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Posts posted by helderm

  1. No bother helderm, not surprised you are confused its incorrect, and appreciate you raising these errors.


    You should download p10ppy's Spad 12 package.


    Do not "Copy Spad7_180 folder, rename to..... SPAD_XII"....thats incorrect.


    But yes, install the contents in the FM pack for the Spad12 to the Spad12 folder, ie my FM. The FM is the same as p10ppy's, I have just added ai parameters to make it fit with the rest of the planes as AI.


    Hope that helps.




    It's clear now. Thanks for the quick reply. :grin:

  2. Here I am bothering you again, peter.  :biggrin:


    In the "Unpatched_FMs_and_Campaigns" readme for FE you say we should download the P10ppy's Spad XII. Later you say "Copy Spad7_180 folder, rename to..... SPAD_XII". I'm confused... Should I keep the P10ppy fm or use the spad7_180 folder renamed to Spad XII?

  3. Hello, peter. First thanks for your great work on the fms. It's a wonderful gameplay improvement.

    I just have a small doubt about the installation of one of the fm. In the tutorial you mention the Nieuport 16 by Monty CZ, but I only find the christian59's mod for this airplane. Is this one?


    Thanks again


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