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Everything posted by delta6

  1. Yep, thats the truth! Hats off to you fine Aircraft makers for Strike Fighters. Just took the One-O-One for quick spin, Weapon Bay that rotates was a real shocker! Go get it, go Fly it! Thanks Again...
  2. Where and how do you edit the Genie so I can light up the sky with the nuke flash?
  3. Thank You! Let me see if I can mess this up.
  4. Wrench, as always your the HEAT. I don't think that effect is loaded in my game. Correct on the nuke effect, if you ever seen footage from Operation Plum Bob I think it is. Guys standing BELOW where the Genie went off that the F-89 launched. Can you give me a vector to bunyap weapons pack?
  5. Years ago, when the F-106 was released, the GENIE rocket had a nice Fireball when it went off. Somehow, I've lost that effect.
  6. Dang your fast, let me see if I can make this thing work, or do the old CTD.
  7. Close, but I thought their was a Air Burst Nuke flash effect, not ground one like a B-52 dropping a bomb.
  8. I was looking for the Nuke Flash file, so I can see the big boom! Not sure I understand your question?
  9. The SAMs shoot at me, but for some reason the smoke from the launch or contrail does not show up? What do i need to tweek? Merry Christmas!
  10. I'm on a older version, 08.30.06. I wanted to install the new patch, but it crashes the system. I have one of the First SF PJ 1 CD when it hit the stores. I've hope that they would make ONE patch that fixes all, insted of looking all over for the series of patches, and installing them one at a time. I think I'm up to five patches. Thanks for the support.
  11. Great looking F4D-1, but can't get the jet to turn right or left. up & down works fine though. Any ideas or fixes?
  12. Got a vector for the patch? Could not find one...
  13. Well, I'm sure it s supposed to fly strait and level, but when I start the game, it flies strait for a few seconds, then me and the squadron start spinning. Any fixes?
  14. I was trying to find the info on how to show the target designator box on the FA-18 hud, but can't seem to find it. Also, can the Super Hornet, F-15 & F-16 show the target box? Vector please. Thanks
  15. I did a fresh reload of SF Project 1, added just the new patch Oct 08, all seems to go well until I hit the fly button. I get this error: d3dx9_31.dll not found. reinstall appliction. Well of course I did, but still no luck. Help please...
  16. I got it up and running using my back up. Not the latest version but it works. Can help me with a weapons editor?
  17. No joy, i can't even get the game to run now. crap!
  18. O.K., got the new drivers downloaded into a temp file. Open up the temp file and many files to decompress along with dxsetup. Where to now?
  19. It comes up asking where I want extract it to. Let me see if I can find another version.
  20. Fast Cargo, dumb quetion, but where do I extract the new file to?
  21. I installed SF Project 1 from the CD (one of the first when it hit the shelves), I've added patches SFP1_sp1, sfp1_sp2a, sfp1_sp3a, SFP1_p31, SFP1_p32. Everything working fine. I'm trying to figure out how to insatll the weapons edditor, so I can add drop tanks and missiles from those talented people that make SF a great game. Could you give me step by step instructions. I'm a Ret. TSgt, need all the help I can get.
  22. Thanks Wrench, I'll give it a go. BTW, I've tried to add later patches to SF, but it crashes the game. Very finiky I would say. Thanks for the support. Are you still AFRES? If so, where may I ask?
  23. I've added Bunyaps pack and it crashed the game on startup. I'll try the other place. I don't need everything, at least i hope not. Thanks! Looks like the mirage factory weapons pack is only for Wings over Isrial
  24. Is their not a tutorial that explains how to get up and running with SF? How to tweek the following or where to get these items? -Weapons Pack, and add new weapons/fuel tanks -How to change afterburners -Mission editor file to create your own mission A vector would be mosts thankful!

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