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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. My Thoughts About Today.....

    You know, the reason we started this mess was our refusal to pay taxes to pay for the French and Indian War. So speak French tax free or speak English and get taxed. We chose the latter but technically reniged on the deal. A nation birthed in the belief that no one should pay taxes. Sounds kinda loony now huh? Well I am personally happy that the mass of cells that became me, came to fruition in the nation with TEN, count them TEN, nuclear aircraft carrier battle groups. I like paying for that.
  2. Happy 4th July Yanks :)

    Grant is on the $50. Two wins for the U.S. Army in won day! 4 July 1863. The high tide of the Confederacy.
  3. Is it fixed then?

    Don't remember the "Tun Tavern" story? Ever heard of a place called Lexington? All in good fun!
  4. Happy 4th July Yanks :)

    Widowmaker, we could not have done it without you.......
  5. Stay away from Carnivore

    The new book "Carnivore" is not worth your time. The guy that wrote it is a notorious jackass known throughout the "Armor community." Many embellishments and outright lies. Want to read about 3ID in Iraq, read "Thunder Run." Once again steer clear of this self promoting rag.
  6. Here Is Something For You All To Ponder

    The Tanker version would be, "When life gives you lemons, BATTLECARRY SABOT!"
  7. Is it fixed then?

    He can't. A Dog Face is reading it for him. The U.S. Army, born on the battlefield. Not in a bar.
  8. I am wondering if any one has placed an airfield and maybe secondary targets on Hainan Island on the VietnamSEA terrain. If you have could you please post the data.
  9. F/A 18H

    Why does Greece "collect" jets. No wonder they are broke. F-16's, M2K, and Super Dupper Hornet is quite a mix.
  10. Why NK is a better place to live than the US

    This man awaits heroine. The birds will be eaten on Tuesday. Sounds like code words!
  11. F/A 18H

    Wait ill you see my conformal external weapons pod, wait ill you see my conformal external weapons pod, Ima beat dat FLANKER up....
  12. Oh yes the LST Building. Ran by that thing many a morning in my old Ft. Knox student days.
  13. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    Excellent point. Possession is nine tenths of the law.
  14. Red Line means what?

    Well, we could invade Bangladesh. We would have to spend 2 billion dollars to outfit all our troops with hip waders. But it can be done. Why should we buy goods from a country that has no concern for the safety of it's work force? ( makes me think.... ever been to a Virginia coal mine?) Kudos to POTUS. Americans have no idea how the American Progressive Movement of the early 20th century has enriched their lives. Read "The Jungle." I know what we can do. Let's bring back poll taxes and voting tests. Then we can put all homosexuals in jail. Then we can make sure all poor and old people die because they cannot afford health care. We can also force 12 year old girls who where raped by their drunk uncle to carry the rape baby full term.Then we can pour all our resources into the Military Industrial Complex and just go bomb and invade any body that does not conform to the "Christian Fascist" policies of the American Conservative movement. Or we can just use common sense.
  15. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    Nobody has said that "Eddie the Worm" is not a skilled computer guy. Now the question is, what does President Obama have to do with this? If Mitt Romney was President would Putin cringe in fear? No. Is this worth starting a war with Russia over? No. POTUS is doing the right thing. To bad this did not happen in 2006. Dubya would have invaded Thailand to get to the bottom of it.
  16. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    That's what I mean. Not him being water boarded or beaten, but the subtle "who is your real friend" approach. Anyone that would seek employment with a contractor with the sole purpose of stealing classified info is a spy. Spies swing, always have always will. Another issue that the "Snowden Affair" brings up is the feeling of individualism that young people in America have. How can a person like Snowden feel that he is responsible for the "liberation" of the American people. There is no team spirit in American youth anymore. No honor or integrity. When I was a kid I was taught that no matter what the circumstances the last thing you do is betray your country. It gives the impression that most young Americans views of patriotism is not one of hard work and sacrifice, but one of leave me alone and let me do what I want. Snowden defends that thesis by "revealing" the "tyranny" of the government to spy on it's citizens. Instead of the real facts that phone logs and such are only a small sacrifice we have had to endure in an effort to prevent terror attacks. Snowden is a fucking fool and anyone who holds him up as a defender of liberty is an imbalanced malcontent. Shut up and color Ed, I hope you rot in hell.
  17. No image of parked Fulcrums in Dhaka on Google Earth. Did find their hangar though. Check this.
  18. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    If you think Snowden is hanging out in the airport lounge you might be fooling yourself. I think he is in the Lubianka dungeon right now getting an old school KGB "debriefing."
  19. This is how James Carradine died.
  20. Online Degree in Homeland Security

    Really who would hire somebody with an online degree in "Homeland Security?" The ad banners on this site sometimes really crack me up.
  21. Online Degree in Homeland Security

    Now they want me to get a degree in "Counter Terrorism." This is a diploma mill. Caveat Emptor.
  22. Red Line means what?

    Times like this I wish we had ole Dubya back. He would know what to do. Why, Dubya would probably reinvade Iraq! Bring it on............. d-bag.
  23. Check lod statement in main ini file matches the name in the skin folder. When that updated it might have reverted STORM's N to the DLC.......

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