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Posts posted by squid

  1. I have this one on my HD at the moment. The model is almost finished, it flies, lands, fires weapons, but the FM is TW AV-8A's. So any major help in making it fly right will be appreciated :smile:


    post-15328-1204111177_thumb.jpg post-15328-1204111399_thumb.jpg



    Personaly i would be ok temporarily with the -A FM, (cant be that much of a difference) what i think is more needed maybe at such stage is skins and stuff like shadow file maybe (for WOE) loadouts, pit .....


    Harriers II rulez :minigun:

  2. In the downloads section there is a unfinished model of the Mirage 2000 produced by Aleks which apparently has been downloaded 543 times has anyone who has downloaded it as yet managed to get it flyable in WOE as it would be useful to have a Mirage 2000 for use in WOI and the Straits of Formosa terrain, and it is one of the few gaps left in modern service aircraft?





    i think Mirage Factory has a good M2000 WIP at a good stage , i think it was somewhere in CA i saw the screenshots and progress update. otherwise for sure they are at checksix, will post the links later if i find them. Lots of people are eagerly waiting for the Mirage 2000 (including moi)

  3. jee .....


    Can't narrow down the list enough ...

    Anyways, here's my best effort, and my criterion is basicaly looks :


    • Mirage 2000 (especialy the Dash 5 version which has an F-15E comparable radar, i love its cockpit, 6-8 kickass MICAs. If it only had an F100/119 class engine as well .... Very few have realised how potent this last delta mirage is)
    • F-14 , maybe the best fighter shape ever ....
    • Su 27/33/35/37 (no comment ....)
    • MiG 29/35 (MiG 35 with thrust vectoring .... s w e e t ...)
    • Eurofighter (cause our AF is getting it *grin*)
    • F/A-18
    • F-16
    • F-15
    • A-10 (i never understood those who called it ugly , duh ... one of the coolest and with more character flying machines ever made)
    • F-100
    • F-4

  4. 5. Shadow file?

    6. Default/startup loadouts?

    7. Squadrons?


    Sorry, i mean,


    5. i dont see a plane shadow, maybe it doesn't have a shadow file implemented?

    6. Theres no startup / default loadout, is that correct? all pylons appear empty waiting for the player to fill them up

    7. There are no squadrons list in the loadout screen, correct?



    4. Yes i read the FM is an initial not dead accurate version no problem with that, but i knew i had to expect it to be in the 9G maneuverable class from what i read here, i will repaste the files in a while, apart from that somewhere specific i should check ? (and look out for what?)



    1. How do i extend the games timeline range?

  5. Great 3d model and skins work. Excellent, flawless. Excellent weapons addition. THANKS


    My issues and questions:


    1. Should i extend the WOE timeline to 2008 to be able to get the IRIS-T, Litening III & Meteor ? (How?) Is there some other way maybe? (i temporarily changed the dates to 2000 for those three but still the Litening doesnt appear in the loadout list)


    2. My Gripen pilot is ... skinless :P, what should i check?


    3. NOTE for everyone, the new weapon editor released from TW right after WOI is not combatible with WOE, use the 2006 WOE weapon editor for WOE


    4. The flight model is nothing but maneuverable, roll rate and turn rates are like cargo jet, i think somethings wrong with my installation but what ? where ? even the stock phantoms totally outmaneuver the gripen , its really slugish, takes ages to decide to turn and when it does it only take a few degrees angle, rolls take forever ....


    and to make sure whats in the package and what i have screwed in my installations:


    5. Shadow file?

    6. Default/startup loadouts?

    7. Squadrons?


    I am installing it over a NATO Fighters II WOE ....


    Thank you

  6. HMMM!! look at the screens again




    I'm a new modder, I haven't had to endure rivet counting too often, so I am not too offended by criticism, just be aware that some others might be, and yes I agree it seems a little thick, will prob work on it (won't change it much though), I will consider the polygons side of things in balance with the rest of the pit, I wan't it all to be looking good if I can.



    - mirrors - my weird sense of humour, dont pay attention, (sort of rhetoric question out of excitement) :P


    - dont get me wrong your work is excellent ! i dont see any reason why would you be offended at all (as far as the others concerned, who cares lol) full thumbs up here, seriously, i can see only good results if it keeps going that way. Just my 2C of my trained eye , MAYBE, which means this has to be researched , the canopy frame is thicker than it should, but i will check on that again. Frame polygon count of the frame alone (and maybe mirrors too) i strongly believe it should be as high as possible (stock cockpit level) for the sole simple reason that its a pure curve and has to be as smooth as possible. the rest of the pit details can be as minimal polys as they want maybe when they are simple primitives


    - personaly when i coment is only with constructive motivation in mind , just to help, suggest and hopefuly contribute to improvement, not criticise at all. The receiver either takes it or leave it. Both directions respected. Whatever the outcome will be, still thankful for the release and honest congrats.

  7. - ok i found who made the original F18 (great job Toaster, is he a member of Mirage Factory? who are the MF?).

    - But , who made the improved Cockpit and Avionics ?

    - Do i have to use the weapons pack to get aim120 and fuel tanks for the F/A-18?

    - can the shadow get optimized so its not affecting FPS , like the way it works with stock planes?


    General questions:

    - can the canopy reflection get increased by some ini tweaking?

    - is it on my pc only that the canopy glass becomes invisible when seen against clouds?


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