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Everything posted by LCountach

  1. I don't fully understand the SMS Display workings. If I am correct the cockpit must have the required nodes built in. The different text is turned on and off like lights perhaps? I don't think the "Block 50 pit" has them built in and even if it does I don't know there names. If there is some sort of guide on setting up an SMS display I would like to read it. I am happy with the "Block 50 pit" the way it is when it has working avionics70. If only I could figure out how to get the pippers centered.
  2. Don't want to be pushy Canadair but did you remember the fix you did for the crusaders pipper? wpnssgt's BETA pit seems very sensitive to "ViewAngles". Only slight angle adjustments can cause the LCOS pipper to stick at the top of the HUD. The CCIP pipper never seems to work and always sticks no matter what I try. It seems xevilpetex ran into the same problem because his F-16A block 10 (only downloadable F-16 with BETA pit & avionics70) has the same problem. Both his LCOS and CCIP pippers are stuck at the top of the HUD. I have a feeling this can be be adjusted out but I don't know how. Canadair? Anyone? Thanks in advance. By the way I got WOI and exported the F-16A. I has over 100 files! Most were the HUD symbols. Once I get the Cockpit sorted I plan on making a F-16C out of it. When finished can such a plane be shared as a download or is that frowned upon?
  3. Ok I have now edited Dave's Block 50-52's to have fully functioning "Avionics70" including ground radar. Avionics were taken from the stock F-15A and the ground radar from Dave's F-15E. The cannon Pipper CCIP is WAY OFF in ground mode and sits at the top of the HUD. Thats the one and only problem I have with the avionics. I think it is because the BETA F-16C pit sits lower on the screen than other aircraft. Perhaps there is an editable entry that can fix the pipper? I have compensated by putting the "guncross" where the bullets actually go. Ideas on how to fix the ground cannon pipper? Anyway now that that's done I think I will get WOI and try out the F-16A. So I ask again for help. I want to export the F-16A from WOI into WOE. Please will someone tell me what files exactly I need to export and in what folders they need to be in. If there is a post/sticky already just point me there. I have searched and done a lot of reading but haven't found the answer. I have only had this game a couple days but in that short time I have successfully added "Avionics70" to a modded plane. I learn quickly so please give me a chance and a little of your time.
  4. Yes Yes thats what I need to know but in more detail. What files exactly? How do I know what files I need?
  5. Thanks but I can't find column5's page on CombatAce. I don't even know where to look. Now are you recomending column5's page for the exporting process or a way to get to the Mirage Factory? I definetly would like the process. I also would very much like to find the Mirage Factory but when I googled it, I saw their logo and then was forced into a popup about some antivirus offer thing which promptly crashed my browser.
  6. Ok what you are saying is that even if I buy WOI no one will help me export the WOI F-16A into my preferred WOE? Why not? How is that different than all the people explaining how to combining all the sims together into one giant game(A mess I wish to avoid)? No need to jump on me. I said I was willing as a last resort to get WOI and export it myself. I was just hoping someone would help me out and make it easier. I don't want WOI and I don't want to combine the hole thing with WOE just to get an authentic TK F-16A into WOE. Doing it myself didn't seem like a crime to me. Sharing that kind of knowledge is also not criminal either. It just so happens that once someone learns enough to export needed files for his or her mod they will also know how to export a complete plane. I am sure many have done similar things for themselves already. Yes I guess I can see your point. Sharing a complete exported plane could be considered crossing the line. I just figured there were so many modded F-16s available sharing an unmodded one was no big deal. Sorry On a side note where is this Mirage Factory URL? I would like to check out there stuff.
  7. Ok if I must play the waiting game. AAHHH!!! Can I at least experiment with the proposed export of WOI's F-16A to WOE? Isn't it possible when all games are patched to Sep2008? I don't yet have WOI because that particular Theater does not interest me. In fact I dislike it! However I am a big fan of the F-16 and obtaining a "Complete, Accurate, and UnModified" TK representation would be very nice even if it is just an "A" model. Is it possible someone could do the exporting for me and rap it up in a nice flyable package for WOE? That would be great! Pretty Please with Sugar on top!?! If not, how might I go about doing it myself? If that is my only choice I would like to learn. Perhaps someone could give me some basic steps on the process pertaining to the F-16A. However if it is at all possible I would like to avoid WOI myself.
  8. I am very new to this sim and I am having a bit of trouble. I am running patch Sep2008. I downloaded several Addon aircraft but only one is available in multiplayer. The rest simply don't show in the list of available aircraft. They all work just fine in single player but won't show up in multiplayer. How can I fix this? Downloaded Aircraft: F-16C Blk50/52 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1570 MiG-29G Fulcrum A http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6179 F-14A+ http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3924 SU-27 Flanker http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm The SU-27 Flanker is the only one that works/shows. I also looked here but no answer. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...;hl=multiplayer Please Help and thanks in advance!
  9. BAM! You hit that one! In the "XXX_DATA.ini" files for the problem aircraft the "ServiceStartYear" is beyond 1985. Editing them to 1985 works but that is unrealistic! Is there any way to have WOE allow you to select a yeay beyond 1985 for multiplayer?
  10. Well yes they will be. However currently for a testing purposes I am hosting the multiplayer session by myself. They don't even show up for me when I am alone in the multiplayer session.
  11. I just got this game WOE. The cockpit from a fresh CD install seems to work fine in a few quick test missions. I then applied the Sep2008 patch and now I can't stay inside the cockpit! My view is always forced to a HUD skimming along at ground level. If I hold the NumPad View keys I can snap to different views inside the cockpit. However as soon as I let go the view snapes back to the ground level outside the cockpit. I am a total noob to this game. What can I do to fix this glitch? Please help. Thanks in advance. :)
  12. I have a Suncom F-15E Talon & SFS Throttle HOTAS. The POV Hats only emulate keyboard keys NOT mouse. Is there a way to assign the Cockpit camera to look around smoothly using keys? In other sims the NumPad is used but this sim is a little different. It snaps by default. I need it to pan smoothly. How can I do this? Less important, the throttle Afterburner Dent is completely out of sync with this sim. I have a Saitek as well as my Suncom and both dents are off. Is there a way to fine tune the throttle axis?
  13. I am having exactly the same problem. Unfortunately I can't find the "viewlist.ini". Where is it? Do I need to extract it somewhere? I am totally stuck!

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