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Posts posted by vince269

  1. Put the F-15's in a beam, how far are they firing them from you? You could always turn and burn, but that would leave you defensive. Snake the missiles side/side or up/down while dumping chaff.


    earlier my enemy was a F-15C Baz AUP. He while I was about 100km infront of him (we were facing each other at that time) but i don't know whts the equivalent range of that into miles. He fired an AMRAAM at me and i breaked hard left then dumped some chaffs, but i wasted all of my chaffs still my RWR is still on the missle lock tone. btw i have not equipped my SU-30KN with Gardeniya ECM pods at that time.

  2. hey guys, new guy here on the forums.


    i want to get help about evading the AIM-7 sparrows and AIM-120's of the F-15's on WOI. Ive been having trouble lately on evading them. I tried to throw as many chaffs as i could but no luck. i tried also pointing the back of my plane on -15 degrees so that the missile would catch the chaffs and still no luck at this.


    any ideas?


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