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Everything posted by nbryant

  1. SPAD VII RFC Dec '17



    Based upon a graphic found online.
  2. If I am not mistaken it is a maintenance portal on top of the aircraft. Access ladder inside. Another pic showing a mech on top.
  3. Twilight Zone....... The Last Flight. Nieuport 28 C-124 Globemaster F-100 Super Sabre C-47 Skytrain F-104 Starfighter F-9F Cougar A-4 Skyhawk F-102 Delta Dagger Norton AFB, San Bernadino, CA
  4. File Name: Fictional SPAD 13 File Submitter: nbryant File Submitted: 19 September 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Fictional SPAD 13 representing the American 103rd in 1918. Click here to download this file
  5. Fictional SPAD 13



    Fictional SPAD 13 representing the American 103rd in 1918.
  6. Tried but the site tells me I am not authorized. ???? While I hash that out email me, nbryant58@gmail.com , and I will send it to you.
  7. Thanks Olham. Already have begun. My SPAD XIII has various exhasut overlays, data plates, redone access panels to provide variation in the airframe. Not much of it shows in the pics but in-game, and knowing its there adds to it. More SPADs to come. Have started a Nieuport and Sop Camel as well.
  8. SPAD VII of the Royal Flying Corps, Sainte-Marie-Capelle, December 1917 .......added shading to the aileron and elevator hinges, modified the C to to represent the drawing, added actual wood texture to the struts. Think I'm done......... yeah right! Loving this crap!
  9. My newest creation.......... finally have a base SPAD VII. Last pic is the source used.
  10. Have three flights in on a new pilot and have completed three claims yet the pilot log reflects seven. I did not complete claims for EA's that crashed after I and others made a number of passes or I left them trailing smoke or fuel. Does the game track those even though I did not complete and actual claim?
  11. In Game Claim Count

    Ok, figured out what was wrong. Operator error! I was test flying a skin and didn't make my "test pilot" active............. during that flight some ballons were taken out and I received credit. So the game is fine, the pilot needs to get more rest.
  12. In Game Claim Count

    No Olham, no multiples and honestly no ground kills. Three flights, two observation, one deep recon. So I am confused but will watch and see what it does.
  13. Olham.......... looks more like a plum then burgundy wine!
  14. Good tip Olham. I have suffered through a number of resets. Will make a note of this and try to remember to do that in the future.
  15. Well I haven't been playing P3 as long as most here but have invested some hours into it and haven't even scratched the surface. With the variety of aircraft, timeframes and locations available how can anyone loose interest in this yet. Sure I am like everyone else and ready to drop a buck or two when P4 makes it's appearance but do personally appreciate that the dev's are continuing thier pursuit. Can you imagine the pressure they are under? They have produced an outstanding product and have to do what they can to ensure that P4 continues that success. My hats off to them! Let them take their time to ensure that we picky users of their product have less to complain about when it does arrive.
  16. Nine Years Ago Today

    Was working at National Airport just a couple of miles from the Pentagon. Was in the office checking my email when I heard a report of the first aircraft hitting. I checked the news and immediately went to the American Airlines conference room not to far away. We were watching the news in awe and as the reports were coming in we watched the second aircraft hit and then knew immediately this wasn't just some remote accident. I went to discuss what was going on with some of my employees around 0930. While briefing them I recieved a call a few minutes later from another of my employees asking me what was going on..... I mentioned New York and he cut me off and said no, the Pentagon had just exploded! I dropped the phone and walked out of the airport and saw the cloud as it mushroomed up in the vicinity of the Pentagon. I ran back inside with a local police officer and was immediately summoned to a meeting at airport operations. The incoming information was confused and all over he place but it was shortly confirmed that at least one aircraft, but possibly more, were unacccounted for and that the last known report was that it was likely heading for DC. Possible strike points were quickly being discussed and the Capital Building, White House, National Airport and Andrews AFB were likely candidates. At about the same time as flights were officailly being grounded it was determined that the airport had to be evacuated. In what seemed like an eternity but was actually less then an hour, the airport was mostly cleared with everyone directed back into the adjoining streets in Crystal City and/or down towards Arlington. While assisting the police in directing departing people I was struck by the situation and looking around noticed the soot falling from the sky and at one point actually watched a small piece if insulation as it floated to the ground. Leaving only key people in place we made our way back to higher ground on a little knoll about 1/4 mile away from the old terminal. Trying to catch radio reports we were more in the dark at first then anything. Eventually a report filtered through that an aircraft had gone down in Pennsylvania but they were still looking for another. While this was going on you could see the smoke from the Pentagon changing in color as the brave fought back the flames and were attempting to rescue all they could. Hours went by with us being unable to re-enter the airport and being unable to leave as traffic had become a parking lot. I was eventually able to borrow a phone and called home but was not able to get there until much later that evening. There is much I will never forget about that day. The confusion, fear, sorrow, anger. I still pray for the innocents that fell, for the professionals that gave of themselves that day and during the days that followed, and for those that have served overseas giving everything to ensure that we try not to allow anything like this to occur again.
  17. Say hello to my little friend!

    May lifes blessings continue to shine on you, the misses and now your angel. Enjoy the time as it passes much faster then you can imagine.
  18. Completed Mafia II....... enjoyed the storyline but the gameplay was a bit awkward. Driving is a mess, but you can get used to it. When shooting I found my aim was always off from where I thought it was at first but easily correctable. I did so enjoy the cars and creating paint schemes that reminded me of my childhood. Still, the game has beautiful graphics if your system can handle it, a good storyline which I found short lived, and with the few flaws noted I give it a 3.5 out of 5. I just completed Dragon Age even though I have been playing it for months. Am now into Dragon Age Awakenings. Have been chasing a good career in OFF, well, better then others I have had. Have an upgraded video card so I am playing with the grpahics settings. Can run everything at 5 with very limited FPS reduction. Still, the game will crash at times when I am using my joystick POV in external view. Will keep tweaking it until I have no issues but am thrilled with the quality of the graphics with everything turned up. Have really been trying to learn more about Photoshop 7 and reverse engineering aircraft templates to make skinning easier for me. Have a long way to go. Have also been venturing into CFS3. Bought it for OFF but never played it. Find it appealing and am looking at adding user aircraft to upgrade the visuals. Also have found some of the games features that would surely be great additions in OFF if they could be ported over, which I know nothing about and am sure the dev's are scrutinizing every possibility.
  19. WWI air combat boardgame?

  20. Olham, thank you much kind sir. I was missing venturing into the microsoft folder. Off to experiment.
  21. If anyone finds the file in Windows 7 please let me know!
  22. Stumbled across this ad while looking into FSX downloads........ Anyone see these before? Expensive, and I can't find anything showing the view from the internal display. http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_vr920_support.html
  23. I agree. I do enjoy the attempted reality of DiD but the game offers so much more when you explore everything.
  24. For a real challenge you could use Night Vision Goggles!

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