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Posts posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Typical "Guard Tard". My experience with training these bozos is either he is the nephew of the battalion commander, thus untouchable. Or he might even be the civilian boss of one of his officers. Once again he would be untouchable. That photo makes me sick I want to puke. My official retirement date is 31 AUG 09. Boy am I glad. Our Army,I am sad to say, is nothing of what it was just 10 or 12 years ago.

  2. Ever been anoyed at the fact that you can get a Purple Heart after getting shot down in 1918? Knowing the Purple Heart was not instituted until 1932, I replaced the Purple heart in my game with the Wound Chevron. But, I cannot get the Citation right it just shows up balnk. In addition to that on the debrief screen it refers to the Wound Chevron as "MEDAL_USAS_WC_NAME" instead of Wound Chevron. If anyone can get me pointed in the right direction to fix this I would love it. Also, I noticed the MOH in the game is the USAF MOH so I changed the pic to the 1904 Army MOH. I also changed the Citation Star picture because the picture of the Silver Star Medal was again not correct for 1918. If I can get this Wound Chevron thing sorted out I will share all my USAS award mods. :ok:



    James Cassell


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