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sony tuckson

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Everything posted by sony tuckson

  1. Nice belgian vipers, but... no dragchute on belgian birds, this area is meant to host our ECM stuff (CARAPACE) and you miss the bulge under the air intake and the service markings(stencils) ain't right, they should be grey like USAF ones and we don't have C's....these are C's, we have A models, up to MLU
  2. and for info, the roundels need the blue outline, like the Mirages ;-) will further look for larger tail badge
  3. air intake is same color as camo, no antiglare panel on radome sorry to insist on details ;) hereunder, Starfighters markings, small but at least it helps...
  4. Well, I'd say good start... I know I look at details, but can't proceed any other way ;-) Look, here below is what you should try to go for... Camoufmaged starfighters only had air intake roundels for a very short period before they were just removed... Some markings need rework too (e.g. ejection seat triangles)
  5. Woaw You speak about my very first skin....dating back from december 2002....... Indeed that one would need a serious refresh to be usable. I started remaking a new HD one, natural metal, but is very early work only
  6. even better: action!!!
  7. Haven't been able to find the 9th Wing badge yet, still looking..... 10th wing stuff should b easier to find as the Wing is still active 9th Wing disbanded long ago as a combat unit to revive later as a training unit, to finally be disbanded in 1997 in favour of the 1st Traing wing at Beauvechain. repainted, but giving a rather good idea of how they looked back then at Bierset:
  8. Frank is gone for a while, no contact anymore for weeks now 1st, 2nd and 3rd squadrons were part of 2 wing (Florennes) and not 1 wing (Beauvechain) I will look for a 9 Wing (Bierset back then) patch, but not sure I have it in stock Keep you informed, thanks for taking care of Belgian units
  9. as we all did back when they operated in our sky!
  10. Most promising, keep the good work!
  11. not exactly you can save them as jpg, but in game they are "uncompressed" as full bitmap by game engine It's in fact strange to now use JPG as tests had been done earlier on, and it decreased FPS slightly, maybe game engine has been modified there
  12. Now, look at the patch size...8.28mb very small stuff, this patch is clearly released more to test the auto patch feature than anything else Now that this works, TK will most probably spend time on fixing reported problems.
  13. > Dave, you mean 8Gb of RAM as with 8MB you wouldn't even start windows anymore....^^ kidding, but couldn't let it pass unnoticed
  14. Ace, you should really reduce opacity for the panels layer....they are way too visible!
  15. question, what are the differences between, E and G F-84?
  16. weird, I posted a comemnt yesterday, and it somehow dissapeared... I stated that a new SF2 model was being worked on, by our team no release planning yet, but it will be a much imporved, more detaileld model This one, the port over, was the first model Oliver and myself worked on 100%, earlier models having been finishing other's projects (Draken from LVP and F-84 by Thierry As)
  17. TMF's Mirage F.1C for SF2

    glad this model still is appreciated... it was the first model BPAO and myself did at 100% ourselves, earlier projects (Draken, F-84) had been started by others, then finished by us... We have a newer model still unfinished and to honor Oliver, it will be released one day, when it is ready, not anytime sooner than that
  18. I bought "warbirds" from ebay lately, since I lost my original copy, still reading, slowly to enjoy ever page....
  19. logical, it's a TMF model! Dave, could you let me know where the blade antenna is mapped, you can see it all black on my screens, while on yours it's painted grey..

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