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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Sounds like a bad day at the office... ho hum new pilot time... In my week of owning it I have lost a pilot every other day one survived a grand total of 2 minutes...
  2. Floggers dont like dying... And another Swingers in town... Bobrocks amazing F-3 Oi Come back here you Death of an Ace...
  3. Danish Time... NF4 with patch and nothing else
  4. Okay here's the Jag photo's... Using a Pave Spike pod on the Centreline as I can punch of tanks etc without losing the centreline store... Okay the Sortie started nice and gentle... single ship take off and then cruise up to 20000ft until I picked up my first spike then descend gently to 1500ft and then ramp up to 500kts... Once this was done I then paid more attention to the systems after another 30 miles dropped down to 500ft. Picked up at low level by an SA-6 around 10 miles from it and it fired 3 missiles but chaff and a lot of dodging down to 50 ft dealt with that issue and then ramp up the speed to max thrust without afterburn... Popped up to 2500ft to make the camera shots and then turn for home when I got bounced my a pair of Mig-25's took the lead out with a pair of sidewinders and then back to the deck and run like hell from the wingie at 100ft 600knots punched of the tanks even though they still had juice in them. Returned to base with about 2500 showing on the fuel guage... Manual apart from the screenies as I didn't want to lose the pilot... Missed all the good shots as I was inside for the SAM's and the mig kill...
  5. oohhh i got it !

    Also put in all the patches as it works a dream from there... Welcome... Oooh yeah and dont forget to be ready for a knife fight in a phone box... The old fashioned English red one... with four other people in there... Hope you have as much fun as I am having with it though not gone online as of yet...
  6. OT England Expects!

    I found that months ago and I still laugh out loud at it now... but its a poor thing that the UK has gone that way... bloomin Health and Safety... this is one I always used to laugh at and still do... On the firing range must wear Ear Defenders to protect the ears according to Health and Safety... War breaks out and the enemy are charging at you... What you supposed to say Hang on a minute chaps need to put my Ear Defenders on!!! Bit like wearing a Kevlar camo vest and then having a bright yellow jacket over it so everyone can see you...
  7. Okay what did the Germans make them out of ??? I just completed a flight and emptied my trusty Strutters guns into one at what would normally be a fatal shot into an Alba D11 and the thing just shrugged them off...!!! Ho hum was an ace flying as well and then a Nieup 17 comes blasting in and guns it out of the sky no problems... after I did all the hard work!!! not fair. Oh well these things happen and I will learn how to get them...
  8. Wolfram Von Richtoffen

    Thats information that I didn't realise all I knew was that Lothar died at the wheel of an airliner that suffered engine failure in the 1920's...
  9. Wolfram Von Richtoffen

    Good point but for family some of the rules do get thrown out the window I suppose...
  10. so .. we will die!

    Death a minor inconvience at the end of life...
  11. Albatross Albatross...

    That I understand Bullet but I have a habit of chasing after everything I see and if they are flying away from me and dont see me its quiet interesting chasing them... my usual firing range is :- Wait until you see the whites of their eyes and then get close enough to tell what colour eyes they have...
  12. Grounded!

    Wonderful looking airplanes if I do say so...
  13. Albatross Albatross...

    Thanks to be honest I have only attacked one once so not really sure just one of those questions... Can be hard to get a Strutter at point blank with Alba...
  14. Albatross Albatross...

    Thanks ooh didn't know about that one... anyway I have a new copy still shiny shiny and I am not running the no-cd patch... as I read it could cause problems... I was hitting the crate saw the puffs of smoke coming off it... just seemed strange as I can normally take down Halbs with about 50 shots... and I finally got a flamer and that was a Halb... Halbs Easy Abla's Hmmm interesting... with the Kevlar armour...
  15. Albatross Albatross...

    Damn unsporting of you old chap...
  16. Its how I have flown sim's since I started... Frustration and satisfaction all in one ball of wax. And now I fly OFF as well makes more sense.
  17. Only kill is a gun kill... after that its all technolgy taking over. But there is a time and a place for everything. e.g. your bad guy's running away in full burner and you cant catch him then feed him an IRM. Even knife-fighting the Su-27's is fun in the right circumstances...
  18. Yes I did but the only issue I had was uploading the picture to the site... I will attempt it again... but still not getting any joy. I will post them tomorrow...
  19. Okay quick question how long do claims come through??? Also why oh why oh why is it that I get a pilot to 5 hours and it all goes pearshaped...??? Managed to do 4 sorties with my latest pilot... First Sortie I bagged a Roland granted he put me on the ground as well... Second Sortie Transfer flight Third Sortie Offensive flight 2 Alb DII's Fourth Sortie Scramble and I bagged 4 Halb's No doubts I can fly land etc but since when did telegraph poles sit 200ft up in the air??? :blink: My poor Strutter pilot augered in from 250ft lost the lower wings watched the re-run... and just before my untimely end a Telegraph pole is destroyed and then I die Oh well I like that little Strutter a lot as it's handy in an unweildy sort of way and requires a lot of rudder work... I dont know I get Ace unconfirmed and then I die... Ho hum new pilot back to the front!!!
  20. Just to add insult my latest pilot bit the dust shot down a Halb II with the old not so perky Strutter... and the perisher decided to take me with him... damn unsporting old chap... Oh well time to take a Nieup 11 up RNAS 1 I thinks damn things twitchier than a twitchy thing on a twitchy day... but hey adds to the fun...
  21. You guys are bumming me out with all this death talk

    Didnt know you could do that with a beard...
  22. Talk about unlucky...

    I must admit that made me laugh CaptSopwith... take sanity out the window and fly like a demon... hmmmm might try that but I keep thinking about Jonesy in the back of my Strutter dont want to get him killed again... (All my rear gunners are called Jones)...
  23. I have only been flying for a week and I have mine set to DID at times frustrating but at others so rewarding... all round in the mess for coming back alive...
  24. HAT IN THE RING! : Web update

    I am in... drat another 2 weeks job then Seriously or should that be Shirley surely not... looking forward to it and I have only been flying for a week!!!
  25. Joysticks...

    Okay I am in the market for a new joystick and was wondering what everyone here uses or even better what anyone would rate highly preferably with force feedback... Thanks in advance...

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