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Everything posted by Leidgenosse

  1. A masterpiece of work! And the extra is a really nice addition for night flying too!
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hallo zusammen Ich wollte auf diesem Weg nur kurz mal ganz fest Danke sagen an all diejenigen, die an der Hunter beteiligt waren. Es ist fantastisch zu sehen, mit viel Detailliebe an diese Flugzeuge herangegangen wird, und wie man aus einem tollen Flugzeug ein noch viel tolleres machen kann, wirklich Top! Ich wage es hier gar nicht zu sagen, aber ich hab mir auch den TW Hunter geholt und wurde mit einer nichtssagenden Skin belohnt, ohne Staffelmarkierungen, ohne Staffelauswahl an sich. Da sind qualitativ schon Welten dazwischen! Und wenn ich sehe dass an einer IIIS (mit Canards) gearbeitet wird, dann freut mich das als "Konsument" eurer Arbeit extrem! Obwohl ich Schweizer bin schäme ich mich fast ein bisschen, nichts zu eurer Arbeit mit Bildern, Skizzen usw. beizutragen zu können. Nochmals Danke an all die, die unzählige Stunden mit modden verbracht haben! Gruss
  3. Nice! now if we only had swiss hornets in a similar quality (sorry, I just was dreaming...)
  4. Mil funnies

  5. As we all know, Dave is having an affair with FC2... But, here's the shocking proof that he's deeper in SF2 than ever! Will his affair pull out of their liaison after the latest paparazzi pics released by an - at this time french airforce - pilot over germany? Questions over questions, as the accused one himself didn't give a statement about the latest discovery of his affairs yet... The public itself is very curious about how this story will continue Stay tuned

    Not quite shure whats better now, the music or the movie... nice find
  7. You know the french aviation movie "Chevaliers du ciel"? I felt like one of these
  8. Hi all I just want to say thank you to all those who contributed to the incredible Operation Darius mod, be it the skinners, be it the campaign builders, the terraformers or the plane modders. You are the ones that keep the joy on playing SF2 (for me at least )! Best regards leidgenosse Yes I know, short text...But I can't warp my gratitude in more fitting words than that...
  9. P-47N-15.7z

    Great, thank you! It's working now like a charm...I love to fly armed recon missions with this beast in germany'45
  10. P-47N-15.7z

    @Wrench: Didn't know that... @russo: Thanks for the provided entries, however, the plane still won't show up. I created the required ini-file. Do I need an older version of the plane and paste the new files over it?
  11. P-47N-15.7z

    So I need the old version and paste the new one over it? Because mine won't show up and I think the P-47-15.ini is missing...(not the _data.ini)
  12. so now you know where I do live...
  13. Hello everyone Just saw this in our daily swiss newspaper. They got the allowance to do some 360° shots on Meiringen airbase, from where some of our F/A-18 are based at. I thought this might be of interest for you guys. Meiringen airbase is located in a narrow valley, approx. 20 miles away from where I do live. Click me hard Enjoy!
  14. Very nice work! I'd like to shout out a big thank you in general to all modders of the SF- series...
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