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Posts posted by tacoscent

  1. I'll start by saying first off, I know nothing about modding at all. However there are several planes I have not seen and was wondering if anyone would have any interest in creating them. The Su 47 berkut. Its on here but it isnt flyable. The mig 1.44. And the Su 37 flanker. I know they do not exactly fit into the timeline of this game, but it would be really cool to have these very advanced planes in a simulator. What do you guys think?

  2. This biggest nuclear weapon the USA has now is about 1.2 megatons. Russia has the most modern ICBM to date, the TOPAL M, 550kt but can be fitted with a larger device. Can also be put into MIRVS. Dont forget the mighty SS-18 SATAN. 25 megaton missile!


    And yeah thats actually about 15 kilotons (probably give or take a bit). Videos also cant really capture every aspect of such a thing perfectly.

    Also 15 kilotons is not that large, its actually quite weak when your talking nukes.

  3. Yeah man... I actually just downloaded the weapons editor and guns editor from the thirdware site. But I have no clue how to use them. Lol im not some computer guy I know nothing about comps. Im seriously getting a headache from all this stuff i have no idea what im doing. All the planes need to come with a self installing package so its easier. This is so much harder than i thought it would be.

  4. Hi again guys. I just downloaded both weapon packs and installed them both successfully. Only problem is alot of the new weapons are not equipable on the planes I currently have. So all of the stock planes, I cannot equip anything nuclear. And I know it successfully installed those. Also nothing nuclear on my downloaded planes either. I was just expecting a huge amount of new weapons but there really isn't, at least not equipable ones. Am I doing something wrong? Or could someone point me to some downloadable planes on here that would be able to equip the majority of those big powerful weapons. Or at least some of the nukes.

    Thank you guys!


    Also this is for Wings over Israel.

  5. Well good news, IT WORKS!!! Sadly I dont know how to make its wings deploy:( Can anyone tell me which keys to press to make them deploy? Oh also thankyou guys for warm reception and help. I appretiate it very much! This Jet is SO fast! Got it up to 1800 Knots. Then I tried to turn (wings were not deployed) and i guess it pulled too many Gs and it crashed and when into the craziest spin! LOL

  6. Maybe if you come off a little less aggressive people will be more inclined to help you out.



    Would someone please be kind enough to point me in the right direction with regards to flyable planes in WOI. They are not really catagorized so it is hard for me to know which ones are which, and as I said earlier the F/A 37 Talon would be great. Whiteknight06604, since you are a modder, and I know literally nothing about computers and modding anything at all, would be kind enough to perhaps make these minor modifications on the F/A 37 Talon, or perhaps show me somebody who could or would be willing to? So far I only like 2 planes in WOI, the F15 and the F16. I would love the migs but sadly you cannot fly those. Any help would greatly appreciated. Apologies for my first post I did not want to seem like an ill mannered text speak "noob".


    Also just so I know, the F/A 37 Talon comes with its own installed, but you need to specify which folder you install it in. Which folder? (sorry ive never done this just got the game an hour ago)

  7. Ive never played any flight game before and i suck at Wings over israel. still I think its damn cool flying those jets and shooting stuff. Anyways i was looking through the download section, and there isnt one download that interests me that specifys if it runs on WOI or and older one likw WOE or WOV. SO STUPID!!! Anyways so I finally found this sexy jet, teh F/A 37 from stealth, that looks so cool better than my other fav the Su 47. BUT OMG! I waste a download only to find that its for WOE and WOV and stike fighters ONLY. Cant someone make some good planes for WOI, and why the hell are they not catagorized on WHICH GAMES THEY WILL RUN ON.


    Sorry Im just peeved i got really excited about that plane and then i find out it doesnt work. Anyone know any SEXY NEW NOT OLD planes that run for WOI? I dont like those old ugly ones just the cool futuristing looking ones. F22, Su 37, Su 27, Su 47, Mig 1.44, ETC ETC ETC. And if non of those could someone point me to some planes that for sure work for WOI. Thanks guys.


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