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Everything posted by JDSnypes

  1. what is A7 FLIR? is that an infrared camera or something? and where can i get it if so
  2. lol i was wondering too if we can have night vision goggles in TW series. I don't know about darker sky though, i thought the high altitude have bright night sky
  3. USN Radio COMM

    is the sound in the loop. i wish its a large communication so it doesnt get old quickly
  4. maybe u installed it wrong? Anyways, i searched in the Download section and i saw F22 raptor 2.01for SF 2,im not sure if this is the aircraft thats we are talking about now, is this f22 could also work in WOI?
  5. ive seen a parked f15 eagles in WOI campaign when i returned and land to my base, ill say they are pretty to look at from avobe, makes u want to strafe and blow them up
  6. i dont know how old this game is but i just found it out yesterday.I think the name of the game is Seven-G. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbKAliah-48&feature=fvw the guy put settings on infinite ammo and no damage but what cached my eye is how AI MIG use flares effectively so no one can lock to him. I kinda wish TW series are like that, i really havn't seen enemy planes even in addon mig 29 use flares.
  7. i put all on hard/hard in option and im still not satisfied because its a bit easy to kill enemy aircraft, especially migs. Is there a mod or a tweak to make AI much aggressive maneuvering?? I think there somethign wrong with my settings,i never seen AI planes use flares or ECM, or do crazy aerobatics to dodge missiles. I thought it would be challenging and cool if you see them doing this.
  8. I'm Feeling Generous...So Don't Press It

    wow, i would want it if the shipping is free too, im kinda broke though.
  9. Better and cunning AI would probably nice,like actually trying crazy aerobatics to fool your missiles, maybe realistic TV guided missile inside the cockpit? I haven't tried this but an anti ship where you attack a destroyer and they actually fires at you? also your squads actually talks to each other about thats going on and coordinating tactics just like in ace combat 6 to ease the atmosphere?
  10. WOI 2009-06-10 20-06-24-92.jpg

    i played as kfirc2, but easily killed by rival mig 21
  11. WOI 2009-06-10 20-16-49-52.jpg

    Now as F22 raptor, i gunned this bitzch down!
  12. WOI 2009-06-10 20-24-00-43.jpg

    this one is funny, mig 21 wing man fired a missile to f22 that's chasing me but he managed to fire a missile on me before he get blown, i survived the sophisticated AIM 9 but left a major damaged on my engine. Later my plane was engulfed by flames
  13. Mig 21 Shot Down

    An escort fighter plane shot down. Bomber is now an easy prey
  14. Mig 21 Shot Down

    Mig 21 shot down in the mountains of himalayas. Would be too damned freezing you butts off if you manage to bail out.

    © JDz

  15. WOI 2009-06-10 20-10-56-69.jpg

    From the album F22 in Himalayas

  16. F22 in Himalayas

    While i was playing singleplayer with addons of f22 raptor and himalaya terrain, i took a series of screenshots and made it beutiful
  17. WOI 2009-06-10 20-19-29-10.jpg

    From the album F22 in Himalayas

  18. yes your right, hud display and visual targeting is set to normal, cuz its really hard to spot enemy planes cuz of my bad graphic card thanks, ill buy SF2 soon
  19. yes,like i said i set it to hard enemy skill lvl/ hard simulation, its WOI, oct 2008 update patched. Also i have another question, how do u remove the HUD radar in the top right corner and the little white letters in the lower left corner of the screen, the one that tells ur Speed,Heading,Pilots squadron and callsign, i dont like them being there and certainly dont like it when u target fixated an enemy an another HUD in the right lower screen(which is now red colored) that tells u wwhats he current speed of your enemy, heading etc etc.
  20. I'mjust wondering if there is any active hamachi server out there that plays WOI or First Eagle? I'm encouraging my friend to buy this game but he isn't interested so i kinda want some1 to play online with me, i have not experienced any combat flight simulation in online so i want to try it out.If you have xfire maybe you could post your xfire name here and ill try to add you. i do play OFP and Arma though. =D

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