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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. The reasons Terrorists don't drive VW's...

    http://www.shiftmetal.co.uk/video/83/VW-Polo--Banned-TV-advert If easily offended dont watch.... This made me laugh...
  2. Yeah thats what I was thinking of as well but with NF4+ life is very very interesting as you have a whole setup of Air Defence weapons... from SA-2's up to Su-27's the SAM's I am not too worried about but the Flankers I am... But saying that I am thinking that a pure recce mission is too much so am thinking of going Weaseling instead...
  3. A new tiny man on the planet

  4. Hi I am disgusted at the thought of this whats next ??? Scrapping the Red Arrows!!! Just checked the link and its incorrect I have re-created the link :- http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/BBMFCuts/
  5. BoB Veteran dies.

  6. Newbie pilot

    Welcome to the happy house... As to XP only accepting 3.5gig... you can get XP to accept more but it requires a transfer of files from 2003 server if I remember rightly someone advised me on it years ago on what needs to be done... I maybe wrong though... its midnight and the grey cell's are requiring a rest...
  7. Cheers it was fun but dogfighting Mig-29's or Su-27's in a Tornado is only for those who are certifiably insane... Right as I don't think anyone's done one yet well not published here I am going to run with a Recon Rhino... No shooting and no dropping bombs... how hard can that be... NF4+ I have to be mad pal raving mad...
  8. "Their Finest Hour"

    Thanks for this as I dont watch TV I would have missed this and that beautiful Aeroplane is the one of the reasons I joined the R.A.F. and everytime I see one or hear one it brings a lump to my throat as Widow said... and for this Gentleman to be able to fly again after 60 years is a wonderful thing for him... Long may we remember their sacrifice for what they did for the world... And your right Widow on the shocking behaviour by the RAF against Dowding in fact the day before the official start of the Battle Dowding was told it was his last day on the job as they trying to get rid of him and it was only on Churchill's insistence that Dowding was given is Baronetvy in 1943 a year after he had retired from the RAF...
  9. "Killer Whale Should Fry" say Republicans

    Better get the barbie ready then mate...
  10. The time has come, getting new rig for simming!

    Laptops aren't the greatest piece's of kit for gameplaying. Me I would buy a Desktop as you already have a decent Graphic's card as above build it yourself as you also know what your putting in it and to upgrade its a lot easier for example if your HD in your current PC is still in decent shape you dont loose too much data swapping it across and you can update it later as well or add a new HD when you build your new PC.
  11. Flt Lt Graham or should I say Squadron Leader Graham has completed his 19th and 20th Sorties successfully... Well today was the last 2 sorties and the diary simply states Survived... Well Sortie 19 was simple straight forward fighter sweep 8 of us of the survivors of the Squadron took to the skies and wiped it clean and then some more the Red's where thin on the ground or should that be air... We pounced on what looked like an entire Squadron of blasted Floggers well it was very soon a Squadron of smoking holes in the ground... all 12 of them... Without loss to our 8 which was a surprise but the 2 flights where made up of the Squadron killers and survivors... So out and back and collapse... 2 more Mig's to the Tally for the price of 2 Sidewinders... Sortie 20 was my standard fourship fighter sweep over the enemy lines not looking for much trouble as apprently its supposed to be all over but a 4 ship of Mig-23's came up to play and down they went 1 each we resumed course for Berlin as the orders stated even though GCI said we where cleared to RTB we stayed up as we where all still fat with fuel and weapons and there was a flight of A-10's without cover dealing some damage to a Red Army Tank battalion. This was ideal as 4 Mig-31's came screaming at us before I could order attack I had tone and promptly shot all four with face shot Sidewinders... After this we where given recall orders back to base once we landed we where told that the Red's had surrender we had stopped them but at what cost... Now its just a case of sitting and waiting the launch order the boss lady has declared that we have 4 jets on alert in case the Reds pull a fast one... This was the final tally of all our losses and our kill's Well that was it it did get a bit boring sometimes I will admit just going up and shooting at Mig-23's but thats what I signed for as I know the Tornado F-3 very well its all Air to Air Interceptor... But at the same time it was fun... I think my next one is going to be in the NF4+ flying a more attack orientated Jet or maybe even a Weasel... Hope this has kept you entertained...
  12. IL-2 1946 and CFS2

