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About Rodent

  1. When is the hornet that does the same job as the AC-130 coming out?
  2. Just because it feels like it makes more sense I try to waste as little as possible, even if the game does not penalize me for being wasteful. If I take off with external tanks I try to land with them too. And I try to take a little bit extra care to not get into a situation where I will need to drop them, but if I know for certain I will need the manouverability or speed then I will drop them however. Wow I guess my post was not very helpful at all, but I had to post something because, well, I missed being here
  3. New Mechwarrior to come out!

    I think the video shows that not every mech will always explode. If you think about it, that Jenner was defeated without any such explosion. Also with the development of the game being back in the hands of the original creators I would hope they do not stick to the stupid automatic self destruct when the mech gets disabled. Holy crap has it been a long time since I posted on combatace. Where the heck have I been?
  4. F-35 Demon Helmet

    Instead of ejecting the pilot away from the plane, send the plane away from the pilot! If you need to eject on the ground then you would have to push the ground out of the way first though and we all know only Chuck Norris can do that.
  5. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    I just can't keep away from YouTube comments. Sometimes I am more drawn to them than the videos. I am amused by stupidity I guess.
  6. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    I actually still have that game and a working N64 to play it on I think it has been released on virtual console too but not sure how well it controls with a gamecube or classic controller though.
  7. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    True, some games just go much better on a console. Like one on one fighting games just don't feel right on a PC even if you have a gamepad for it, and also true that the PC don't get a lot of final fantasy style roleplaying games. My previous comment did not mean to indicate that if you have a PC then the 360 and PS3 is uninteresting to everyone, I just mean that to me personally I have not seen a lot of games on those that I want enough to get the system. I play MMOs and shooters and sims on the PC, and I don't think either console do those genres all too well. I am all but allergic to dual analog shooters :P Racing games are fun too and I guess both the PS3 and 360 have some really good ones, but I get my racing fix on the PC too. I got no complaints about the graphics on the Wii, but then again I don't even have an HDTV
  8. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    Just going to say that as primarily a PC gamer the Wii is the most attractive console to me. Both on the PS3 and XB360 most games that I find interesting I would have rather played on a PC. The games that I like on the Wii seem a better fit for the system. Out of the other two systems though I am more interested in an XB360 and have considered getting one now that it is cheap.
  9. No missles and no guns? You could always ram them and try to knock their wings off
  10. Swimming through pea soup? That fog is thick!
  11. An AC-130 to fight fire? Grand idea! Fight fire with fire and all that.
  12. Bermuda Triangle

    Did it go to the center of the earth too?
  13. FastCargo's F-111 package
  14. oooh! who is making a war of the worlds mod?
  15. I would like to see a Gripen NG somewhere down the road. It will probably have a different operational name though and I guess there really isn't anything much to make something out of yet, but I would like to see a single seat Gripen with the NG loadout options and other changes such as the main landing gear. Guess it would be called JAS-39E Gripen?

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