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Posts posted by Dutchy

  1. WOW!!!!! That looks good. What a great old war planes. And that 60 years after their duty over Europe or Pacific. :clapping:

    Where was this show? Was it in Chino? I know that they have old warplanes over there.

    Absoluty, I like sound of those planes.




  2. The Britons have also a "medal of honour" named Victoria Cross. And since the Falkland Conflict in the '80's is a new medal awarded to a soldier that served in Iraq. This time the man that get it is still alive (there 15 awarders since ww2 in live). Read this amazing story. http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0%2C3858%2...03550%2C00.html

    Would you know more about this medal, go to http://www.victoriacross.net/


    Thanks for the site of the Medal of Honour, I was looking on the internet for that.




  3. First things first, I am back. Why? I thought I quit with visiting this forum. But I look better and I thought: Why not visiting again?

    The reason to quit was the end of the Forums of Phantom and Warthog.

    But the Pub (give me a drink) and WW1 sims keep me stay here.


    About the last one I have a question: Hogpen13 are you also still visit this forum?

    You know we keep contact by mail or by you website.


    Salute friends of Biohazcentral,

    Dutchy is back in town!

  4. I heard it and not surprised. It is the continue story of Israël. Cease fire than a bomb, a raid on the house or family of the bomber. Than another bomb etc etc ...........Till somebody says: Cease Fire!! Week or maybe two, is it the same story.


    Salute and take care of yourself and family.



  5. The lock-out is going on and now is it for real. No NHL. For the support and fans in Canada and USA is it sad, but for the fans in Europe is a little good news. Here in Europe plays NHL players in teams. In Amsterdam for example they have Karl Dijkhuis (Montreal Canadians). When NHL was going on this season, all the stars went home, but now the lock-out is still going on the stay.


    Question to the hockeyfans here: "What for league are you looking at or are you watch old games and dvd's?"




  6. Hogpen13, when a forum is still quit will not say there is no news in the future, think about the C version of the Warthog. I hope the forum stays. And what the Phantom, there also still flying and when they retire than is it on that forum that I read it.


    And something else, I saw your new stile at your own site www.warthogpen.com. I like it. My plan was to mail you and congratulate with the new site update.




  7. Never heard of that crash in Israël. So many soldiers died. Most big crashes I heard about it.

    A CH-53 (all types) can take a lot of people or equipment in it.

    So when one comes down and it is a full house, than is it always a big disaster.

    Sorry, I have to say, when a plane or helicopter went down than is it nearly always a disaster. Never mind how many are in it.



    even about the remark en remembrance Auschwitz.

    I did watch tv yesterday and I was impressed. The queen of mine country was the

    seven or eight person that lay a candle on the gravemarks (were that gravemarks?).





  8. I heard it to yesterday of the CH-53 Stallion. One word: "terrible".

    What was the reason that it come down? A rocket or engine faillure?




    Auschwitz, that also been rememberd in mine country the Netherlands.

    Our president, queen her son and his wife go to Auschwitz today.

    The whole week you can see people talking about it on tv or in the newspapers.





  9. Groen, I hope you get mine message.

    If not, I put what I wrote also here.

    I was 5 year when Olympic Lake Placid was. I heard and seen the pictures later. Sorry that I never heard about your dad that he was in the team.


    I have some tips for you. Maybe you can ask at www.nijb.nl (official dutch icehockey site) and www.ijshockey.com for more information. On the last are links to Dutch teams. And maybe you find there more.


    Maybe had your father played in a Dutch team as Heerenveen, Tilburg or other.


    About over few weeks had Feenstra Flyers Heerenveen a reunion event.

    Players from early eighties (some played with your father in Lake Placid) are there. I go also, to see what the olds do now. And maybe when I can ask questions to them I shall ask if they remember Norman Groen.

    The coach of Amsterdam has also played in Lake Placid and is famous in the Dutch Icehockey. So I hope I can ask him about your dad.


    Let me know and keep me up with your search, I do what I can do for you.




  10. I know the the Dutch team U20 is playing and winning games in Rumanian.


    But what saw I yesterday evening?

    A friendly game between Flyers Heerenveen vs Amsterdam Bulldogs.

    Amsterdam won 2-3. :sad:

    They had a NHL player in their team since last monday.

    His name is Karl Dykuis and playing for Montreal Canadians. :)

    He score the second goal for the Bulldogs.



    I get a autograph of him on mine cap. A cap of the team Heerenveen, that is what I support. :clapping:




  11. I think everybody has seen on tv how the quake makes a disaster in Asia. Thousends killed, woundend and missing.

    It is not nice when I woke up yesterday morning turned on the tv and see those pictures.

    By my self I have no family or friends their. Lucky for me.

    But for the people their, they have no luck.




  12. It is now exactly a year after his arrest. He was in a foxhole. His sons died by their arrest a few weeks before. And he...he was a chicken in a hole in the ground.

    Now is it a year further and there still no proses to get him forever in jail or maybe capitol punishment (the death).

    The situation is not good in Iraq and to many soldiers die.

    It is time to take action and bring the bastard where he belongs.....hell!!


    Salute to all they are in or were in Iraq.

    You have support at home.




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