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Everything posted by Leidgenosse

  1. My personal shot of the month: F/A- 18 of VFA-86 on hunt for Iraqi AA- sites... That shot wouldn't be half as beautyfull without Starys SARCASM- Mod. Thanks to all modders who contributed to ODS!
  2. The last big bang, no nukes involved
  3. Guess why (Hint: Not because of teh Cat) BTW: Did you change some entries in flightengine.ini? Because since installed your sarcasm-mod, everything looks a lot more sharper now...
  4. WIP

    Just one word: Awesome!
  5. No kill like a gun kill! Low flyby... Catch the wire...
  6. Well, apart from the obvious bugs, I've found another small bug in the campaigns. I have the possibility to create a northern sabre campaign flying the A-6E with VA-35 only...But at deck my plane goes Boom then... All I made was putting an A-7 cockpit in to make the stock Intruder flyable... I'm enjoying the game so far and I do thrust in TK putting up patches asap, so no problem about zhe bugzz here
  7. Nice looking IIIS Soulfreak...
  8. Well, let's see how it stands against GMGs Swiss hunter, as these guys did an excellent job on it! But anyway, for me it's almost a duty to buy it!!!
  9. Popular AVIATION movies you've watched and liked!

    Well, for me it's either the tuskeegee airmen or les chevalies du ciel, a movie about mirage fighters within the french airforce. Another movie I like is the "propaganda"- movie of the swiss air force called Identified, as it shows dirfferent parts of the airforce like AA units, maintenance units, the job of SAR and of course....fighters (including german MiG-29!!!) - first part of Identified - enjoy!!!
  10. A shame though, that it never happened...They wanted some "prestige" fighter, so we went along with mirages . Also the scimitar in swiss colours has something, almost looks like either the swiss project "Aquilon" or the cancelled "P-16" fighter. Nice work Spinners!:wink2:
  11. @Stary: nice shots! BTW: Found an easter-egg while on CAP, there was a huge tank battle going on over Fulda and they were protected by SA-8 SAMs. As my wingmates called about every 5 seconds a SAM- launch warning, I decided to whipe them off... During the attack for the second SA-8, I found this: Ever been overtaken by a F-16? BTW, what the h*ck do greyhound travel services in Germany? Yes, I know, there ain't a F-16 in swiss services, but that campaign was created with the new campaign editor, IMHO a worthy addition to the strike fighters series! Regards leidgenosse
  12. Some scenes from different swiss air force jets, including F/A-18; F-5E and MirageIIIS/RS Hope you enjoy this bit of flying in mountains Note: This movie hasn't been made by me, I just saw it on youtube and thought I should share it with you. Enjoy!
  13. Push the limit - swiss air force

    yep, espescially if you can watch thier annual public air-to-ground shooting training in the mountains. There's not much space for mistakes though... Are there any trainings/tacticts in the USAF of flying/performing combat manoeuvers in a mountainous area? Here's an example of the shooting in the alps: As always, I'm not the autor of this movie, I just share it
  14. Push the limit - swiss air force

    You want more? Ok, here ya go... Just ignore the crappy music Note: As above, this movie hasn't been made by me, I just share it! Enjoy!
  15. Had a patriotic session last night...:wink2:
  16. Is working now. The updater is a really cool feature .
  17. Is it just me or is the thirdwire homepage down? 'Cause the ingame autoupdater doesn't work too (SF2/V/E/I + both expansions patched @ May 2011
  18. No you aren't. BUT I get the belly landing sound on a regular touch- down too... Odd if you hit the runway and get a crash sound...
  19. Another great terrain modification from you. Haven't found anything else matching as a big THANK YOU STARY!!! Greetings leidgenosse
  20. All I say is: LOOK AT MY AVATAR:grin:. Seriously, it would make more sense for me if TK decides to add a western plane to SF2 rather than a russian. Simply because IMHO, if TK adds one russian plane, he has to add all of the others in the future. Wouldn't make sense if you only can fly one red plane of 5-6 already aviable. What I'm dreaming of, is that TK adds more AI red fighters such as the MiG-25/29 or similar and the hercules to the western side, since it was in the original SFG. Just my 2 cents
  21. blasphemy... Nice, some ini-work and the eagles fly off the deck, thats modder-friendly:good:
  22. So which terrain.ini is ment? For example the GermanyCE_DATA.ini or just the GermanCE.ini? In which part of the ini do I have to put this line in? Thanks
  23. now, thats what I call a selfless community!! Many thanks to you all out there:good:. Btw, I was able to get the carriers work in the vanilla SF2 desert. Will try out if it works in the vanilla GermanyCE / IsraelME- map. EDIT: heres the proof, vanilla SF2E- carrier start..

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