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Posts posted by sandpatch

  1. hello,


    i got Falcon 4.0 a week ago and I have been playing it since then. I have done all traing missions and I have also flown a litlle bit of dogfight. Now I wanted to start with the campaign mode but I thoght that it was very difficult becouse i had difficulties to find out if the fighter (and ground artillery) where allies or enemies. My question is, did I miss something in the training or is it very difficult. If it is difficult it would be nice if someone could help me with tips or send a link to a guide witch explains how i can recognize the enemies.


    Thanks in advance



  2. Hello, I am intrested in buying the thrustmaster HOTAS cougar joystick and throttle set. Before buying it I just wanted to know if anywone has bought it / had problems with it. It would be great if someone could help me.




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