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Posts posted by Starfighter

  1. In order to conserve on gas, I am eating less beans and other gastrointestinally hazardous foods. Some people don't want blood for oil; in my case, it's "no salsa for me".


    Seriously, I'm occasionally making a calm case for the American right of self-protection and keeping an eye on the Franco-German efforts to split the Atlantic Alliance and NATO. Reading John O'Sullivan's columns are quite illustrative for this; Richard Lowry's occasional remarks are of additional use from time to time. That, plus hoping and praying that we've got the right cause, the right plan, and the right circumtances to, if we fight, win quickly, win cheaply in terms of our lives and theirs, and to drive a stake in the heart of the problems out there.


    There's not much that a grad student can do, other than to heap scorn on the anti-war groups on grounds.


    Oh yeah: I drive a nice fuel-efficient Chevrolet sedan and despise sport-utes (the modern minivan; can't see around them, they're everywhere, and the very people who should be driving Yugos are the ones who have them; moreover, the five-foot woman yapping on her cell phone, drinking a latte, praising the Golden Child, and honking the horn while driving SS Lincoln Navigator always seems to be in the wrong lane and ignoring her turn signal when crossing over on me. Pardon the vent---I about got hit by one of the above earlier in the week, and it's getting to be a regular occurrence from these types.)

  2. Apologies if this is covered somewhere; I'm probably overlooking something obvious.


    Is there any way to save single missions for further use? I've had a couple of nifty ones get generated, and I'd kind of like to keep them. I've run through the various folders in the main directory, and nothing's leaped out at me as a candidate for the necessary file(s).


    Sign me wanting a mission---just like Captain Willard.

  3. Jeez, it's like watching something from Thirteen Days! Of course, that might make a great thing to view before playing the campaign, all with the eye on putting oneself in the proper frame of mind. It'd be nifty if instead of the AM rock 'n roll, you could have a John Kennedy speech or statement being played on the radio. It'd add atmosphere for a couple of seconds, if nothing else.


    Being able to scribble on my bombs would be nifty: "FULGENCIO SENDS HIS REGARDS" or "THE REAL WASHINGTON SENATORS PASS ON SIGNING CASTRO". OK, so maybe they're not comical, but they'd be ironically funny. :)

  4. I've gotten spoiled by the Su-27/Su-33, F-16C-50/52 and other modern jets in terms of weapon use---I had to think back to USNF '97 for AIM-9B limitations, 'cause it had been so long since I'd used them. At least I've got some electronic stick time in the F-84E and F-86F to guide me in these "shooting at glinting metal things" duels.


    Manual slewing isn't too much of a concern for me since I'm confident enough (or stupid enough, your choice) that I with AIM-9B et cetera and M61 are enough to prevail. (See signature for proof of mindset or lunacy.) I'm kind of partial to the F-100 m'self, 'cause it's an older aircraft, and you can't go wrong with something dubbed "Super Sabre". :D

  5. Eagle, let me just toss in another voice of thanks and appreciation for the work you're putting into this. I'll be anxiously awaiting this campaign's release---assuming that you've given the mighty F-104 its rightful place in the center spotlight. :D


    Silliness aside, the "reality quotient" of the campaign certainly looks to be attractive, and it's a good step forward for the game itself. Assuming that Cuban campaign goes well, it'll be a good download to boot. I suppose that if one based Starfighters at MacDill or some other southern Florida AFB, they could conceivably get to Cuba for a few minutes of fun in Uncle Fidel's socialist paradise. Of course, the Navy could always loan the much-needed Starfighter squadrons some ramp space at Guantanamo Bay, unless the Marines needed it, or something. Naah, y'think? :D


    Thanks for your work, to all concerned.

  6. Just a quick tip of the hat to the fellows who've come up with the knowledge base; it's a great thing. One of the first questions I had about SF was answered almost immediately by it, and they've even got a nice radar tutorial.


    My radar woes (mostly based upon the fact that I wanted to slew the cursors and designate targets myself) had gotten me to forgo the hopes of ever using the things efficiently. Of course, inasmuch as the F-104G doesn't seem to carry anything other than the AIM-9B and the M61 in the game (so far as I've seen in single missions; I could be quite wrong based upon what I've read) I might actually have to learn how to "look-down, shoot-down" instead of relying upon my ace pilotage skills :roll: to carry me through the battle.


    Anyways, thanks for providing this resource, and thanks for having such a heavy focus on SF to begin with. Now to actually remove those oh-so-helpful but oh-so-unrealistic data blocks...


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