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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. I think the quoted reload time for the SA-8, SA-9 was around 5 minutes provided they had a reload vehicle with them and reload for the SA-13 was around 3 minutes...
  2. With thanks...

    Also my apologies... Thanks to Polovski as well for getting these for us...
  3. Now thats what I call fun... Split S'ing from 4 SAM's coming at you... though SA-2E's are fairly straightforward to avoid wait until you get the Dreaded SA-10 SA-11 setups...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mMzuzaTg2Zc Perfect music...
  5. On Leave for Twelve Days

    Have a good holiday there Herr Olham... And Javito my plan for the long weekend we have here is riding to Italy and coming back via Croatia and Hungary and maybe just maybe a detour into Slovakia... just to really annoy you and its easily done I will be leaving at 8am Saturday morning from Vienna and be on the Beach in Trieste by 2pm... and the rest well Zagreb for Lunch Budapest for dinner and the next day lunch in Bratislava...
  6. There is a Bucc due shortly and to be honest I would await the new one about to be released as to say it's amazing is classical English understatement...
  7. The Bucc's are truly amazing and as Dave stated it does raise the level here, no offence to the other modders intended as you all do amazing work...
  8. Uncleal's Hints and Tips

    Lou if you need a hand let me know and I will see what I can do...
  9. From what I have read it seems as though they are doing this in the name of a "nice guy" who was shot dead by police after a policeman was shot... after they had stopped the Cab that he was in. Now call me silly but taking on the police is a bad idea especially if they have guns and they shoot you back, nearly as mad as old Dinnerjacket in Iran. Anyway he was stopped a policeman was shot and then he was shot so they decide feck this and have a riot. Shoot the fecking lot of them... there is a lot more I could say but wont.
  10. Well said and I +1 on that one...
  11. Aye!!! to the strike now Dave quick question though I know the answer... To Nuke or Not to Nuke for that is the Question ???
  12. I am currently flying personal skins on as I like the fact that I always have full tanks on take off as it is probably more historical yes the AI gets an advantage but it adds to the thrill of the fight...
  13. OT: Pilots vs. Mechanics

    Seen before but still laugh at the one you found funniest...
  14. Anyone else sick of the Polar Bear Story?

    I think thats a problem the bear was drinking Dr Pepper... On a more serious aside going out and about in scenery where you know that there are the largest carnivores on the planet roaming without adequate protection or staying in vehicles means your asking for trouble... and what really nisses me off is that its always the animals fault never the people getting attacked...
  15. After my run in with an idiot wanting me to give him SF2's addon's I say right on if they are stealing other peoples work and then claiming it as their own... they should be banned...
  16. OT: 75 Year Old Woman Pilot

    Crazy woman 2 armed locked and loaded F-16's popup and are looking you over its definitely a good time to turn the Radio on... checking out her Cub FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFS... thats a good way to get a winder up your Kazoo... and she's allowed to Fly god help us when she's driving...
  17. Old school video games...

    http://www.freegameempire.com/ They have a bunch of old Dos games (Need Dos Box obviously) like Syndicate etc... though some of you guys might enjoy the Nostalgia...
  18. OT: New War Movie

    Must admit I love watching that movie... it's cheesy but it has the Mosquito in the flesh and not a sketch... looks and sounds better than any CGI version...
  19. In Brussels HQ

    Seen one of those when I was in... someone got annoyed when we kept saying Fubar everytime he Fubar'd something up... he didn't know what it meant until he asked someone...
  20. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    +1 On that my friend... I will admit in the past I have not had the funds to do so or the ability to send the funds in... but now I can I will.
  21. The love of mine

    Okay now I know its only 4 hours from Vienna to get there this has now joined my list of places to visit...
  22. And whats wrong with A-4's for SEAD I generally go downtown Hanoi with one with eburger and co's modded Vietnam... and damn if it aint fun SAM's coming Mig's coming down and enough gunfire to walk home on... what more can a SEAD Junkie ask for ??? Was good enough for the US Navy...
  23. Who's Sopwith Snipe was this?

    Could be that it was paid for by the town as I know ships aircraft in both World Wars where paid for this way or part paid for... but as you said we will never know...
  24. Old school video games...

    I was keeping it simple... I work with Lawyers...

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