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Everything posted by jomni

  1. I'd like to report that it's working quite well under a merged install.
  2. That's because I've been playing on a low end pc all my life.
  3. Anyway I've grown accustomed to 20fps so why do we all need to increase it to 60?
  4. Nope. It's under single missions. In the mission generator menu, click on Load Mission (top part) and select the Gulf of Tonkin mission.
  5. Really appreciate the modder's decision to fully support SF2. Loving the stuff that I see being rolled out. Now where are the modern red jets?
  6. Yeah just wanted to see the A-6 and F-111 in the Desert without making a duplicate under SF2 mod folders. :D
  7. No significant gain for my desktop (Vista + NVidia 8400) both in terms of graphics and speed. All looks and feels the same to me. Looks like it's really only for high-end cards as it claims to be. BTW: This is ThirdWire's speculation regarding this plugin:
  8. Ok. Game crashes when starting on my end. Using this on a laptop with Vista + integrated graphics card. Looks like it's a "no go" in this setup.
  9. Do you recommend dropping the files under SF2 mod folders (SF2 exe)? Or just the SF2V mod folders (SF2V exe) to keep separate?
  10. Let me guess... Your PC is now open to russian hackers? Anyway, gotta try this out later.
  11. only WOX left on my end is WOI. Waiting for NF4+. wonder how that will do under a merged install.
  12. Why recompile? You can just save it in 'campaigns' in 'saved games' folder.
  13. Just letting you know, TW games work with the Intel integrated graphics for laptops. Not so bad if you ask me. You just can't use max settings. But if you have a choice, get the better ones.
  14. Not about flight models but SF2E has enhanced RWR and plane wrecks. The first one is not relevant to WW2 though.
  15. F-22J?

    Lockheed is proposing sales to Japan since US stopped buying already.
  16. Just discovered this unique mod. The Battle Grounds is an FPS set in the American Revolution. Playing in skirmish servers is difficult because it is quite hard to hit a moving target using a musket that has long load times. I play in the "linebattle" server and its actually quite fun. Everyone forms a line and follows the commander's orders. The server discourages crouching and going "rambo" (they TK you if you do ). Very rewarding teamwork experience. But there is a lot of people who find line battling lame. www.bgmod.com
  17. Yeah I guess there's no invincible toggle. But I wouldn't call that fun.
  18. As the other guy said... I think ammo setting is only for guns. Missiles are still limited by realistic loadout capacity.
  19. This plane works with SF2 series. If you want to use for WOI, you need to tweak the .ini. Someone made the tweak available in the downloads section. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9234
  20. LOL! Just realised the post that I'm quoting was written way back in Sep 2008.
  21. Won't the CCIP tell you where the rockets will fall? I've been using that as targeting.
  22. Yup downloaded and extracted the massive weapons pack already. thanks
  23. Just noticed that the game created a Weapons Pack folder in the Saved Games folder. What does this do? I know there a separate Weapons folder in the Objects folder.

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