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Posts posted by BERNARD1943

  1. -If you fly too long low level above the sea, the windscreen gets "crusted up" with salt. One Skyhawk was lost in a landing accident because of this and later seaskimming time was limitted.


    -Groundcrews on carriers and airbases.



    would be really big fun to be able to do that. As to salt on the canopy, flying and action at low level is something I enjoy much in my sims. these kind of details would be fun.

  2. :rolleyes:


    Xwing.....that's an easy game.....not exactly the kind of feeling you have when you are against this one :rolleyes: . What it is looking like much more is a dogfight in IL2 or Lockon these days, although not as difficult.


    That's for this kind of things, I like combat sims.


    I agree that as a flyable it is not interesting, for me it is the perfect enemy.


    There is room for mods like that. Be sure I appreciate your own very nice work too B) :-))

  3. ..................Well perhaps because the same thing can be said about many (if not all :D ) other AC in SF? ;) Also because of the "combat" factor?


    Perfection doesn't exist here and I don't think any AC in SF can pretend to be perform as its real-life counterpart did.


    I think also it's good to have AC designed to be flyable and other designed to be enemy. This one would belong to the second category.


    It is real good to fight against, that's my point. AI engine reacts very well to it. If you want to have a nice missile combat take this one. Top 2 enemy you can find in SF. It will be always more fun in SF to take an F100, a F104 or fight a MIG 17 or a Yak 28. All have their flaws but they are more funny.


    I "want" this kind of things in a sim, that's for sure.

    As I was saying in IL2 f I'm in a lazy mood I know which one to choose, if I want challenge I will choose the FW for example. Well I like that, despite the fact this is not coherent.


    Well this one is overmodeled but I don't complain at all. Great job.




    PS - The day the AI is updated in SF I will certainly think otherwise.

  4. Well I didn't worked on it ;) but I just like to praise much Monty's work for SF in the field of FM :) . I think it is really great. Monty CZ is always achieving something strong and never boring.


    May be it is "too much" here but what matters is the result. This one seems to be made for being an enemy AI and it is a great one. So I'm really happy with this it!

    Try it guys, if you haven't!


    You have this kind of things in IL2, another sim with many AC. Some planes are easier than they should be, other harder. Well it is made for playing and I'm fan of this approach.


    Thanks again for the Yak 28 Monty!!


    PS- enclosed a mission to try the Yak 28P (thanks Capun for correcting this file)


  5. Well there are so many AC in SF skies now, you have to forget about realism if you mix them too much ;) . I am even able to down jets with props :rolleyes:

    The more AC belonging to different eras you have the more problems of this kind you have.


    As a matter of fact I like Monty's Yak 28, it is bringing real challenge in dog fights. Great job. Also nice to be able to use the RWR as a tool during the dogfight.

    I think it is one of the best mod.


    Don't know about F16, I don't have it. I suppose it should have a real big advantage in FM against any other AC in the sim.

  6. Since Sony forgot the read me in english ;) [EDIT this is already corrected you can grab it at the same link in the news separately, or just under here]




    SAM's and Vehicles Pack for Strike Fighters Project 1 SP2


    ver 1.0 2004-01-25


    by Pasko




    I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on.

    This is freeware addon package.


    It is not supported by me or anyone, but your feedback with suggestions and improvements is appreciated: pasko_patak@yahoo.com


    Use at your own risk. Feel free to modify and distribute.


    Thanks TK for wonderful game and to BERNARD1943 and CAPUN for support.


    This is first release and requires a bit of tweaking and editing to get things to work.


    Entries for additional objects from "Add to Groundobjectsdata.ini" and "Add to Weaponsdata.ini" needs to be added to your version of the files.

    After editing your Weaponsdata.ini with the latest version of the software "weapon editor" for SFP1, file has to be reloaded and saved with the WeaponEditor.



    Please backup your .INI files before editing!




    Step by step: if you don't have already the files weapondata.ini and ground data.ini in your "Objects" folder, you have to extract these files with the utility SFP1 extractor by Skypat.

    Copy the additional information from "Add to Groundobjectsdata.ini" and "Add to Weaponsdata.ini"in your own Weaponsdata.ini and Grounddata.ini files.

    With the official utility "weapon editor" by Third Wire, "open" weapondata in the objects folder, "edit" all new addon weapon and click on "OK" back right. "Save as" new weapondata and "close". That's it!


