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SimCombat.org - Moreno

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About SimCombat.org - Moreno

  1. Just saw Dante at Hardsoft in TV

    Any chance that somebody recorded the presentation? Dante: Do you think about releasing the footage on youtube? Just inform me, so I will write an article on http://www.simcombat.org Cheers, Moreno
  2. Cruzex IV photos

    Hey Silverbolt! Nice photos! Would it be OK if I used the photos for a news-post on my site: http://www.simcombat.org ?? All the best, Moreno
  3. SimCombat.org | News-Site

    Dear Jet Thunder Devs, I couldn't find an E-Mail Adress, so I post here: I would like to ask you to send news to me, as I will post them on my News-Blog: http://www.simcombat.org/submit-news/ or use "news at simcombat.org" I'm looking forward to supporting your great game by expanding the community! Moreno
  4. SimCombat.org | News-Site

    Hey community, I put together a little non-profit news-site / blog called simcombat.org ! It would be nice if you could support me by using the news form under " http://www.simcombat.org/submit-news/ " to inform me about rumours and interesting stuff you hear. CombatAce Team: I added your site to my links section. Let's share our hobby! All the best, Moreno Edit: Sorry if I put the post in the wrong forum...Feel free to move me... ;)

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