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Posts posted by Jaman

  1. Depende más de los mapas que de otra cosa. Se podría hacer la guerra del Sidi Ifni, la intervención de la OTAN en Kosovo, la de ahora en Libia.....Aparte de los ficticios, a los que tampoco les veo problema. Al fín y al cabo Strike Fighters y Wings over Europe son escenarios ficticios. No cuesta nada mandar unos escuadrones a defender Dhimar o Alemania u organizar la marimorena contra Marruecos en el mapa de España. Con el nuevo juego, incluso mandar el Príncipe de Asturias con sus Harrier a apoyar a la US Navy.....

    ¿Quizás una intervención en Vietnam? ¿Un conflicto moderno con Marruecos? ¿Participación con la OTAN en Iran? ¿Llegada de los Sovieticos a los pirineos tras arrasar el resto de Europa?

  2. Extraño. El error que comentas es un error común al usar un pack de armas destinado a una versión anterior del juego sin pasarlo antes por la versión correcta del editor.

  3. You need to add the vortex effect to the xxx_DATA.ini, here is an example:









    This would add a vortex effect defined in the effect file called WingtipVortexEmitter to the outer left wing that will start at a 2.5G turn.


    If you want to copy the F-16 effects to another plane, just find those lines and copy them over to the same section of the other plane. You may have to play with VortexPosition= to get it right.



    EDIT: MigBuster beat me to it :P

  4. http://combatace.com...0007-briefing9/




    The s**t has hit the fan.


    This day was supposed to be the start of a new bombing campaign against the reds, a campaign that would have pushed them kicking and screaming into China. Our squadron was ordered to bomb some ammunition factories at Wonsan.



    Even though our mission was a success, the campaign itself is in danger, the whole air superiority is in danger. The Mig-15 has arrived. A bitch capable of outgun, outmanouver and outclimb every and all of our jet fighters actually present in Korea.



    We were lucky to arrive early. We dropped our bombs 5 minutes before any other airplane reached their assigned targets and quickly went RTB. As we were egressing a battle in the air erupted right behind us.

    The B-29s were the first ones to spot the Migs. Soon two of them fell down in flames. The F-84s and Panthers joined the fight after dropping their bombs, but to little effect. They just could not keep up with the Migs.



    We arrived back to base without problems, but I´m not sure if we will be so lucky next time.

  5. http://combatace.com...0002-briefing8/




    Some naval interdiction for the 80th. Recon Navy units have spotted a North Korean cargo ship moving close to the coast from Vladivostok, probably in rute to Sondok. Our orders were to sink it.


    Once again the weather was pleasent. On our way to the target several other planes joined us, a couple of F-51 Mustangs tasked with the destruction of the port AAA guns and four F-84s who had to escort us.

    And a good thing the Thunderjets were there because a pair of Yaks jumped us just 10 miles away from the target. The F-84 did their job and engaged in a heated dogfight with the reds.


    Thanks to that we could engage the ship that was already leaving the port full speed ahead. My wingman beat me to it and dropped his 1000lb bombs right into the target causing a tremendous explosion. A few minutes later the ship was resting at the bottom of the sea.


    (I wanted to take screenshoots of the explosion by my wingman was faster than I expected and caught me off guard, I couldn´t take any)


    We were RTB when I heard one of the F-84s screaming for help with a Yak right on his tail (for crying out loud, couldn´t he just speed up and leave it behind?). I turned on him, climbing a little and then I saw the Yak around 3000ft below me going the opposite direction. I took the chance and dived on him sending a 3 second burst right on top of him that sawed his nose off completly. After that me and the Thunderjets went RTB reaching home sound and safe.


  6. "The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy."


    Sorry, too busy revolting right now.



  7. http://combatace.com...9930-briefing7/




    The reds have launched an offensive against the city of Seul. The 80th squadron was ordered to support the 1st Armored division defending the city.

    The flight to Seul was uneventful, the good weather allowed us good visual of everyhing up to several miles. We must have arrived at the city too soon, because nothing was happening.

    I thought it could have been a false alarm when the radio chattered something about enemy troops. Soon the whole city was englufed into an all out battle with T-34 tanks rolling through the streets opposed by our own Shermans.



    Without losing a moment me and my wingmen dived, dropping bombs and launching rockets all over the place. The effect seemed to be minimal. Then we engaged with our .50cal machineguns, not the best thing to attack a T-34, specially when they decide to jam (why would anyone decide to keep this guns as our main weapons 5 years after the second world war, is beyond me).



    As we kept trying to strafe them, the reds kept pushing and eventually they´ve got to the center of the city where they stopped. We fought until the ammo ran out. I called RTB and we moved home, once again, without any opposition from the North Korean air force.



    Even though they conquered the center of the town, it seems their casualties were too high and had to retread shortly after. Our mission was considered as a success, although my wingmen effectiveness was less than amusing (I´d very much like to choke them myself).

  8. Have been rather uninspired to play Korea, so after spent quite a few days flying over Flanders, Cambrai and Israel; I´m back to business.





    Pretty much rutinary recon mission over Sondok port. Climbed to 20000ft for a comfortable journey there and swimmed through the AAA fire to get the pictures. Nothing else to report, quite a boring mission.



  9. One more thing, would it be too hard to use proper grammar, composition and if nothing else, spell check? This is a forum board where most of the senior members have an education above the sixth grade level, this is not a chat box or IM program. I am at the point that my impression of some members here, based on their posts went to school with Jethro Bodine, google it, how one expresses one's self sets the tone of any responses you will receive. It is "you" not "u" and "you're" not "ur". Speak either the Queens English or the Yank equivalent, don't make us look more backward than we are.


    Time for a double Glenlivet, who's with me?

    I agree about writting like this is a sms or a chatbox. But mind you that, for some people, english is not their mother lenguage (like me, for instance) so spelling and grammar errors are to be expected.

    • Like 1

  10. donde puedo encontrar helicopteros para strike fighters que no sean los que vienen aqui?....algo como un cobra o un chinook ....salu2

    A lo que te dijo firehakordy añadir que para consultas en Español mejor utiliza el subforo que encontrarás más abajo. Si no por otro motivo al menos porque la gran mayoría de hispano-hablantes del foro se reunen allí y por tanto las posibilidades de obtener una respuesta son mayores.


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