I guess the title says it all. I just discovered that the SS-N-14 "Silex" ASW missile was included in the weapons encyclopedia of Flanker 2.51, and it should be a regular armament of, say, the also included Krivak class frigates. But now I wonder how I get these frigates to fire the missiles at the subs, everytime I place a Krivak near a Kilo or Tango sub in the editor, the sub (surfaced, of course) is sunk by gunfire. Anyone got an idea, or was that just a red herring?
Some other questions around weapons listed in the encyclopedia: Also the P-700 Granat (SS-N-19 "Shipwreck") and a obviously nuclear bomb called NB-1 are included there. Also here, any hints on how to have these fired in the game?
Kind greetings,