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Everything posted by jomni

  1. GUI = Graphical User Interface. There is the Start Menu Right? And I think it also found in Vista's Games Menu. I have no clue about your problems since I do not have problems with my setup. Maybe you can report this in the Thirdwire techs upport forums. www.thirdwire.com
  2. Actually just look the lower right corner of the main menu. You'll see the version. BTW, you won't get any desktop shortcuts for the game.
  3. Gun Jams

    When I fly the MiG-21, I jam a lot as well. Last night's mission debrief show that I only shot 25 rounds while my wingmen shot around a 100. I do recal that I was flying quite fast then as well chasing an F-4. Could have gotten that bugger if not for the jam.
  4. sandstorm the previous night covered the buildings in sand.
  5. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    Speaking of Vietnam Air War games, you can also look at this. http://www.dvg.com/.sc/ms/dd/Pre-Order%20G...hantom%20Leader It's solitaire, simple to play, and has lots of replay factor. Still on pre-order. Waiting for about 60 more orders before printing.
  6. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    In the borad game world. These electronic versions should only be played by people who own the real board game. Playing the Vassal version without owning the game is tantamount to piracy. That's why some essential stuff are missing to prevent from these kinds of things happening.
  7. They will jettison it once you give them a command to attack. They will not think twice.
  8. 200k for a tank? You think the contractor / supplier is screwing you? Hehe.
  9. Remember if you can use BVR missile... so can your enemy. And that's not a fun experience. That's why I appreciate the timeframe of the SF games.
  10. You can also drop your tanks and hope you hit some enemy on the head.
  11. I never use the CTRL+R button didn't know it existed. But I don't think I'll use it for realism's sake. I do keep the other gamey stuff like the floaing radar and target info.
  12. UAV's will fight the next war.
  13. I usually drop them when the engagement starts. More modern jets are still quite maneuverable with drop tanks attached like the EF2000. I also keep drop tanks in BVR fights.
  14. Yeah understand the situation. You can't fix these as you don't really own the models and just porting them to SF2 at their current state. Just wondering if some stuff can be fixed by "simple" edits. Just thinking of ways to improve the plane for everyone's enjoyment.
  15. Hi Brian, pls check the support post of the J-10A. Posted some stuff that I discovered.
  16. Take note that SFx series jets are old school. The sims you mentioned are more modern so they are more maneuverable. Download the EF2000 and try taking it for a spin in the SF world (black and red outs will be common).
  17. The standard loadout bombs aren't in KillerBee's weapons pack. When bringing along FAB's, you get invisible pylons on the back side. On the front side, you have the bombs overlapping with the targeting pod. The center tanks from weapons pack are also invisible. Ground map radar does not work? Sorry for the nitpicks. Though its fun to fly.
  18. Yup I saw it. Since it's beta, what else needs to be fixed?
  19. but SEAD targets don't move, my problem is that when the missile tracks moving tanks, it misses and hits the ground a few feet back. not as maneuverable as mavericks. Kowalski... Oh so they used GPS to substitute MWR. That explains the locking on initial target position.
  20. Good. I have the old school WOE (currently uninstalled). I recently bought Il-2 1946 from Steam only to find out it won't run on my (cheap) laptop. So I guess Il-2 is restricted to my Desktop only. So I'm looking forward to this mod for some 1946 action in my lappy.

    multiplayer only. and it only has 3 maps. but seems it that it is poised to get expansions. Though there's jumping, you can't bunny hop like crazy in this game. This uses the Battlefield Bad Company game engine.
  22. Maybe I should try this out. But the distance to target info is an integral part of my dive bombing technique. But I want to try minimizing the red suqare to a dot at least and keep the rest of the info. How to do this?
  23. Good advice. I alway make it a point to contact the modders (in the release thread) when there's a possible bug. Maybe PM is more efficient. :D Anyway, took the Brimstone for a CAS mission and they keep missing the targets when released from a horizontal profile. But when i attack from a vertical (dive bombing profile), they guide properly. Aren't these missiles derivatives of the Hellfire? They're not as maneuverable when flying horizontally. The vertical attack profile seems be similar to "Lock On After Launch" mode (but the delivery aircraft is also vertical). Is this how the missile should really perform in the game?

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