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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.

Shadow The Deadeye

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Everything posted by Shadow The Deadeye


    As a Giants Fan, I am so glad they won. And it was nice to see teams other than the Phillies, Red Sox or Yankees at the World Series.
  2. General David Petraeus collapses under the weight of his own medals

    Haha Nice
  3. ..._

  4. Caption Competition :)

    "Dude, you forgot to back up your files."
  5. Random Pic Time

  6. I Dropped the Bomb...

    Haha I love dos gringos, they have some awesome songs. My personal favorite is The legend of shaved dogs ass.
  7. So I just got WOE and then the ODS campaign for it, but whenever i go to campaign mode the screen will go black and then never display anything, I followed the read me but i still don't know whats going on.
  8. So i got the Vietnam 1984 add on, and I went to go fly. But the controls are messed up from how I normally fly. So how do I edit the controls to get it to my likings, I tried where you normally edit the controls but it didn't work Also how do I edit the flight model difficulty for that too.
  9. Weird joystick layout

    It worked thanks
  10. So I recently decided to get the Vietnam 1984 and it says I need a clean separate install, I was wondering how you do that. I checked the KB but either I wasn't paying attention or I'm just slow on these things.
  11. Never mind I figured it out
  12. So I've been adding stuff to WOV mainly modern fighters, weapons, etc. But for campaigns I've left them stock. I was wondering what some good add on WOV campaigns there are, especially ones that add modern aircraft.
  13. In WOV I see parked MIG's all the time, just before I strafe them. And I've seen friendly Aircraft Parked back at Base
  14. GAH I'M FREAKING OUT NOW. But it would be helpful to know what time zone it was down at
  15. So I got a bunch of modern U.S. Fighters and now shooting migs down is to easy, is there anyway to add some of the newer russian and chinese aircraft to WOV.
  16. Adding enemy AI Aircraft in WOV

    Thanks, I guess I should've thought about it and searched before making a new topic.
  17. Actually it's usually ShadowDeadeye but Deadeye's a bit shorter and a bit cooler.
  18. Deadeye, though sometimes I don't live up to it.
  19. (I'm not sure if this is the right place.) So I recently installed the October 2008 patch, so I go to the single mission screen set it up and go to play, when I hit start mission the game would crash.
  20. Crashing problem

    I feel like an idiot, that was the problem. Thanks for the help
  21. Crashing problem

    Correction it is d3dx9.dll was not found, reinstalling this might fix the problem
  22. Crashing problem

    Wings over Vietnam, and I think it was Run.dll33 could not be found or something of that nature. I went into Rage mode instead of looking at the message. Also I had just reinstalled Wings over Vietnam so it was a clean install.
  23. So I downloaded the weapons pack for wings over Vietnam, I have the latest patches too. But every time I started the game it would crash so I couldn't play it, So i went in and deleted the folder with the mod and it worked... But I had now weapons. Does anyone know what I can do other than uninstalling and reinstalling the game, like having the weapons pack that is unmodded or tell me what to do?
  24. Help please

    Since I'm not the system Admin on my comp, I can't install or uninstall it.
  25. Help please

    Well I got it to get to the main menu then the create a mission menu, then it crashes after that.

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