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Everything posted by tiopilotos

  1. I don't know about you guys but I tried to download it 2 times, some minutes before and the size of the rar file was only 145 KB.
  2. OK, I will come back later with some screenshots maybe. I made some changes in F-4E. I selected display ranges at 10, 20, 30 and 45 nm and maximum lock on range at 30 nm. When the enemy F-5s were at 12' o clock at 50 nm my radar didn't show them. Some seconds later when distance was shorter at about 44-45 nm the radar showed them!
  3. A complete pack for sure. Actually I think that the best way to make this pack is to create the aircraft model and then to create detailed skins for each air force user. If mou make a complete pack with 6 different aircrafts (Mirage 2000B - TH - BM - DP - BG - DAD) the final size of the add on will be very big. In general that's my opinion about aircraft add ons. I prefer the basic aircraft model and then detailed skins for each user or even squadron. What about the single export version of Mirage 2000 AdA? Does somebody know when will it be available? Thanks.
  4. I tried to verify what you said but when I modified the range settings the actual search range is also affected. Anyway, Thanks guys, I will try to experiment with different values in these parameters.
  5. Thanks cocas but I have an another question. How can I modify the lock on range in search mode? For example, if an aircraft has 4 ranges in search mode 10,20,40 and 80 nm and the maximum lock on range is on 20 nm, how can I change it to be in 40 nm ?
  6. SU20BSuez2_110.JPG

    Which terrain is this? Looks like a modified version of SF2 Israel.
  7. I think the small treasure here is the greek F-102A. Never seen it before at any simulator. Some things about the greek delta daggers: In 1969, 20 F-102A and 2 TF-102A entered service with the greek air force. They remained in service until their replacement by Mirages F.1CG in 1975-77. F-102 is probably the aircraft which had the shortest service in the greek AF.
  8. Geia sou re patriotaki! First pic is from Formosa and third pic is from Modern Warfare Korea terrain.
  9. I was wondering if there are any plans to see an Arab 1982 Lebanon War campaign.
  10. My mistake was that I have been checking manueverability with 80-100% internal fuel. Sorry for not being careful. Aircraft is just perfect!
  11. Just a great work! A great trainer for SF2! Also liked the skins! many thanks!
  12. Nice cockpit but there's no gunsight! You have to guess where the ammo sould go. Even without gunsight I managed to finish my first campain in the syrian side of the 6 day war flying a Mig-19S with a total of 26 kills!
  13. I had once read a manual about Mirage 2000 and If I remember correct at about 340 kts the aircraft could reach 9 g at low altitude. Some pics of mine:
  14. Agree... Just wanted to mention these 2 disadvantages. I appreciate the work of the people who worked on this mod and I believe that if these 2 will be improved, this project would be perfect!
  15. After some playing I have to say that in general the model is very good! Cockpit and HUD are also very realistic! Moreover there are 2 problems I think. Acceleration at supersonic speeds and manueverability. All aircraft models M2000-C1/C3/C4/C5 and M2000-5F can reach the maximum speed of 2.19 mach (which is the real maximum speed) after long time. Aircraft accelerates very slowly after 1.0 mach. Also the aircraft isn't as manueverable as the other Mirages 2000 of combat.ace in greater speeds than 300 kts. For example this aircraft at 330 kts can manuever with about 7.5 - 7.8 G at an instant turn while others from combat.ace can manuever with at least 8.5 G at 330 kts which I think is more realistic. If these two can be fixed this Mirage 2000 model will be awesome! I'm also waiting for the nexr versions (Greek, Egyptian, Indian, Peruvian, UAE etc) Yes, I am a Mirage 2000 fan!
  16. I have a problem last weeks with the SF2 Europe. Game crashes many times and in most cases I can't finish the mission. Game crashes usually when the explosion effects appear in the screen and in some other cases when game is paused for more than 10-15 seconds. I would be grateful for any help.
  17. Game crash!

    I haven't reseated the cards and I haven't played the game with one card. I think it's a good idea to see if SF 2 runs with one ATI HD 4850.
  18. Game crash!

    I used the latest catalyst version and also I lowered the graphics level but problem still existed. It makes impression to me because this problem started when I had used one or two terrains that propably were not campatible with SF2. On the other hand there's no problem when using the WoE even in the highest graphics. I also had this problem with Flamming Cliffs 2 but notice something! Lock On FC 2 was working fine untill the problem with SF2 appeared!!!
  19. Game crash!

    No, just the Feb 2010 patch, no mods.
  20. Game crash!

    I reinstalled SF2 and I think I find out what's the problem. When game is not patched everything is OK but after the February 2010 patch is installed the same think. Screen turns dark and after that pc shuts down. I can see that graphics of SF2 are greater when use February 2010 patch and I think that with some way this has to do the need of power supply for video card. I use two cards ATI HD 4850 and as far as I know two video cards need more power supply than one. Maybe I need a PSU which can provide at least 700 or 800 Watts.
  21. Game crash!

    There's also an another thing. In SF2 I use add on aircrafts from 1st gen. I only put them in Saved Games/Thirdwire/Strike Fighters 2 Europe/Objects/Aircraft. Is that OK? Someone in another forum told me that I can't use so simple 1st gen aircrafts in SF2.
  22. Game crash!

    Here are some features of my PSU: -Universal input 100V - 240V & active PFC (PF>0.99) -Powerful +12V rail. Combined loading of 60A (750W), 62A (850W), 72A (1000W) -Supports Quad Core CPU and all Multi-Core GPU technologies
  23. Game crash!

    The maximum power consumption of the card is rated at 110 watts. Maximum power for PSU is 500 watts. But I think I forgot to mention something important. I use 2 cards ATI HD 4850.
  24. Game crash!

    OK, I will try to be as detailed as I can. When game crashes I don't get any error messages, the screen turns black and after 3-4 seconds the computer shuts down! I use the ATI HD 4850 version along with driver Catalyst 9.6 and in the game I use unlimited graphics. When I installed the driver for ATI, I used Windows XP but now I use Windows 7. At the beggining there was no problem but after some time, SF2 Europe started crashing when using some specific terrains like Korea or Desert without doing something. Simply after some time the screen turned black and the pc shut down. Later if the game was paused for more than 10-15 seconds, same thing, screen blacken and pc shut down. I decided to install SF2 Israel to see if there would be any difference. In SF2 Israel things were worse! (Same graphisc selected) I couldn't finish neither one mission! Now I use only SF2 Europe and in every terrain I have this problem. SF2 Europe is updated to June 2010. As described before, most times the game crashes when the explosion effects appear in the screen. In SF2 Europe I use the Hollywood explosions. As said above at the beggining there was no problem. I thought if there is some problem with the performance of the PC so I made a scan in the whole hard disc. No viruses no threats in general. To be honest I can't remember if the unlimited graphics were in use before the problem appear. Because I think that before this problem I used limited graphics but I'm not sure. Anyway as said at the beggining there were no failures or game crashes.
  25. Game crash!

    Windows 7 Home Premium Intel ® Core 2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93 GHz 2.93 GHz RAM 4 GB ATI Radeon HD 4800

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