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Posts posted by Hogpen13

  1. 2D cockpit in F4 supports working buttons, switches, MFD's etc....


    ervani, from what I'm read of the Falcon4 A-10 it's just and F-16 with a Hog pit. The CCIP mode uses the A2G radar in the "background" and you drop bombs just like you would in a Falcon which is not right. There is no duel-engine support, and It has LGB and laser pod capibilities which a few A-10s have in RL but are far from being the norm in today's A-10.


    The damage model is a long way from simulating and A-10 and ground troops can bring down the Falcon Hog with AK-47 fire. This is just a few items I know of and don't mean to "slam" Falcon4 but just saying the A-10 in Falcon is not built from the ground-up to be an A-10... it's built on an F-16 sim.

  2. Nice vid. Music from  

    "the Rock" was a nice touch.


    I have a question for Dice though. Does the A10 has a Bitchin Betty like that? I am guessing it has audible tones for things like stall, terrain, etc but it sounds like the "betty" is the same for all aircraft in LOMAC. Is she different for each aircraft??


    Man looks like I have some catching-up to do this morning! Seawolf, The A-10 does have Bitchin' Betty which came with the LASTE mod of the early 90s, there is pull-up, AOA, and speedbrake (off the top of my head).


    IN fact here's a email the System Program Director recived (and passed along to me) during OIF....




    Most every aircraft has a different person as bitchin betty depending on who built the aircraft and when it was built.

  3. ummm...thanx for the update, but...u guys are just now getting the joystick console to work :?: :roll:  


    Well...good luck yall. :D


    Yes it's a bit strange because it's obviously working in the beta versions.

    maybe they removed just a little to much files for the demo ;)


    You're right, when they remove large chunks of the sim to make a demo it affected the config file data base. You have to understand a sim is so intergrated when you mess with one part it affects all the other peices.


    Carl is only talking about the demo not the beta itself, that is still being de-bugged and worked.

  4. With all the LOMAC screenshots, videos, and war stories I thought it might be time to go in another direction and get back to the roots of why we play sims. I play sims to place myself in the shoes of real world fighter/attack pilot and try to get a small taste of what it’s like to fly these powerful aircraft. I’ve taken 7 minutes of video from a USAF video, produced each year, called Firepower or Capstone and converted it to Windows Media Player so you guys can view it.


    This footage is taken from the 2000 Capstone and centers on the A-10 (of course) performing as FAC and CAS. It includes cockpit footage, radio coms, and external clips, which you may have seen but, they were incorporated into music videos or mixed with LOMAC clips. This is the footage as it should been seen and shows how the A-10 performs it FAC and CAS mission in a way I feel will really get your blood boiling!


    There’s one A-10, call-sign Rifle, who is acting as FAC, a flight of three A-10s performing in the CAS role, call-sign Hog, and two F-16Cs, call-sign Snake, loaded with two 2,000 pounders who will be called-in to support the mission.


    Lets take to the skies and follow Rifle as he calls-in strikes, marks targets, and de-conflicts the aircraft in the target area….lets do some Warthogin”!





  5. Dice


    What are ya,? an engine guy?  Where are you now? Davis Monathan?..Man, I miss my days working with the Hog drivers...I'm a former Intel guy, worked with the drivers back in 88-91..my office was right on the flight line at Alconbury...watched em coem and go, along with those shakey TR-1's...back to U2's now...


    IntelHog, I'm at the A-10 Depot at Hill AFB UT and I'm APG (Crew Chief) on the Hog. I work for HQ/ACC along with Depot on all the work done here, upgrades, and all the 100 other dayly issues to keep a 25 year-old airframe flying! :D


    BTW-be sure to hit my website at http://www.warthogpen.com

  6. This truly a soap opera of conflicting personalities, rather then any genuine flight modeling issues.


    Looks like some guy and his friends were told to make a dynamic flight model, but they could not deliver in time, so they are creating rumors to discredit ED.


    It's sour grapes spilling over because they have been baned everywhere else so they come to the english forums to contune they crusade! :roll:

  7. Actually, I haven't been able to sit down for more than a few minutes this weekend and play with it. :D I'm going to try and sit down for an hour or so and write up my initial thoughts and get some screenshots together. I'm testing it on my lower-end system right now to see how things work. The answer might surprise you, it's not as slow as you would think. More later... ;)


    Please be carefull and don't repeat what happen on SimHQ...this should be a preview and not a review of a beta sim. I know you know what you're doing MJ I just don't want to see any "bad press" for Biohaz like SimHQ recived. :(

  8. ..and can't find crap, hit crap, or even get my missiles to fly TOWARDS the MIGS...but it looks like it will be fun! :D :shock:


    Only got the jump into a couple quick missions without the aid of a key chart and fly around shooting missiles, which fly everywhere but where they are meant to go, and shoot the F-Es gun at a couple of Migs.

    I will ready Andy Bush's bit on SomHQ tomorrow and print-out a chart and try again.


    I do love the F-4E and F104! :D

  9. I know there has always been the debate on who uses flight sims (like Falcon4) in the real world and just how useful they are to real pilots. I don’t know a real pilot would have to answer that question but I can tell you what a sim like LOMAC can/will do for the maintaince community.


    We are very specialized in the USAF and as such don’t cross specialties very often. Myself as a crew chief knows very little about the weapons and avionics of the aircraft we work. And the weapons and avionics troops know very little about the airframe itself. All of us on the ground know very little about the pilot’s job and what happens ones he/she pulls “out of chocks”.


    I will use LOMAC to give me a better feel of what the pilot’s job is and how the systems I work affect the mission. Helping with LOMAC has taught me a lot about weapons and avionics and how they operate to put “iron on target”. I think each A-10 unit could use LOMAC to give the maintainers a better feel for the overall aircraft systems and how they work to complete the mission.


    Also, as some of you know, I work in the A-10 System Program Office and we get a lot of new officers and civilians through each year. 50% or better have never touched an A-10 and have no clue about the aircraft itself or it’s role. I think along with a good aircraft intro LOMAC can be used to give these new troops a good feel for the A-10.


    I mean let a new guy take the Hog up for a spin and get some AAA and sams fired at him while trying to hit a target with a couple of MK-82s! If his system is say…the RAW… he will get a small taste of just how important his system is to the pilot!


    This is a few ways I see LOMAC helping the real USAF… and we get a little play time also!!

  10. [ker"]Yeah, thank you for the screenshot links. It looks like "night" flying will actually look more like Dusk/twilight which is fine. I was curious to see if they were going to make night flying similar to F15 Strike Eagle ]I[ where, if you turned off night vision, it was totally black. I wasn't sure if there would be something LIKE a LANTRIN pod. (notice I said _like_)


    There will be no NVG/LANTRIN system in this sim. The A-10 being modled is an early 90s LASTE 4.0 aicraft which means they were not NVG moded at that time. Of course the F-15C is an A2A aircarft with no NVG capibilities.


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