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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. MyTai's Phantom skins are priceless.
  2. Good stuff, so how do we sweep the Tomcat wings manually aftwer we trap? What is the ini input? CarrierParkAnimationID=-1 Above is the park animation for Tomcat. -1 seems odd.........
  3. Yeah, good work WBS, this is going to be cool!
  4. Your radar changes to RWR when you are being locked.
  5. I'm on a Horse

    YEE HAW! Gidee up! Ya Ya!
  6. Add the Su-7 pit available here on CA. It looks almost identical to the Forger pit.http://combatace.com/files/file/6159-boopidoos-su-7bm-cockpit/
  7. Sid is not BSing. If you play campaign eventually you will be launching within visual and SAM range of Soviet ships. Kinda sucks because this would have never happened at all.
  8. OK I got it now guys! Got the AIM-54s workin right. Thanks for the tips. Got to watch "HOT TRIGGER" light.!
  9. What is up this "CVN-78" you get when you fly campaign? Definate bug since the intro says USS Nimitz and we all know it is 68! Also, I am not getting this AIM-54 thing. If anybody has any good down and dirty techniques to use to get this thing to work right I am all ears. So far most all of them go ballistic and. 400nm in TWS mode come on gimme a break.
  10. I selected Iceland NA in mission editor, ships came up as Battle Groups. All the Battle Groups had superimposed ships. Edited the mission and deleted the battle groups and as I "warped" to the IP it locked up. Also the planes on the deck are random and change just like populated airfields.......
  11. Fully merged updated install with all titles: Soviet ships have NO SAMS, Took 4 Harpoon A's to sink Kiev with my Razbam A-6E TRAM using Baltika's Iceland terrain. New ship damage effects are nice! fires on the deck. Hit a Kashin with four Rockeyes, all I did is set a few fires. Hit a 3rd party Soviet ship in my mission with one Rockeye and deep sixed it. Black screen when switch to map as the Dave said. The stock Kittyhawk CVs have semi populated decks! I downloaded it in a standalone to compare and got tooled by Soviet Sams from the boats repeatedly. The new Hawkeye voices are kinda..... uninspiring, but will get used to them. Noticed something called USNSpeech cat file so maybe we can work around this. The missiles countdown in the F-14 HUD so that is good news for us tracking that kinda stuff.....I like it and thank the guys in Austin for putting this together! Cannot wait to get a look at those data files! MY BN took this pic of the Kiev rolling over! Great stuff.
  12. Crazyhorse, first Combat Acer to sink the Kiev.
  13. SF:NA

    Downloading now!
  14. It doesn't work too well if the search title has only three spaces like "A-4"...............
  15. Oh and don't forget the CF-188 Dave! The Aussies, The Kuwaitis, The Finns, The Swiss, The Spanish, and the Malays. And the USMC!
  16. C Bug successful trap and parking job.
  17. Intruder lit up by AAA over Kamchatka fixin to unload on Soviet HQ building circa 1980.
  18. Wow! Been tracking your progress on this for awhile, very impressed and cannot wait to see it in person. Good work.
  19. Carrier Ops in the Strait of Hormuz

    Wow should of known Sid would know it! Good work.
  20. Carrier Ops in the Strait of Hormuz

    Must be! I stand corrected on my earlier look stating it was a Growler.
  21. Carrier Ops in the Strait of Hormuz

    1:51 not Vigilantes or Blue Blasters. Upon further inspection it is indeed a C.

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