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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. It's fragmentation proof or as I liked to say it will hold your brains together... it would stop a low powered round at best... a round from an AK forget it... also as to body armour when I was in we had flak jackets that would keep your innards together while not stopping much on the other way... oh and weighed in at quite a bit. Must admit I hated them and tried not wear them as they also interfered with my shooting... but hey thats me...
  2. Honorable Discharge

    Congrats and welcome to civvie street and may your life be enjoyable...
  3. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    Must remember patience... and to keep stocks of keyboards up as I keep drooling on them either that or its Lunch... I said it before and I will say it again... those pictures look amazing and can I pre-order ??? Seriously guys how have you turned the battered damaged CFS3 into this thing of beauty and art ???
  4. If WW1 was a Bar Fight

    I have worked for the government and now work for a law firm and you insanity is very very high on the list...
  5. If WW1 was a Bar Fight

    I will ask this question then... Why is it that a Sane man can declare you insane, yet an Insane man cannot declare you sane by law... surely the insane man can declare you sane as he has had more experience...?
  6. Harrier Gr.3 high resolution model

    The centreline bomb was carried by both the RN and RAF Harriers as they would throw one at an Argentinian position when they where near them to keep up the pressure on them especially during night sorties as these would make sleep difficult... As to the GR3 she is pretty looks like a super detailed model...
  7. If WW1 was a Bar Fight

    Insane you say I thought that was just part and parcel of being English or is it just me... and as to humour there is always amusement and laughter somewhere but to me the more the merrier... Back to the topic thats a good way of putting it I have seen it before and still makes me smile... provided we remember the wars and the mistakes that led to them we will never forget. We must always remember the mistakes so we don't make them again.
  8. I am still flying... I will be planning a new campaign next week once I have settled in my new apartment.
  9. Nice the Hunter still looks great after all these years... and is fun to fly
  10. Semi-OT...Guess What I'll Be Doing

    Nice... Looks like OFF life is about to take a new step for you...
  11. Spitfire

    That is the flaps indicator... too far out for the undercarriage...
  12. Ark on ebay!

    Good plan... can I bring my now out of date, Sea Harrier along for the fun ? also can we put a pool in ? I wonder if the bar will come fully stocked...
  13. At present I am seeming to be early years flying and modern era flying... as I havn't doen either for awhile especially WW1... and how could I ever forget the Scooter its one of my all time favourite jets... its just right low tech but extremely able... 12 Snakeyes down the length of the runway at 400kt's normally do the trick...
  14. JP233 of the bottom of a Tornado... the BAP-100 series of the French jets failing that large amounts of bombs all the way down the runway i.e. B-52 with 750lber's good for re-arranging the tarmac...
  15. mf mig-29

    Okay are all your Drivers up to date ? and is Windows up to date ? Have you tried it with changing any of the graphics settings for example turning down the cockpit textures and aircraft textures as the TMF jets are usually of a higher poly count than the other jets if I remember rightly... Does it happen with all the Warsaw Pact skinned jets ? Also something to try download the Arab Mig 29 pack and see if the same issue happens.
  16. mf mig-29

    Might be a good idea to advise what Graphics settings you are set up on...
  17. Spitfire

    Very nice looking... looks like a Vb without the cannon barrels. One thing you can always say about the Spitfire apart from the desert version with Volkes filter... she always looks pretty...
  18. Paul Blum's Story: A BHaH Pilot's Saga

    Excellent reading on quiet days... even for an ardent RFC man like me... shame my Strutters seem to fall out of the sky courtesy of a certain Mr Oswald Bloeke... 3 times now in RNAS 5 I have been shot down by him...
  19. F-15E Eagle tough as nails.

    If I remember in RL one guy brought it back with a lot more missing than that... Here's the Vid!!!
  20. Top Gun 2 in the works!

    The what... the are having a laugh as the gorgeous lady and thats the Tomcat won't be in it what is it ooo we ran out of new ideas lets rehash some old ones again...
  21. Personally I would go with the ATI as your going to be running an AMD chipset... I use ATI with AMD's and my SF2 OFF FSX never have given me cause to complain... I have been running them that way for the past 10 or so... So much that my next new PC has the Black Edition of the chip you will be running with an ATI Video card... But thats me I have seen some good looking stuff with the NVidia cards as well...
  22. Well after my daliance attempting to fly and land the Walfishe my pilot finally surrendered to the fates and got into a fight with a French ace who shot me to bits and as I was over some very hilly terrain my luck finally left the plane augered in after stalling... So after some thought I went back to what I know... The old trusty Sopwith Strutter in my opinion is one of the most underrated planes... So back to RNAS-5 to cause trouble by the sea... Take off easy landing easy shooting down an Ennie 63 shots from the Vickers up front and job complete getting bounced shortly afterwards byhis 3 mates was great fun I was dancing all over the sky putting shots into them all, my wingmen where nowhere to be seen, dragged the fight over some flak and the Ennies gave up and went home 2 smoking... Comparing the Strutter to the Rolland CII... The Strutter doesnt have the speed but it climbs better and does to me turn better also it doesnt have problems down near stall speed. Take off and landings for me are also easier in the Strutter I can just firewall the throttle and away we go the Roland needs more care. Of the 2 planes the Strutter is the easier to fly the Roland though has the advantage of speed which means you can force the engagement and dive away when required the Strutter though doesn't have this advantage but it does move better and is great fun for doing stall turns... For the beginner the Strutter is the plane and even though I have flown it many many times and love it dearly it still returns me home well most times and no fear on the landings... I will return to the Roland once I have built up more experience in flying again though...
  23. Back to being British...

    Thanks guys... well the breakfasts could have something to do with it Herr Olham as here in Vienna its one thing I have missed... oh Dont forget the Apple Pie the Sunday afternoon roast... I will be going back in the air on the German side as I have an Ennie Pilot set up as well... So I can compare side by side the start of the war... and see what happens
  24. Jasta39 Alb OAW in Italy

    Nice looking crate you have there...
  25. Forgive me, Father

    Welcome back to the front... I spent 4 months away due to moving countries, I am loving the challenge of getting back into the air it is good for the old grey matter. Shame I can't land the Walfisch with any style at all...

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