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lauro rafael

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Posts posted by lauro rafael

  1. Recently I had the same problem with a skinpack for spitfires(entirely black aircrafts).

    Just a few skins were shown "ingame", most of it was shown in black.

    During the installation process I exclude folders with skins that did not interest me (in this case I was only with the IDF skins), without editing the "texture sets" in the .ini file of the aircraft.

    After verifying that the files were in the correct formats and yet the problem persisted, I had the idea to look in the .ini.

    There I realized that the game does not automatically deleted (or even ignored) the list of texture sets relating to folders that I had previously deleted.

    Those few skis that were shown were high on the list of texture sets, those that appeared in black were placed after the entries for the skins of the deleted folders.

    I just deleted all texture set entries and started a new game with the aircraft of problematic skins, all skins that were black now appear normally.

    The game automatically rebuilds the list of texture sets according to the folders present in the root folder of the aircraft, however it does not edit the same list if a skin folder is removed.

    I hope this can help someone.
    Please excuse my bad English...
    With a great help of the googletranslator. ^^


  2. ZsH-7 flight helmet + Km-34 Oxygen Mask...

    One of the things I hate most in the TW's sims is the Standard pilotmodel(very lowpoly)... Starting my learning in 3DS max I decided to try a new one...


    It is still at an early stage and I think it will continue for a long time since I'm devoting my attention to an aircraft model... If anyone is interested in my pilot model and want to finish it, send me a PM and we talk about it. ^^


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  3. :bowdown2: GREAT russouk2004! Yes sir, I've been working on it for a few days. Honestly I do not know if I will be able to finish it, but if I think I reached a point where not be able to progress (due to my limited knowledge) I could pass on to the model was finished off by someone who has the interest. I'm currently working on the nose intakes.
    I thank you very much for your attention and for your kind words, they encourage me to continue.

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  4. In my case, I know how to build and cut parts, but never moved forward from this point and no idea of other things, how to animate the control surfaces (for example). I imagine that many others have even more basic questions than mine. I know there is much more to do than modeling, but do not know how to do this subsequent steps.

    At the moment I have two projects going at snail's pace, a pilot and an aircraft model, know that the pilot would be much simpler to end, it would be enough just modeling, texturing and separate the head from the body (that's right? XD)... And by the way, how I hate the standard pilot model !!! :blowup:
    I thank you for your attention , sir. ^^

  5. We could could use some new tut's to replace those made by Mustang, Although they were helpful, they were deceiving because they were not made for just SF. Took me a few months to sort out the WRONG information they contained. Like Mapping, cutting and bending meshes, he makes it to complex. Just a thought.


    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, do that... It would be helpful, especially for those who do not have English as their native language(like me). \o/


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