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Posts posted by JimBeamer5

  1. Nice review - I'm almost tempted to buy. Couple of questions first though. Have you played the "tank sim" mode in Iron Front and if so how does it compare? And my eyes aint what they were, is there a "find next closest target" or similar type key command that would highlight enemy targets?

  2. when I want a group to show for a nation that doesn't have carriers I just label a cruiser as a BB or CV. it at least gives me stuff to sink. I have been on a med kick lately so would love to see some more Italians.Also a few true WW2 British DDs would be nice too.


    Could always pretend the Aquila was completed. I'm surprised Kevin has made one already from an existing bird farm. Or a Taiho come to think of it. The Taiho looks  a lot like a Brit Illustrious type but with that weird ass funnel. Apologies if you have made them Kevin and I've missed them. Just a casual observer these days.

  3. What do you mean Kevin? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. In any event, it's a masterstroke by TK to get us either off topic when ity comes to NA, or get us passionate about TW - or both. :grin:


    Seriously, TK's main problem is, and has been for a long time, lack of exposure. ie marketing. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. His refusal to do interviews, for example. On behalf of a major game site (that shall remain nameless) I asked him if he'd do an interview (I think it was for WoI) - he flat out refused (in the nicest way possible), and wouldn't even allow us to use any screenshots of the upcoming sim that he had already posted on his site. We weren't asking for preview copies or anything - we knew that was not gonna fly (pun intended) - but screenshots?


    It didn't and still doesn't make any sense to me.


    Tablets will suck for any serious gaming, but what's wrong with Angry Birds? I'll come out of the closet as a fan. Wish I had of thought of it.

  4. Should work fine. Just did a quick group after a couple of minutes. As Crazyhorse says, check the START BEFORE. I always set it to the maximum 59 minutes. The other ships won't show if the mission objective TOT is longer than the time listed in START BEFORE IIRC. You probably know all this already, if so I've got no idea why they won't show. Maybe post your mission data file? BTW my shot made under NOV 11 patch using most Current Iceland full scale terrain.



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