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Everything posted by zmatt

  1. Too bad Prop FMs are broken.....
  2. Just flew this one. Had a pretty good time and my flight were pretty competent too. Flying F-86s against two flights of Mig 15s. One was Chinese the other was NKorean. Needless to saw, the sidewinders were useless.
  3. What I mean is the F-20 and the F-18 both share the same lineage except the F-18 became very successful. The F-18 is what the F-20 should have been, success wise.
  4. you have a good point. The F-18 is a direct descendant of the F-5. What the F-20 should have been.
  5. To Rovert97, nice ACU and MARPAT skins. They look pretty good.
  6. I guess he doesn't want to make one after all.
  7. Well maybe they should get some guns! lol. I just flew a mission with the stock J and I tried an immelmann with full AF. The thing stalled and then went into a flat spin.
  8. Speaking of the SU-30. I used that mod and it mentioned .tga files that didn't exist. So the canards on mine are naked.
  9. How do you get around the lack of hud problem? And will you be making a custom F-35 pilot?
  10. I have gotten a few MoHs in the game. Mostly when I shoot down an impossible number of aircraft.
  11. ok so really the only thing I was doing wrong was trying to use Boresight mode at bvr ranges.
  12. I haven't had a chance to work on a mod yet so I am interested in getting my feet wet. I have looked over the decal tutorials and I think with some experimenting I can get something to work. PM me and we can talk. EDIT: After looking over some images of the YF-17 it seems that there are some fairly major structural differences between it and the bug. Here is a YF-17 with an F-18 sketched over top. Its not very clear but you can see some differences.
  13. ^ good point. Although I find that at least in my experience the early sparrows tend to hit their targets more often than the early sidewinders. I flew an intercept mission with the F4-E and tried using search mode. It worked but I found that once you get within 10nm search really doesn't lock on that much and you have to switch to boresight. Is that standard procedure?
  14. Sorry, I have just been using the Boresight/Air Combat mode to engage targets. Whenever I got into range to fire missiles I always switched over to those.
  15. Wait, you can lock on with search mode? This has never worked for me. How do you do that?
  16. Yeah I have tried going into the stock hangers, ended up taking the wings off me even though I didn't touch the walls.
  17. wow how did he survive? I have taken out badgers with far less damage than that.
  18. I've been flying the F-110 wraith mod for some time now. Its a great plane but for some reason WoV and WoE want to load AIM-26 falcons on the sparrow stations. I went to the data.ini to check it out and the sparrow stations, they don't have active homing missles listed and they even have AIM-26 listed as not allowed to be loaded. But for some reason the sparrows are absent and the falcons take their place. Does anyone know why this is?
  19. wow that did it. Hard to believe. I thought that the sparrow would be a USAF weapon too, not just a NATO weapon.
  20. I just checked the sparrow stations against some other phantoms of mine and the load limit is actually higher on the f-110, so that isn't the issue. Here is one fo the sparrow stations. Does anything look odd? [SparrowStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=6 StationGroupID=4 StationType=SEMI_RECESSED AttachmentPosition=-0.501,5.07,-0.84 AttachmentAngles=2.0,0.0,2.0 MissileRollAngle=45.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=231.5 AllowedWeaponClass=SAHM AttachmentType=USAF MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= NotAllowedWeapon=AIM-26A NotAllowedWeapon=AIM-26B Here is the F-4E for comparison [SparrowStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=6 StationGroupID=4 StationType=SEMI_RECESSED AttachmentPosition=-1.08,-0.65,-0.87 AttachmentAngles=0.0,2.0,5.0 MissileRollAngle=45.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=226.8 AllowedWeaponClass=SAHM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= Thanks for the help.
  21. The F-35s helmet looks badass!
  22. Nuclear delivery techniques

    I don't think the crews were necessarily intended to survive such an attack.
  23. A-10 Vs. F-18

    I don't see why the A-10 needs to be replaced. It's great at what it does and I would argue that no other attack aircraft combines the firepower, survivability and the endurance of one. Not to mention the psychological effects on our guys when they hear the buzz of its gun. I think to money went in the right place. The A-10 is in no threat of being made obsolete, but the F-15 is.
  24. Hyper Hogs rule! Later this month I'm going to get to see the #2 bird again when we visit Wright Pat. I'm looking forward to it. It's such a cool plane. What kind of A2A capability did it have?
  25. I am really excited about the E. We have been lacking a single seat SH for some time now. I'm sure you guys will make a great bird.

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