    I have both and ever since I purchased IL-2 Pacific Fighters I have not touched my CFS2 disks as IL-2 Pacific / 1946 (Which I now own) beat it hands feet everything down...
  13. A sad day.... Aviation is no longer fun...

    I used to work in a Department at what used to be the LATCC at West Drayton... and we used to see the odd school group wandering round under supervision (not where I worked)... It's like anything you need exposure to something to know if your going to do it... I could understand if the kid wasn't supervised but the kid was being supervised its typical of today's society oh my god someone's doing something under supervision but they are too young... lets shove all the people who complain at this onto a desert island and see how long they last... This sort of thing annoy's me...
  14. Help Finding a DVD

    Any ideas on what the front cover looks like?
  15. Help Finding a DVD

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Concorde-Farewell-collection-final-flights/dp/B0001DI57G/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1267551778&sr=8-6 Could this be it Dave ?
  16. Question to ponder...

    When Silence fall's does it make a noise ??? Just one of those random thoughts on the way home from work...
  17. Yup your right on the Fighter Sweeps etc even in something fairly Modern like the Tornado Pilot DiD I am running at present I am itching to kill ground targets which is why I am getting fairly relaxed about what I am doing and the kills keep racking up...
  18. Flt Lt Graham is still flying though how is my next question 75 kills for 18 sorties... Anyway last sortie was to provide close cover to Bison flight... 4 Tornado's Full weapons and tanks Well take off was as expected into the early morning dawn god I hate mornings... Cruised up to 10000ft and went looking for our charges when the Yanks popped up with there 2 flights of Eagles... found our charges where 4 A-10's looking to cause some trouble as Nato is pushing for Hamburg, now that we have slowed the red's down. Anyway as we approached the target area all we got from the Eagles was Fox 1 Fox 1 what they where firing at was a flight of 4 Mig-31's going the other way fast and they where about 30 miles away... leaving my flight to watch over the A-10's. The Reds had also sent a flight of Mig-27's into the fray which where duly dispatched by our flight 2 for me both with sidewinders and 1 each for 3 and 4. We reformed to orbit at 5000ft over the area when the Eagles started screaming turns out those Mig-31's led them into a trap of 4 Mig-29's and 8 Mig-23's by this time the A-10's where heading for home so we went to help out the Eagles after running on burner for 3 minutes we got into contact and I took out a 29's that was causing an Eagle more trouble than it needed... it was about this point that number 3 was lost no-one saw it or heard anything so we valiant 3 took on the Mig-23's just for fun I think somedays attacking those crates... it's fast but it dogfights worse than the Tornado. Anyway got 2 with Skyflash and 1 with gun making it a 6 kill sortie when everyone started calling bingo... So we trooped of home mission accomplished and me having a bottle awaiting me at Bitburg in case I have engine trouble and need to land there...
  19. Olham old chap had a good laugh at that... Brits with no sense of humour totally unheard off... But we do get slightly miffed when you shoot down one or two of our chaps...
  20. It's the End of the World!

    Okay who's doing the Barbecue ???
  21. Yeah I have that book as well Lexx and its one of my favourite reads have had it for about a year and must have read it 5 times...
  22. Ouch not good LT... but I thought by now you should have realised not to play with multiple guns at a single site...
  23. Question to ponder...

    Time is an illusion Man needed something to gauge his life and time was created... and have you always noticed with time your doing something you enjoy and it's over quickly your doing something you dont enjoy and it takes an age... And there must be a special time for Monday mornings as I cant figure out why they take so long...
  24. Frank Feldman (what a Guy!)


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