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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Good Luck!
  2. AVG our trusted son of the Czech Republic. Used them for years with no issues!
  3. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    I agree Exhausted. I too have my retirement pension and veteran's disability along with my educational fund threatened by this. The Republican party as we know it died in 1964 but it has been a slow agonizing death for the once proud "Party of Lincoln" that preserved our union. To look to the Republicans to solve problems is like trying to get your alcoholic uncle to help you work on your car.........
  4. McAfee murdered his neighbor in Costa Rica. So who is the "dangerous" one?
  5. My Saitek X52 just arived

    Have had my X52 for six years. I never set up any profiles just mapped the buttons for each game. Cannot go wrong with X-52, CH Pro Pedals, Belkin n52te keypad, and Track IR 5!
  6. Some opinions needed

    In support of Fubar's previous statement, Blind Man's Bluff is an awesome book.
  7. Count the wires........ 3 wire all day!
  8. You could enclose the bridge, add the vertical slatted jet blast deflectors, and eliminate 1/2 of the AAA for a smoking hot flattop for Korean War use. That should cut down on the polycount.
  9. RUSH the movie

    How many people plan on going to see this? I know I sure the hell will!
  10. RUSH the movie

    I started this thread and just now saw the film! I loved it! I wish more films where like this.
  11. Footage of SuperSix 1 going down released

    Good segment on 60 Minutes tonight. The troubling thing is Logan's assertion That Aidid's militia where AQ affiliates. Total and complete bullshit and pure propaganda. Shame on Laura Logan.......
  12. Hope it comes with the hairy legged pilot.
  13. Another successful mission. Viggie Recce!
  14. We call this progress?

    Ha! Ha!
  15. We call this progress?

    Ha! Of course I got it from the beginning. I was just being a dick. LOL! I think the spotted owl should be subject to a mandatory state government directed vaginal ultrasound. Male or female. Thank the EPA that the Ohio river does not catch on fire any more. Fuck loggers. Recycle.
  16. We call this progress?

    I don't get it.
  17. Vo Nguyen Giap, dead at 102

    Old soldiers never die, they just die.
  18. Woman shot dead outside US Capitol building

    The reason she did it was because she thought President Obama was stalking her.
  19. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    Long term reduction measure. That means future. Military expenses have blown up since 2001... Wonder why? Maybe invading the wrong country and hiring massive amounts of contractors. I no shit agree with cutting the military down to 1995 levels. Whatever, no matter how much we spend on anything if somebody opens up rape camps in Europe again we will drag our asses over there to help. During the last shut down in Jan 96, I was in a tank invading Bosnia so what does the shutdown really mean anyway except a bunch of sanctimonious crybabies throwing a tantrum anyway. I totally agree with the fact that we need to produce more common goods for our selves. The people that used to work at the textile mills in North Carolina where called "lint heads." Now that their jobs where lost they are now called "pill heads." Jobless youth leads to crime and drug abuse. All of this still is really irrelevant because the bottom line is racism. Tea Party racism pure and simple. I see it and hear it everyday and it seems I am one of the only ones that is willing to speak the truth. Anyone want to accuse me of throwing the race card go ahead because I just did and it just bounced off your grape. Wakeup. If these signs do not make you sick then you need counseling. Notice the guy in the Texas flag shirt cannot even spell his racist slur.....
  20. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    Disagreed. The whole issue boils down to racism. The single most important long term debt reducing measure is the reduction of debt incurred by uninsured Americans that the federal government ultimately pays the service providers. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Heritage Foundation model produced by that conservative think tank over 20 years ago. There is nothing at all "socialist" about insurance companies being guaranteed new customers by law. The only reason the Tea Party assholes want to prevent this ( which they actually can't that is the irony) is the fact that when it works and becomes as popular as social security it will be a victory for the first African American President. Point blank bold faced bigotry. I remember when Congress members where walking up the steps of the Capital to make their historic vote on it. Rep John Lewis from Georgia who was damn near beaten to death by racist cops on the Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama. Was spit on and called a n****r on national TV by Tea Party activists as he walked up the Capital steps to vote for the ACA. They are pathetic. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/20/tea-party-protests-nier-f_n_507116.html http://thejoshuablogs.blogspot.com/2010/03/teabaggers-chant-nigger-at-john-lewis.html http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/03/20/90772/rep-john-lewis-charges-protesters.html
  21. Lone Survivor

  22. Behold the four combat deployments made by VA-35 to Vietnam in the A-6A.
  23. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    It is funny how people seem to forget that the 08 recession was a direct result of Bush economic policy. Obama did not single handedly double the debt. The debt was almost doubled due to two unfunded wars and the unfunded Medicare Part D expansion and the subsequent emergency measures taken by Bush who signed the first stimulus bailout and the tough call made by the Obama administration to continue the stimulus plan that finally did pull the economy out of the flat spin. Most people do not understand that the largest economy in the world cannot be ran like a small family budget. Most conservatives in congress are completely ignorant as to really how powerful important and also how fragile our economy really is. A macro economy uses debt as a manner to circulate trade. These small minded Republican reps. are to blame. I have pity on those that think this childish display by congress is a good thing for the nation. Face it Republitards you lost, this childish tantrum just makes you look just as stupid as the fat guy at the tea party rally dressed like George Washington. Stupidity breeds stupidity.
  24. Be patient. You will be happy with the new versions.
  25. ROFL! True Story Just Happend. ... to ME!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlrtQb24Qxw I recommend the Commando 450. The Serbs are fanatical about their showers.

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