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  1. Thanks Edward (nice terrain work by the way ) The Lafayette Esc. did not use Squadron numbers, preferring to use personal markings. The Nieuport 11s they started with were usually marked with the initials of the pilot's name. Thaw continued this practice throughout the Escadrille's existence, the other pilots varied their markings with each new plane.
  2. I'm pretty much a novice with the decals, it takes a bit of work to get some of the decals so they dont look like they are just 'pasted on'- I only started looking into decal-making with these skins. I did use decals for the Indian logo and some of the serial numbers but using decals for the other markings seemed a bit daunting at the time.
  3. Just uploaded 8 Lafayette Escadrille Nieuport 17 skins to CA. Thanks go out to MontyCZ and TexMurphy for the N17. Whiskey says thanks too.

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