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About Cpt.Cosmos

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Inverness - Highlands of Scotland


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  1. Tornado F.3 AOP

  2. F-15SG v1.0

  3. Christopher Titus

    As a rule.... I don't normally watch American sitcoms (I'm on the other side of the pond), but the The Big Bang Theory is broadcasted over here. FC's vid reminded me of the scene below, the perfect follow up to his post. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3qB4u-dzgw&NR=1 Comedy has no borders! Cpt.C
  4. The Person Below Me

    False... I make them from my spaceship... The person below me believes we are not alone...
  5. What makes it even funnier is that the British, Daily Mail newspaper, has fallen for our very own British humour! The markings are Marham 31 Squadron, not Lossie' 617, and I think the black lines around the sign & glove, are a bit of a giveaway to some Photoshoping! We need FC to post some genuine laughs!!
  6. http://news.bbc.co.u...pe/10550430.stm The most inefficient part would be the pilot!
  7. Animal Rights Activists (SO FUNNY!)

    Hot dog in brine sir? No thanks, I'll have mine in urine!
  8. thank you for smoking!

    You can't beat making your own, hand rolled, Golden Virginia 'roll-up'! I also enjoy the occasional, fine quality, hand rolled cigar. Don't like 'taylor made' cigarettes because you can taste the filter. If your going to smoke, go the whole hog. Straight through, no filter, and taste that baccy!! I don't smoke in the presence of non-smokers, I respect their choice not to smoke, as much as (I hope) they respect my choice to do so.
  9. Good Bear! Eat more!

    I'm impressed that the bear had time for some pudding after it's main course!
  10. Happy birthday bobrock

    Happy Birthday Bobrock... I'm going for a flight in your Tornado F3 to celebrate!!

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