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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Football 0 Rugby 1

    The reason I hate soccer...
  2. Need help to find these planes

    Greetings my usual port of call for FSX Aircraft is Flightsim.com, Avsim or Simviation and I have found an amazing amount of Aircraft I have a B-52H but thats the only one I know of that is free of your list. Hope this helps...
  3. On this its probably a mix between enjoying what you do and bringing home the bacon... Some of the Freeware I have for both the Strikefighters series and FSX I would happily have paid for simply because of the time and effort involved by all and to be honest some of the payware I have bought I wished I hadn't because 2 days later I found the same as Freeware and it was a lot better...
  4. A-4Mike...

    Yes that is a nice Scooter to run around in... I have it somewhere as well... be aware this will take me sometime as its the first mod I am going to do... Your right though the A-4M is sorely missing...
  5. 4.04 was the last one if I remember rightly. Best idea is to patch it up as Jedi advised...
  6. FSX Beale AFB where to find?

    Good Jet I have that one as well... Okay there is Beale AFB on Avsim but it looks like its a Buyware http://www.avsim.com/pages/0808/Alphasim2/Beale.htm Above is a review. Its the only one I can find as I have quiet a lot of addon's for FSX. Hope this helps.
  7. Get rid of Shrek

    Speak English old boy there's a good fellow thats too close to gibberish for my liking...
  8. Okay you say you cannot start what do you mean? Do you get any error messages or does it do nothing at all? And is it Pacific Fighters ? Best advice is un-install reboot your PC re-install and try again...
  9. OT Message to the Tornado Crew

    Aaaahh the sound of 4 Rolls Royce Merlins what a sound... its between that and 4 Rolls Royce Olympus engines in Full Reheat on take off (Yeah I know they gave them a fancy name) the sound we don't hear anymore unless you prefer it non-reheat and now we are talking that Avro Vulcan sound is something special...
  10. Football 0 Rugby 1

    Me I tried Soccer sorry Football... Tried Aussie Rules Football also tried American Football with the US Marine's and finally Rugby... this is one sport where in Rugby Union I was a winger (weighing in at a maxium weight of all 11 stone but I had the speed of a fighter jet but the turning circle of a small country) and then in League they through me into the centre silly idea... Note the 11 stone has now expanded to around 14 stone...
  11. A-4Mike...

    Thanks for that I will most likely release a Mod for the A-4F first ini files so you get the avionics weapons first and uprated engine once I have it as near perfect as I can... Release Date 2 weeks...
  12. OT Message to the Tornado Crew

    Was in the Falklands about 11 years ago at Mount Kent and had the pleasure of seeing them everyday coming over below around the place... Saying that though going for a spin around said Islands in said swinger was even better...
  13. *WARNING* Very rude song

    Now that was a funny song and so true of the Underground thankfully when I lived in London I used the bike to get to the office... was there in 25 minutes the missus went by train and tube and it took her an hour and a half and she only went 2 stops further on...
  14. I have Pics and indicators of the dials etc for the cockpit plus the data on the Airpass AI if that would help at all...
  15. Strutters...

    Youtube thingy about Strutters thats the Sopwith variety of course...
  16. So we got any Bikers out there....

    Just wondering what we have in the way of bikers out there and what you currently riding, when you ride and all that... I have 2 weapons of choice Kawasaki ZZR1100 Kawasaki ZZR600 Ride everyday all weathers...
  17. So we got any Bikers out there....

    Well Widow old Chap one must try but at present no bike as I am looking at buying a new one as my 600 was killed by the French... after surviving a trip over the Alps and into southern Italy... as to the Warm Summer evenings I will settle for cool spring mornings... and evenings and anytime when there is no thick snow on the ground... And to Buell going I am seriously annoyed as it was the only Harley I might have ridden...
  18. But there's no :- Golden Eagle Bald Eagle Sea Eagle
  19. Me, Cliff, and a book. Phantom Jocks Unite!

    Yup thats a good read I have it somewhere there is also a book before it called Wings of Fury thats also a good read by the same author. They are both on Amazon...
  20. Football 0 Rugby 1

    I call it Soccer as it annoys my brother who's errr Football mad... to the point that his car is sprayed in the same blue as his favourite team which is Everton... go figure...
  21. The Important bits I think... I am not afraid of Flying its the take off's and the landing that's what scares me... as my Dad says...
  22. What is the UK becoming?

    One word Disgusting... A guy comes at you with an Axe and you can't defend yourself... Me I would have made sure the thug wasn't around afterwards to say anything... Thankfully the Jury at a case last week got it right guy defending himself against 2 thugs who broke into his home both armed and he attacked them with a sword he had slicing one of the thugs ear off... After they threatened to kill the family etc etc... Judge wanted him sending down but the Jury returned in 15 minutes to clear him
  23. Isn't that how Alb's should take off and Land ??? Very funny though
  24. Nominate ONE aircraft for P4

    I would like to see the Shorts Seaplane as well or its German counterpart as it would add a new dimension to an already outstanding experience... Failing that a German 2 Seater preferably one that can fight back so as not to make it a moving target... dont ask me which one though...
  25. OT Fly 'Yorkshire Airlines'

    There is that option of course as soon as I have my multiplayer sorted out of course... but I think old Widowmaker would shred my poor plane as he does have a lot more experience in OFF than my measly 4 months...

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