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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Janes Advanced Strike Fighters

    Well TK's Sim-game is something most people on this site come back to over and over and over again... when I was going on secondment with my job to Vienna I was worried about if the laptop I had could handle it so I put Version 1 on and sat and missed SF2 simply because I didn't know if it would run... after a few weeks I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised that it did... Strike Fighters may be Sim-Lite but it isn't Sim-Dumb... and with the great people here its sometimes makes me frustrated just trying to complete a missions I mean 4 SA-3 batteries popping a SAM at me with an SA-8 along for good measure with 2 Flankers trying to kill me thats a bad day at the virtual office... and to be honest the allowance by TK to allow it to be modded from here to doomsday and back does make it a whole heap more interesting than a point and shoot flying game... but thats just me I guess...
  2. Almost done..

    I did 9 years 91 - 2000 give or take and I know what you mean leaving after spending so much time in the military going back to civilian life is not an easy challenge for some people. It wasn't for me anyway but thats the nature of the job... I spent my terminal leave travelling best thing I could have done I think... and now life is getting more relaxed I have found a job I love and it gives me a challenge mentally not so much physically... So all I will say is good luck out there in the deployment called civvie street... and be proud
  3. Harrier

    No are no AV-8's in SF2 it is just in SF1
  4. Now that A-1 as I said before looks good... Piecemeal that air base looks like a home away from home... and Blackbird... hmmm stop teasing us with that Buccaneer... oh go on then another picture or 12
  5. New Bike

    Okay you guys are making me feel sad... the only bike I have ridden so far this year for a few days was a Super Tenere...
  6. Greetings I know that there is a set of people playing WOV online but its been awhile since I was on there...
  7. WWI explained as a bar fight.

    Thats a great way of putting it...
  8. Okay I am not a fighter pilot, but I would think this would be based upon time of day the pilots eyesight also the conditions e.g. rain dust etc... also the terrain involved. Also I suppose how long he has been flying as well as the airspeed and height of the aircraft he was in... There is also the size of the target that he is trying to hit... Also how busy he is in the cockpit and maybe even what other aids he has at his finger tips e.g. a LANTIRN or other imaging device also Radar cueing.. There maybe a few others I have missed... but it comes down to all that and a bit more I would think.
  9. Fallout New Vegas

    Fallout New Vegas is to be Released Oct 22nd or there abouts... Here's the new Trailer Me I cant wait...
  10. Deus Ex:Human Revolution trailer

    I have always been paranoid about orange soda... Hopefully this will be more like the first one than the second...
  11. Paul Blum's Story: A BHaH Pilot's Saga

    Wonderful reading was a pleasant read. Makes me want to get back in my kite and start flying again... shame my kites 1200miles away...
  12. Now those do look good especially the top one...
  13. Happy Birthday, Jimbib!

    Happy Birthday...
  14. Chinese fighter jets train over Tibet

    Some of the English speakers dont speak English too well either... especially me on a Monday morning without Coffee...
  15. Now that looks good... and is a great prize for whoever wins it... just read the Blog...
  16. Mission editors I dont use one I use the in built single mission creator as I normally only fly Campaigns... I think there is one for SF2 but someone more knowledge in that area than me will have to advise... Also you will have to download all the files as they dont work on their own...
  17. Same issue I had which one to buy for the mods etc I started with SF2 Europe but I ended up buying them all anyway... made sense to me...
  18. Happy Birthday Spinners!

    Happy Birthday...
  19. Best update and addon that makes Vietnam a terror to fly in :- SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 1 - 4... Its in the SF2 addons folder... download all four and the update and go fly it has everything you need... There is enough in there to keep the most jaded of us in trouble... Flak you can walk on Enough SAM's to fly to Mars with and your missiles work as they did back then... in other words badly very badly. Its The Mod for Vietnam...
  20. Happy Birthday 76.IAP-Blackbird

    Happy Birthday...
  21. Also the Ka-52 looks good on foreign port visits when parked on deck instead of the old Hind thats been around since the dawn of time or so it seems... Whats more interesting is that the French are willing to sell the ships to the Russians... I wonder if they come with all the kit as in Radars etc...
  22. Alphasim Freeware

    Me I am sticking to the Combatace versions... I am not a big fan of the Alphasim stuff to be honest the detail is lacking in my humble opinion that is... as FC's Pictures show... Especially as well for a Payware company when you compare what they have produced to Razbams models... But it is nice of them to give them for free...
  23. What no Harsh language... tsk tsk...
  24. I got a question.

    Go out there and enjoy it... must admit when I was still serving we used to go paint balling and we had a good laugh because it was a good way to release stress etc... just remember thats all it is Fun... there are unfortunately some people out there who take it way too seriously... Good look and as I said have fun doing it.
  25. PT test results

    Always good to top 90%... So congrats... Nowadays I have just been cleared to start running after 13 years and there's no way I can get back to the fitness I was in back then. Just glad I can do gentle early morning runs again... with the emphasis on gentle or my Physioterrorist will attack me again...

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