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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. If at first you dont succeed "README" normally works...
  2. If required I have books for the Royal Air Force and Navy where I can get the infomation. As to the books Emp is right about The Third World War much more interesting if a bit more long winded than the Tom Clancy book
  3. Weasel Hunting.... so I would be a mud-mover... nothing like being chased by SAM's and reducing the Site to its component parts... I prefer a target that shoots back but thats me sick and twisted... But to the knife fighting only if its Guns only... missile's make it too easy...
  4. Tornado F.3

    Flaming heck whatever next... a jet powered flying submarine.... Good model and I the smokemarks on the tail set it just right and as to flying note to everyone dont mess with an Agressive Su-27 series its seriously bad for your virtual health....
  5. VVS Without Red Star?

    From what I have seen the Russians are ditching the Red Star....
  6. Your first combat flight sim...

    Mine was F-19 the C64 and then it was Microswipe Flight Simulator version 1 where you could fly a Sopwith Camel and have a blast in WW1 and then it was onto F-18 on the Amiga a few years later....
  7. Hi Kevin... The Korea map you are on about is that the one on Combatace ???
  8. Thanks as to the SAM's thats part of the reason as in the 1970's / 80's it was one of the most heavily defended areas in the world... need to make it a challenge... Thanks EricJ will scratch that idea as I said was only an idea... As to the SAM's whose scared of them ???... Looks like I will have to take a further look at designing a Map as I was hoping to get Japanese Units involved as most of the scenarios are Western Europe and Mid-East with the odd Vietnam based one....
  9. True Lex but the Mig-25 was designed with Jamming in mind and from about 40-50 miles there was a good chance it could target and lock on to other aircraft. The comms with the bases was so messed up they didnt know which way was up and a lot of the Iraqis where flying blind....
  10. I can help if you require anything from the English perspective. Had a look at the list on the Spainish area and it all looks to me as though its 1882 as most of the equiment is 1982 era... The second link looks like it might be later but not 2000. Though I couldnt read the Spainish... but it looked good whatever the era... I will advise I am not a modder apart from programming the Campaigns though I am looking into the modding at present. Let me know if you need help.
  11. Apologies Dave I am at work and couldn't access the read me, but I knew there was a comment in there along those lines WIP Beta... thanks for that... will go chase the ghost's some more
  12. Hey leave the Muppets out of this at least they are Funny... As to the idiot complaining some people have Far toooooo much time on their hands and we should not lower ourselfs to their level of idiocy as they will always win as they have more experience... As to the Mods in here I am grateful that a lot of people out there willing to spend their time to actually mod the game and to such a great degree. As to the ODS if I remember someone did say it wasn't a finished mod in the readme or am I getting confused again... (silver moment sorry). Thanks again to all the people doing this and to all the critics make it constructive as I might be evil and release some of my stuff without checking it... Rant over...
  13. Topgun II in the works

    I feel the need... the need for SPEED!!!!
  14. Topgun II in the works

    Ghostrider requesting permission for a flyby Negative Ghostrider the Pattern is full... No Mav Dont do it man.... Damn....
  15. I really need to quit spamming the boards......

    See Picture above...
  16. I really need to quit spamming the boards......

    I think this says it all spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspam I DONT LIKE SPAM!!!!!!! spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam spamspamspamspamspamspamspamsp amspamspamspamspamspamspamspam
  17. Yeah I saw it back in the 90's and have a copy that gets played regular also had the game... on the Amiga if I remember rightly... and the bombing system in the film is correct... as to adding it to TK I wouldnt know... Love flying the A-6 in WOE especially with a winder stashed away on a pylon... good for surprising the odd mig...
  18. WOW !

    Talk about the one that got away it was this big......
  19. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    Can I bring 2 planes ??? an A-4 and a Buccaneer... And to the Brig I will run the bar... and can we not bring any lawyers or if we do can they be loaded into the Chaff rockets ??? Sorry about mentioning the L word there....
  20. Yup if I remember it was a 10G pull out got the target though and egressed out with no wings and popped the hood and left.... Wondered why it was flying right...
  21. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    I hope so as its the Brits who are nicking the boat.... if not Still will be setup in the Buccaneers bomb bay....
  22. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    Hasnt that line be used before ??? No fishing for jokes...
  23. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    I'm in might as well use a French Carrier correctly and as to the dismantling bit now that sounds like fun... Bagsy an A-6 A-7... or better yet I will bring a Buccaneer....

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