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Everything posted by B52STRATO

  1. Rare photo from WW2 Burma

    Mitsubishi J2M Raiden a.k.a 'Jack'. This is an amazing piece of archive!
  2. Less than a week remaining

    Shots and news from the last 72H. Pluto and Charon dancing together, rendered by Ralph (Multi-spectral Visible Imaging Camera) from July 8 Houston, We Have Geology It began as a point of light. Then, it evolved into a fuzzy orb. Now – in its latest portrait from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft – Pluto is being revealed as an intriguing new world with distinct surface features, including an immense dark band known as the “whale.” As the newest black and white image from New Horizons’ Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) appeared on the screen before members of the science team, they reacted with joy and delight, seeing Pluto as never before. There will be many more moments to come, as new images are received and New Horizons speeds closer to a July 14 flyby after a journey of three billion miles. “We’re close enough now that we’re just starting to see Pluto’s geology,” said New Horizons program scientist Curt Niebur, NASA Headquarters in Washington, who’s keenly interested in the gray area just above the whale’s “tail” feature. “It’s a unique transition region with a lot of dynamic processes interacting, which makes it of particular scientific interest.” New Horizons’ latest image of Pluto was taken on July 9, 2015 from 3.3 million miles (5.4 million kilometers) away, with a resolution of 17 miles (27 kilometers) per pixel. At this range, Pluto is beginning to reveal the first signs of discrete geologic features. This image views the side of Pluto that always faces its largest moon, Charon, and includes the so-called “tail” of the dark whale-shaped feature along its equator. (The immense, bright feature shaped like a heart had rotated from view when this image was captured.) “Among the structures tentatively identified in this new image are what appear to be polygonal features; a complex band of terrain stretching east-northeast across the planet, approximately 1,000 miles long; and a complex region where bright terrains meet the dark terrains of the whale,” said New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern. “After nine and a half years in flight, Pluto is well worth the wait.” Tantalizing signs of geology on Pluto are revealed in this image from New Horizons taken on July 9, 2015 from 3.3 million miles (5.4 million kilometers) away. At this range, Pluto is beginning to reveal the first signs of discrete geologic features. This image views the side of Pluto that always faces its largest moon, Charon, and includes the so-called “tail” of the dark whale-shaped feature along its equator. (The immense, bright feature shaped like a heart had rotated from view when this image was captured. Among the structures tentatively identified in this new image are what appear to be polygonal features; a complex band of terrain stretching east-northeast across the planet, approximately 1,000 miles long; and a complex region where bright terrains meet the dark terrains of the whale. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
  3. Chef kills 45 ISIS in a single night

    I am sure there will be someone out there who will find a way to put out the Geneva Protocol on this Chief for bacteriological warfare.
  4. Less than a week remaining

    A bit more news from yesterday This map of Pluto, created from images taken from June 27-July 3, 2015, by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on New Horizons, was combined with lower-resolution color data from the spacecraft's Ralph instrument. The center of the map corresponds to the side of Pluto that will be seen close-up during New Horizons' July 14 flyby. This map gives mission scientists an important tool to decipher the complex and intriguing pattern of bright and dark markings on Pluto's surface. Features from all sides of Pluto can now be seen at a glance and from a consistent perspective, making it much easier to compare their shapes and sizes. The elongated dark area informally known as "the whale," along the equator on the left side of the map, is one of the darkest regions visible to New Horizons. It measures some 1,860 miles (3,000 kilometers) in length. Directly to the right of the whale’s "snout" is the brightest region visible on the planet, which is roughly 990 miles (1,600 kilometers) across. This may be a region where relatively fresh deposits of frost—perhaps including frozen methane, nitrogen and/or carbon monoxide—form a bright coating. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
  5. No surprise- Another Intercept!

    At this time it looks more like a "Knock-knock" joke. - Who's there ? - Bear - Bear who ? - Bear witness - ...calling Raptors

    Happy 4th of July !! And as I've always loved to tick a bit off my American neighbors, here is a little gift to celebrate this Independance Day
  7. yes..lets just do it!

    By the way give the last Victor her flight authorization back, this couple just wait to work together again.

    You remember me this excellent Italian commentator
  9. Impatient to read the part that will be reserved to your Crusaders history.
  10. Remove cat before flight

    Well we French people have a long cooperation with cats in air and space, as Félicette has discovered onboard a Véronique rocket in 1963
  11. Arnie the prankster

    I would have asked him "Buddy you got a dead cat in there?"
  12. Prepare for the battle of Hoth !

    Apart from these today usual ever present user in-game manual, it looks awesome ! And what a pleasure to see air units again present on ground battles, it was a miss in the second.
  13. My Apologies to French Members......

    Well, your forces (Cruiser Tanks units the first) were even less tender in mockery with the Italians in North-Africa (alas this was taken seriously and many today in our Western world are convinced that apart the men from the Ariete division, all others only were pasta eater pussies who ran away and/or gave up without ever fighting). Anyway, as I used to say to my friends from UK, the Froggy I am is proud to be the target of you Tea Timers. Our two great Nations have always been linked. And if we have been the oldest enemies, we were the greatest allies. I could only wish one thing to those strictly looking to separate us : that a Jaguar make screaming her Rolls-Royce Adour with SNECMA afterbuters to burst their eardrums.
  14. Christopher Lee is dead

    I was about to wrote it. Terrible news... R.I.P.
  15. Seems like it was the case with SNEB rockets pods and small/medium sized bombs.
  16. Tank V Car

    He's truly what I would call a Challenger...
  17. Thank you streak, I had to look the books of Gordon and they seemed to be the most elaborate. It's a bit crazy so little has been written about their history, of course their careers were without operational commitments, but even in Russian literature it seems impossible to find a book about them.
  18. I was thinking about this too, the Egyptians sent them Mirage 5SDR for recon flights. If I remember correctly Egypt also captured one (or maybe more) Lybian Mirage 5DE during their short war in 77.
  19. Is someone know if a book covered the Sukhoi Su-9 and Su-11 ? I searched on several pages, but it seems that nothing ever was wrote on their own story.
  20. S-97 Raider First flight

    It sounds stupid, but its appearance gives the impression that it is as tough as a Revell model, this is obviously wrong. Anyway she is a beautiful machine.
  21. This article reminds me of the testimony of two formers from Soviet intelligence in 1995 "You know, one of our main sources were your journalists and magazines, we did ask our embassies to buy them and send them to us by diplomatic bag ".
  22. Aggressive, hard outside but soft inside, a true scarab.
  23. RIP BB King

    Terrible swat
  24. The right place, at the right time

    One of my great-uncles had served some years as a doctor aboard the french battleship Jean Bart, child he told me that they had to remove the light bulbs from their homes before each shot of the main 380 mm guns otherwise all of them burst throughout the ship.

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