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Everything posted by tiopilotos

  1. I tried to do exactly this thing but it seems that this doesn't work in my case. I also can't understand why many weapons from weapon pack don't include any lod files. Do they share them with the stock stuff?
  2. I have the same problem. When mission loads, stops at 100% and then pc stops working. The only difference is that I haven't installed the latest patch.
  3. I had this problem too for a while. The actual problem was that there was not an explosion on a single aircraft, but there was a collision between aircrafts from the same formation on the runway, just before take off. As fas as I can remember the problem was appearing on some terrains and only when I had selected red side aircrafts. The problem was that for some reason, two or more aircrafts had been starting exactly from the same position, so If I had selected "hard" for collision in menu then there was just and explosion and the player's aircraft had always been between the ones that were collided.
  4. So, which factor refers to the maximum missile range? In which way I can edit the maximum range for each missile?
  5. After I installed the latest patch, I realised that I can't extend the mission dates beyond the stock dates. I have a merged install of the four SF2 titles. With previous patches I could select for example to fly with a Phantom in 2010. Now I can oly select the stock dates. I edited the allowed dates in the terrain_name.ini of each of the four terrains but nothing happened. I also extended the service years in the data.ini of some aircrafts but again nothing. Any help? Thanks!
  6. Just a few changes in options.ini were enough! Thanks Stary!
  7. This specific camo was used for the US T/A-7Es which were transferred to Hellenic Air Force in early 90s. T/A-7Hs which were bought in mid 70s had and still have the usual camo which has white colour in the air intake. Just to mention that the real colour is darker.
  8. Thanks MigBuster! By changing AntiAliasing parameter, jagged edges disappeared and everything is OK. Also thanks for your reply in thirdwire forums.
  9. Actually I have the same problem with the jagged edges but my OS is Win 7. Before May 2011 patch there was no such problem indeed. Can someone help?
  10. SA-8 "9K33 Osa" SAM system doesn't appear in the game. I have all the SF2 games merged and according to SA-8_userlist.ini many european and middle east countries have used this system since 1975 but in the game the SA-8 vehicles-lauchers don't appear.
  11. SA-8 problem

    Thanks Blade! When I made the change you said SA-8 appeared and is very effective! I can't understand though why a mobile SAM system needs to be mentioned as mobile AAA.
  12. SA-8 problem

    For example, Syria is included in the IsraelME terrain and started using SA-8 since 1983 but when I choose SEAD missions after 1983, SA-8 SAM system doesn't appear.
  13. Mig-21 LODs are included in game's objects folder so you need to add a cockpit, avionics and a data.ini In SF2 downloads section there is a Mig-21 pack (the most recent is # 7 I think) that makes Mig-21F / MF / PF /PFM / PFV flyable.
  14. Nice model, thanks! What about the MF single seat export version? Will be released soon? Thanks again!
  15. I have this small problem when I reinstalled SF2 Europe. After the installation of Jun 2010 patch some Mig aircrafts (Mig-17, Mig-17F, Mig-17PF, Mig-21F, Mig-21PF, Mig-21PFM and Su-7BM) have only the SovietSilver1 skin. When I made the unpack from the ObjectData00X all the skins were OK. The problem is that just in the mods folder the aircrafts above don't include the other skins but only the classic soviet silver.
  16. As said before when I unpacked the ObjectData00X files the skins were OK. I could see for example the Polish Mig-17PF camo or the Chech Su-7BM camo but in the saved game folder there was only the SovietSilver1 skin. MigBuster asked if the Soviets actually use other skins in any of the campaigns. Answer is probably no. I couldn't see other skins in the above aircraft types except for the classic soviet silver. I made the Mig-21PFM flyable and selected 1980 as mission year because some camos were used after 1975. Again only soviet silver was available. I can't understand why in the objects .cat files everything is OK and in the saved game folder skins don't appear. Also to mention that for some reason the standard missions F-4E VS Mig-21MF, F-15A VS Mig-23M, etc in the mission menu are not available.
  17. How can a Tu-22M3 not be affected by 110 rounds of DEFA 553 ??? While flying an intercept mission with a Mirage F.1C the AIM-9P sidewinders couldn't cause serious damage to Tu-22M3, so I got at a shorter range and started firing all the rounds. I don't know why but at least 110 rounds hit the bomber and at the end, there was no serious damage on the aircraft !!! Has this bomber a great resistance over missiles and guns or there are some specific changes I have to make in some of the Tu-22M3's inis ?
  18. As fas as I can understand the medium / long range missiles can cause greater damage than the short range missiles but Tu-22M3 seems to have a great resistance over short range missiles and guns. Even the B-52 stock aircraft which uses very effective countermeasures against R-40, R-23/24, R-27 missiles can not stand many rounds on its fuselage plus the engines can easily catch fire. For some reason Tu-22M3 can stand many gun rounds but are very vulnerable on surface to air systems especially on MIM-23, which is proved to be super effective.
  19. No, I mean the runway lights. Approach lights are OK.
  20. Simply one of the greatest mods ever! Many thanks to every person involved in this project. Just one question. Many air bases have not lights on runway. I want to change it so that every AB can have runway lights. Any ideas?
  21. I have a problem with the MF A-7H on SF2. Markings of air force are not dispalyed. Any help? Thanks
  22. Since there is such a complete pack for A-7, I think there is no reason to modify the existing SF1 A-7H. To be honest I had seen this great pack before but I had totaly forgotten to download it! Anyway thanks for your help and your reminder!
  23. I did this and the air force markings are shown now but the S/N numbers are not shown! I probably have to make some more changes. Any ideas? Thanks.

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