    Put the content of "missions" in your "missions" file.



    Copy of my own system files are included for test and reference.



    List of included objects:


    SAMs systems and radars:





    SA-3 Goa Dual

    SA-3 Goa Mobile

    SA-3 Goa Quad

    -SA-8 Gecko

    -SA-9 Gaskin



    Hawk CW Radar

    Hawk HP Radar

    Sidenet Radar

    Spoonrest Radar

    Flat Face Radar


    AAA guns:



    M-42 Duster

    ZPU-4 AAA


    Other ground objects:


    M-60A1 Patton Tank

    Su-100 Tank


    T-55 bridgelayer

    T-62 Tank

    M-41 Tank




    FROG-3 Launcher

    Kraz-255 Command Truck

    Camouflage Netting











    Some skins are used from the bmp's in game.


    Tweaking is mostly welcome, hope you'll enjoy as much as I did discovering possibilities of this great game!



    Technical issues:


    -your game CTD when launching a test mission: you don't have installed in your game the plane needed for the selected mission. Please open with notepad the mission file and change with the plane you want.

    As follows:



    AircraftType=Mig-21bis---here (for example: SU-17)



    AircraftType=Mig-21bis---same here


    - the game currently support only one type of STATIC_SAM at a time, this is meaning only one particular integrated 'SAM launchers/SAM radar' site that could be disabled by destroying the control radar (what you're doing by destroying the FANSONG radar on an SA 2 SAM site). The problem is only with the ground fixed SA 3. With this addon, SA 3 will be added on the stock game SAM sites, in addition to SA 2.

    You can control however which SAM will be loaded in the game by this tip:extract the data.ini of all the stock SA 2 (you can do the same with the radars). Open any data.ini and disable the particular SAM:






    GroundObjectRole=STATIC_SAM --here suppress the letter M, the game will not load this static SAM, put it back and it will be loaded

    You can do the same with the SAM radars.


    -T-55 bridgelayer: if you find it involved in ground battles and want to delete it, just suppress it from the Groundobjectsdata.INI



    And last but not least, have fun :)!

  7. Check Six is happy to host Pasko's outstanding SAMs and vehicles pack!




    Check news for "dimanche 01 février 2004" for Strike Fighters, the link is in the news.

    ---link is there :"Le tout par ici".


    DL contains improved read me (with a french translation), some more test missions. C6 (Sony Tuckson) hope you will find this DL convenient!


    List of included objects:


    SAMs systems and radars:





    SA-3 Goa Dual

    SA-3 Goa Mobile

    SA-3 Goa Quad

    -SA-8 Gecko

    -SA-9 Gaskin



    Hawk CW Radar

    Hawk HP Radar

    Sidenet Radar

    Spoonrest Radar

    Flat Face Radar


    AAA guns:



    M-42 Duster (my favorite )

    ZPU-4 AAA


    Other ground objects:


    M-60A1 Patton Tank

    Su-100 Tank


    T-55 bridgelayer

    T-62 Tank

    M-41 Tank




    FROG-3 Launcher

    Kraz-255 Command Truck

    Camouflage Netting












  8. for that you have outstanding Andy Bush A2A and A2G articles at simhq that are explaining how to use this particular game in a realistic way.

    But the manual did contain a few useful things for using the game (options, keys etc..). Open the folder control to print the keys. I guess you be able to easily find your way to use the game. Quite easy even without manual.



  9. Yes, much interesting TY (I think I'm going to buy one these books)......seems same thing infantrymen are doing ..... the second aircraft was getting the target by actually seeing the launch and thus identify the target?? I am understanding correctly or I am dead wrong?


    Do you know approximately what was the distance between the two AC, their altitude , the ordinance used and the target (radar or whole site)? How many F100 were attacking?

  10. :lol: Hmmmmmmmmm I guess this guy is not TOTO: I'm sure this is LOTUS the guy posting mysterious screenshots at Check Six. See this is an improved F4 cockpit, and the effects are indeed fine.

    Deuces know how appreciative I am of his outstanding work ;) but always liked LOTUS screenshots since explosions are "cleaner" and with more light in.

    Yes Firehawk this is fine, but at C6 we don't know who is LOTUS and why he don't release his apparently fine mods...............


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