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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. New Video Card

    Okay the time has come my old ATI 1650 card is in need of replacement and was wondering what to replace it wiht as this is the week point on my PC. I am partial to the ATI cards as I prefer the ATI chipset over the NVidia chipset because my PC is an AMD and I have found that ATI works better with AMD and NVidia works better with Intel. The PC that it is going into is a pure games PC Wings over Everywhere FSX That sort of thing. Was wondering what anyone else is running on their rigs? Thanks in Advance.
  2. Could this be the official Combat Ace shirt

    I will take 2 and a mug... and a Flightbag and a mouse mat...
  3. Car on the fritz

    Try London... lunacy of every aspect is involved there... and as to the M25 well just park the car and walk...
  4. Car on the fritz

    Me I will stick to 2 wheels... no fancy gizmo's just me the bike and the fresh air...
  5. IRWR

    As to the DASS system from what I saw when I was looking the jet over and the brochures (aka It works honest but we wont say for definite) provided by BAE the system works with a 90% accuracy... but its a Missile Approach Warner so it advises on all missiles not just heat but radar and laser guided kit. More data on the following link :- http://typhoon.starstreak.net/Eurofighter/defences.html As to the shootdown of the F-117 it was a mix between an SA-3 that had been seriously worked over and a Mig-29 no-one is really sure... outside of the Stealth guys... also didn't help that they used the same ingress egress routes every night. This data is open source. Anyway thats me 2 pence worth...
  6. Banana's..... Just to get me into the mood just bought Phoenix Squadron... its about Bucc's and the old Ark Royal back when we had a real Aircraft Carrier... for those in the UK its £13.99 hardback from WH Smiths... some great pictures as well...
  7. UK-based members - Anyone going to Bruntingthorpe?

    Damn wish I had known sooner... but I am going to invade Wales... that weekend oh well such is life... you find out too late that the cool stuff is happening at the wrong time...
  8. Sead with a bit more Sead with a side order of Dead with a dessert of Air to Air lol.... (for those who dont know Sead = Suppression of Air Defence and Dead is Destruction of Air Defence and no I dont get it either)
  9. The Daleks new pet...

    The Daleks have Lazercats...
  10. Yup I did flying a hornet its in the Screenshot thread though... and no I wasnt on easy... and no I didnt make it back to base...
  11. Hello Folks, Welcome to the Part of the Show

    You want Spam with that???
  12. Admit I run everything on hard... no wonder I cant fly the whirlygigs... oh well always though there was something suspicous about those thing 50000 nuts and bolts flying together in close formation waiting for a moment when they can all go off in seperate directions... surely thats against the laws of physics Captain...
  13. its happened to me got shot down no damage and a dead pilot both by fighters and flak... but thats on hard settings...
  14. Iron Eagle the glory years

    Aaaaahh the old adage "So bad that they are good comes to mind..." I too admit I watched them when I was a kid and even I knew it was the Israeli Air Force doubling for everyone...
  15. Which countries did you visit, when and how was it?

    @muesli a small world was in Bosnia 95 and Kosovo 1999 when we had a quiet word with the Serbs...
  16. Which countries did you visit, when and how was it?

    Depends on the definition of Business... if it involves high velocity metal and the question of who are we helping today... then business
  17. Man tried to kill his Mother-in-Law with a anti-tank missile

    Surely a job for the Lazer Cat's or dare I say it??? I dare I dare The Eel's and their hovercrafts!!!
  18. 3d Software

    Okay this might have been answered before and I apologise in advance if so. But I am looking at starting to do some 3d modelling etc and I have received a copy Truespace 3d and was wondering if this was any good for 3d Modelling for the Project 1 series... If not can someone advise on what is the best software to use... as in ease of use etc. Thanks in advance..
  19. Which countries did you visit, when and how was it?

    I think it might be easier to say where I havn't been lol... Scotland Wales Ireland All over the England Gibraltar Spain and the Canary Islands Kuwait Saudi Arabia Bosnia Kosovo... 10 years ago or there abouts... Cyprus Oman Singapore Japan Brunei Belize Falklands Tunisia Italy Germany Belgium France Norway Ascension Island Canada CVN70 USS Carl Vinson things so big might as well be a country... India Czech Republic and a few others... and to be honest the people on the ground are great its the politians and the extremists that screw it all up...
  20. Flak in WoV

    Prefer to Kill the damn guns and sam's makes life interesting... must have been a weasel driver in a previous life... but no I have had a large calibre explode next to me say around 40 ft away and no damage or anything... just impressive my poor little scooter didnt know what to think...
  21. Australia GP yesterday

    Moto GP Racing more overtaking in the first corner than there is in a whole F1 season... ex bike racer...
  22. Spam

    Couldnt help myself SPAM!!! http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?hl=e...4&ct=title#
  23. Spam

    Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam! Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam. Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am. Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am. Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am. Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am. Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!) Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!) Lovely Spaaam! Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam! Do you want Spam with that ???
  24. The Person Below Me

    True so bad I had to go do it twice to just make sure it was that bad... The person below gets lost without their SatNav
  25. All I can say if this was Multiplayer Silverbolt would be getting shot at by everyone... until the bird does get released... lol

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