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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Dogfights mentions Col. Tomb because Duke mentioned Col. Tomb. There is also evidence that Duke was actually shot down by a MiG-21. Instead of the SA-2 that was officially "reported." It would be bad USN PR to have the first Ace shot down during his Ace making engagement. If the truth is, that Duke and Willy had a hell of a fight with three MiG-17s and eventually got popped by a MiG-21 how would that be a bad thing? Instead the Navy invented the fact that their Ace killed "The Infamous Col. Tomb" then was hit by a SAM. Propaganda at it's finest. Istvan is a hell of a researcher and his work is invaluable.
  2. Duke Cunningham also hunted down and slayed the infamous Col. Tomb.......... NO MiG-17s in Vietnam with Atolls. Only MiG-17 version ever operationally fitted with Atolls was the Cuban MiG-17AS. End of transmission.
  3. Pesky Chinese push US around

    Named after the Battle of Cowpens. I guess the strongest navy the world has ever seen should have a ship named "Visby." Now that is a stupid sounding name.
  4. CombatACE Spotlight: Interview with 331 Killerbee

    Farragut is a good team. DB only started playing them in 09, the year I moved back. Maryville is the hive of all evil in East TN HS Football! DB has more wins than ANY football team pro, college, or HS in the state. But, Maryville has always seemed to knock em off in the playoffs. A lot of good HS Football in these here parts! My wife and kid went to DB. I went to North, but am a big DB football fan. North is not 5 miles from DB, in the county. Our football team always sucked ( I kind of helped out with that a couple of years!). Good stuff homie!
  5. Deviant Art , French Navy

    Merci! My new SEM loading screen!
  6. You ain't nuthin but a............. "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
  7. CombatACE Spotlight: Interview with 331 Killerbee

    Dude you went to Farragut? Ha! Roll Tribe.
  8. That is kinda like my LODless attack sub mod. Cant see it but you can detect, target, and destroy it. Just pretend your ASW helo's radar is sonar.
  9. Component[010]=Hide1 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=nose ModelNodeName=Fuel_Probe DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE This fixes the "double dong Intruder."
  10. Thanks! I am going to plug that in my AV-8A data right now.
  11. Aggie, your mod works exactly like you intended it to for my needs! It gives you the option to do a VTO if you are light enough. Weight is the key. Another thing, Harrier II's scream off this thing with little problem. It is the older ones with less hp that need vector help from "cat1".
  12. Just tried 5 Mk82's loaded, my wingman got off the boat no problem. The wingman's nozzle position was straight back. Me on the other hand, taking off from the "cat1" position had to bump my nozzels down a bit to get an extra lift off the edge. This is getting interesting. KB, where on a Tarawa class did AV-8A's start their takeoff run from? With this mod you starout out around the middle off the ship. See pic. Should you not start further aft?
  13. Try it anyway. This is JSF Aggies mod. You cannot overload AV-8As and expect them to take off. I am using the WOE SF1 AV-8A converted to SF2 standards using SF2NA as my arena. One thing I noticed was the droptanks for that version where way too heavy. I swapped them out for the Hunter tanks and it seemed to fix the rest of the flight nose diving off the end of the boat. Also remember, you cannot expect to have more than two 500lb. class weapons loaded if you have drop tanks and you are trying to do a STO off the boat using that mod. I think the main reason is you don't start from the back of the boat. Look up some of Gunny Killerbee's old posts on the subject. I read all of them over the past couple of weeks and my eyes where opened to the world of the Harrier.
  14. http://combatace.com/files/file/12751-lha-mod-for-stock-sf2na-version/ Try this.
  15. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Yes, especially if you have a whole lot of planes to put the new but fairly adequately trained pilots in and those squadrons being led by experienced or at least semi experienced veterans. The Germans and the Japanese had neither. The British did not do that during the BOB. They may have rotated squadrons for "rest" but the end result was nothing like the system that later developed in the Allied camp. The Germans did not have a clue, as Gepard pointed out, on how they where going to invade England. Hitler (drug addict) listened to Goring's (drug addict) promises of an air victory. Big lesson kids, don't do drugs. If the Germans would have had the "Null" ( I kind of like that term!), they would have had an aircraft that was able to do more hunting. They obviously would have realized this and used them to their advantage. I can say that the biggest factor was RADAR. Without that the Luftwaffe might have been able to remove the RAF from the Earth. But the British did have RADAR. The irony is that Germany was defeated by the very means they failed to master. Strategic air warfare.
  16. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    The range factor of the Type 21 would have been a game changer for the Luftwaffe. They suffered from the fact that 109Es had almost no loiter time over England. True the advantage always goes to the defender, but the Type 21 could have stayed on station longer and protected more bombers. Something that the 109E was unable to do due to it's stubby legs. The Type 21 of 1940 was far superior in range, maneuverability, and firepower than the Hurricane (Which the VAST majority of the RAF's fighters where in 1940) or the Spit I. An interesting idea, but the man in the cockpit factor really has to go to the Luftwaffe. Even though they where not able to recover as many of their pilots ( The whole, defender's advantage thesis), the Luftwaffe pilots, individually, where more experienced and far better trained at that time. It doesn't matter, because British RADAR won the BOB.
  17. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    If the Luftwaffe would of had the Type 21 in 1940, they would have won the Battle of Britain.
  18. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    "Came off" WTF! Eraser, front leaning rest.
  19. American football rivalry weekend

    That game will go down in history as one of the best college or pro games ever played! I am glad I watched it. Also, I despise UA......

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