ch53fixer

  1. VF-84 Jolly Rogers F-4J

  2. F-4J VF-33 Tarsiers

  3. F-4J VMFA-333 Shamrocks

  4. AN/ALQ-119 GY ECM-Pod

  5. Jg74 F-4F 37+64 Graue Maus

  6. i made some changes to the data_ini to correct the missile position´s and the chaff/flare ejection and i added a new weaponsdata entry for the Gardeniya ecm-pod´s so that there are 2 pods showing instead of 4 just add the weaponsdata to your weaponsdata and keep the sequence in order open your weaponseditor and save the new entry copy the data_ini and loadout_ini in to your Su-35 folder and let the existing files overwrite thanks to Erwin_Hans for this great aircaft Su_35_ini.rar
  7. thanks again , how about the templates for this nice birds ???
  8. did you add this cockpit addon as a "pilot" ??? and yes pleas post it
  9. thanks for this fine work and now i have new gunfighter excellent did the f-111a use this gun-pods or was that something they could use and never did ???
  10. ok i moved the taillight entry from the fuselage to the verttail SystemName[001]=Rudder SystemName[002]=TailLight and changed the taillight data by adding the AttachedNodeName and MovingLights entry [TailLight] SystemType=LIGHT AttachedNodeName=VertTail MovingLight=TRUE Position=0.0,-7.55,2.4262 LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,0.00 Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.02 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE but still no moving tail light , what i´m doing wrong ???
  11. Su-35BM http://rapidshare.de/files/42729617/SU-35BM.rar.html
  12. great aircraft but something is missing on the left engine ?!?
  13. wow , thank you for this great aircraft , excellent work
  14. Fast food worldwide

    chips and fish
  15. Externe Teile bewegen

    ich nehme an das du den sensor vor dem cockpit meinst richtig , dann geht es nicht dann brauchst du die max file und must es dort ändern
  16. nice one , i hope you will find that button more often

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